Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

Pierre and Boudreaux was flying Cajun Airlines to da Mardi Gras. Boudreaux was flying da plane, and Pierre was in da back foolin’ wit da cargo equipment an’ stuff.

Da plane hit some turbulence an started bouncin’ around and Boudreaux got knocked unconscious. Den da plane start driftin’. Pierre come run up to da front an’ Boudreaux was sprawl out all over da steerin’ wheel.

Well, Pierre don't know nuttin bout flyin’ an’ he start to get panicky. He grab da microphone and holla "May Day! May Day! Dis is Cajun Air Line 90210. Boudreaux, him knock unconscious an’ I don’ know nuttin’ about flyin’ dis plane!"

"Dis is da control tower," Someone answer. "Don’ you worry a bout nuttin’. We gonna ‘splain how you to land dis plane, step by step, ah gar-own-tee! Just leave anyting ta us. First, how high you are, an whas you position?"

Pierre thought a minute, den say, "I'm five foot ten an’ I'm all da way to da front of da plane."

"No! No! No!" answer da tower. " What you altitude, an where you location?"

Pierre say, "Man, rat now ah got a po attitude, an ah'm from Thibodeaux, Laweezeeanna!"

" No! No! No!" came an exasperated voice. " Ah needs to know how many feet you got off da ground an how you plane in relation to da airport!"

Pierre, he start to panic by dis time. He say, "Countin’ Boudreaux's feets a mine togedder, we got fo feet off da ground an I don’ beleieve dis plane related to you airport!"

A long pause-----de silence was deafening.

"We needs to know who you next of kin."
Okay, lizard fans, which one is this?

mama says he’s mad because he’s got all those teeth and no toothbrush

Yessir. Invasive species in south Florida.

Thirty+ years ago, it seemed like every Florida tourist trap along I75 and I95 had a sign saying, "See our gator!" or "Feed a gator!" or similar. It was very difficult and expensive to own an alligator back then, unless you were a zoo or something, so what the tourist traps had were actually caimans. Unfortunately, some were released into the wild and now they've settled into Florida living.