Dan Gryder Lockheed Electra Crash

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I'm not going to lie. I like his videos and commentary. What a character. Maybe I haven't seen enough of them? But I don't hate the guy as of now.
I'm not going to lie. I like his videos and commentary. What a character. Maybe I haven't seen enough of them? But I don't hate the guy as of now.
A quick search will show plenty of critical reviews on this board and others -- all the way to "Bob is the Oil Guy".


You’ve been a member here since 2013. You have made a whopping 40 posts in that time and I don’t recall any of them that blessed us with your great wisdom.

Do you ever make anything better, or do you just complain about how awful it is?
Yes, and thank you for making my point. Since the content on the Aviation Mishaps forum is pretty much the same actors, and the same attempts at who can out-snark the previous guy...what is there to comment on? Getting some new material might be in order. I am sure there must be other candidates for your biting wit.
I'm not going to lie. I like his videos and commentary. What a character. Maybe I haven't seen enough of them? But I don't hate the guy as of now.

I once liked his content. Then I watched a video where he attacked a man for ten minutes straight, but provided no evidence that his attacks were factual. He was later sued for that video.
Yes, and thank you for making my point. Since the content on the Aviation Mishaps forum is pretty much the same actors, and the same attempts at who can out-snark the previous guy...what is there to comment on? Getting some new material might be in order. I am sure there must be other candidates for your biting wit.

Thanks for answering my question so clearly. It's now well established that you don't contribute, you merely complain.
I recall a Gryder video related to a UPS or FedEx Caravan accident in Idaho (N928JP, IIRC). He bullied a VFR pilot into flying in dodgy VFR, likely IFR conditions for the video. Dan in the right seat again...was he acting as PIC, or letting the VFR pilot take all the legal risks? Don't know the answer to that, but I have my suspicions.
Hey, a few folks added “check brake pressure” to their checklist, so at least this thread might be worth something someday safety-wise…and we have someone to thank for it. The root-cause is DG. That’s kinda funny when you think about it.
It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others
I once liked his content. Then I watched a video where he attacked a man for ten minutes straight, but provided no evidence that his attacks were factual. He was later sued for that video.
I thought the same thing for a while. Later on, I read about various harms he has caused. Earlier posters in this thread have elaborated some of those. And many of us have sat through his videos scratching our heads about some of his 'out there' opinions. Now I no longer have interest, except to enjoy memes which have sprouted up, "...sentence continues until the eventual heat death of the universe."
I challenge y'all to remember how many other dumb things our society tolerates that are far worse than a pilot who thinks he's on a mission from God to keep other pilots from making dumb mistakes. I can think of some far crazier 501(c)3s.
A fair point.
And here's one I missed somehow.

Dan claiming he investigated the D.B. Cooper case, re-enacted the jump, and solved the mystery.

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I watched a video that Gryder did about DB Cooper, and I thought the identity evidence was pretty good, but his complaints about the FBI seemed really over the top.
I haven’t gotten any updates on Dan’s condition or the two other crew. I know from personal experience how difficult Dan’s injuries are but he was in really good spirits and that definitely makes a difference. I’ll post any updates that I get.
I always enjoyed hearing from Mt Olympus when I was a kid dialing in faraway short wave stations. I imagine it is getting pretty crowded up there. Thank you for yet another pontification.
I grew up listening to the shortwave, unfortunately most of that is gone, but I’ll never forget it.
Hey, a few folks added “check brake pressure” to their checklist, so at least this thread might be worth something someday safety-wise…and we have someone to thank for it. The root-cause is DG. That’s kinda funny when you think about it.
Learning that I don’t have to like someone(or agree with them) to learn something from them was pretty much the only way I managed to get through school.
Learning that I don’t have to like someone(or agree with them) to learn something from them was pretty much the only way I managed to get through school.

I believe more people would be further ahead if they understood this advice. I won't call names but in the course of building airplanes sometimes I've had to deal with some rather eccentric and difficult people, but they knew their stuff when it came to their area of expertise.
Checking brake pressure prior to landing is a good idea. While Dan is.discussing this, did he specifically mention somewhere that brake pressure was lost. He may have but I don’t remember hearing that actual part.

Ideally, the NTSB will inspect that system.
I grew up listening to the shortwave, unfortunately most of that is gone, but I’ll never forget it.
Space Spanner radio kit, from Allied Radio. $19 Christmas present. I helped my Dad wire it up. My ears ached from hours of listening with those cheap headphones. Helped me get my Novice ticket in 1958, aged 11. There is still some out there (SW), but of course, Mt Olympus is a mythical place where "those who know everything" reside :p . I was too young to know about that place at that time. If I want Mt Olympus now, I just come to this forum. But I never did forget the many hours spent listening to the BBC, etc.
I recall a Gryder video related to a UPS or FedEx Caravan accident in Idaho (N928JP, IIRC). He bullied a VFR pilot into flying in dodgy VFR, likely IFR conditions for the video. Dan in the right seat again...was he acting as PIC, or letting the VFR pilot take all the legal risks? Don't know the answer to that, but I have my suspicions.
That's the same accident where he stole the red light from the smokestack, then when police/NTSB called him out for it he claimed it was a hoax. So either he lied to his followers or he lied to the police.
Checking brake pressure prior to landing is a good idea. While Dan is.discussing this, did he specifically mention somewhere that brake pressure was lost. He may have but I don’t remember hearing that actual part.
The plane owner, and PIC on the flight, claims that they tested the brakes on the ground and speculates that they failed when the gear cycled.
There is still some out there (SW), but of course, Mt Olympus is a mythical place where "those who know everything" reside :p . I was too young to know about that place at that time. If I want Mt Olympus now, I just come to this forum.
I’m too young to have done it in reality, but I got the reference—I just assumed you were talking about the guy who has his own YouTube channel dedicated to telling everyone how he knows everything about every accident, before the bodies are out sometimes, without actual facts frequently/usually, the one who didn’t like it so much when it was his accident(s), as the one who pontificates on Mt. Olympus. That was the logical conclusion, anyway. ;)
Space Spanner radio kit, from Allied Radio. $19 Christmas present. I helped my Dad wire it up. My ears ached from hours of listening with those cheap headphones. Helped me get my Novice ticket in 1958, aged 11. There is still some out there (SW), but of course, Mt Olympus is a mythical place where "those who know everything" reside :p . I was too young to know about that place at that time. If I want Mt Olympus now, I just come to this forum. But I never did forget the many hours spent listening to the BBC, etc.
Knight Kit Star Roamer that I put together in the garage. I think I probably had the same headsets, hard plastic, and no padding.
You don't have to have a You Tube channel to "pontificate"....sometimes a simple forum....much like this one...will allow a pontificator to regale his (or her) minions on their vast experiences flying several different types of aircraft, and why that experience raises the pontificator to a different level than the listener. Or you can also do it standing in line at the movies.

I have learned more about "the guy" (whose name you will no mention) in the last few days then I ever did before. Actually watched some of his videos.

I am not a "fan" of any amateur video maker. But if you wanted to advance safety through yours or others actually experiences...this forum is plain and simple "empty calories".

The abject hatred on this forum of "the guy" is palpable. Don't like CNN or Fox news? Don't watch!
Knight Kit Star Roamer that I put together in the garage. I think I probably had the same headsets, hard plastic, and no padding.
Ben, yes, my Space Spanner was a "Knight Kit"....thanks for reminding me.
You don't have to have a You Tube channel to "pontificate"....sometimes a simple forum....much like this one...will allow a pontificator to regale his (or her) minions on their vast experiences flying several different types of aircraft, and why that experience raises the pontificator to a different level than the listener. Or you can also do it standing in line at the movies.

I have learned more about "the guy" (whose name you will no mention) in the last few days then I ever did before. Actually watched some of his videos.

I am not a "fan" of any amateur video maker. But if you wanted to advance safety through yours or others actually experiences...this forum is plain and simple "empty calories".

The abject hatred on this forum of "the guy" is palpable. Don't like CNN or Fox news? Don't watch!

Your solution (don't watch) doesn't work for people defamed by Gryder.
You don't have to have a You Tube channel to "pontificate"....sometimes a simple forum....much like this one...will allow a pontificator to regale his (or her) minions on their vast experiences flying several different types of aircraft, and why that experience raises the pontificator to a different level than the listener. Or you can also do it standing in line at the movies.

I have learned more about "the guy" (whose name you will no mention) in the last few days then I ever did before. Actually watched some of his videos.

I am not a "fan" of any amateur video maker. But if you wanted to advance safety through yours or others actually experiences...this forum is plain and simple "empty calories".

The abject hatred on this forum of "the guy" is palpable. Don't like CNN or Fox news? Don't watch!
You do realize that there are 1,000's of people on the forum that could care less, right? The thread title is going to attract a certain group of people. Many of them are not going to like Dan. Grouping the entire forum as you are doing is narrow minded.
Learning that I don’t have to like someone(or agree with them) to learn something from them was pretty much the only way I managed to get through school.

The funny thing is your choices were pretty limited in school. Now, they’re much greater, especially in the category of free entertainment/infotainment.

As an adult, I get to use my critical thinking skills and personal freedom to choose how to spend my time and who to listen to.

What I don’t get is why people feel I have to change my opinion of somebody when that opinion has been informed by 15 years of publicly available records from multiple agencies in multiple jurisdictions that indicate this is a person I would not freely associate with in real life.
You don't have to have a You Tube channel to "pontificate"....sometimes a simple forum....much like this one...will allow a pontificator to regale his (or her) minions on their vast experiences flying several different types of aircraft, and why that experience raises the pontificator to a different level than the listener. Or you can also do it standing in line at the movies.

I have learned more about "the guy" (whose name you will no mention) in the last few days then I ever did before. Actually watched some of his videos.

I am not a "fan" of any amateur video maker. But if you wanted to advance safety through yours or others actually experiences...this forum is plain and simple "empty calories".

The abject hatred on this forum of "the guy" is palpable. Don't like CNN or Fox news? Don't watch!
Yes, I, not Gryder, am the pontificator with a hoard of minions expanding on my vast experiences and why I know all things about every accident. Sure!

I don’t watch his videos any more, since I watched a few and saw how off they and he were/was. But I’ve actually learned quite a bit off of forums like these over the years. From what to do to what not to do to how easy something would be to do to how grateful I am to have not had the same outcome to things I legit didn’t know and was glad to learn to things I thought were dumb empty calories to be ignored.

But like you said—don’t like, don’t watch them, or read here. Each to his own.
I’m too young to have done it in reality, but I got the reference—I just assumed you were talking about the guy who has his own YouTube channel dedicated to telling everyone how he knows everything about every accident, before the bodies are out sometimes, without actual facts frequently/usually, the one who didn’t like it so much when it was his accident(s), as the one who pontificates on Mt. Olympus. That was the logical conclusion, anyway. ;)
Oh, you know him?

Substitute DG for FB in this clip...
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Space Spanner radio kit, from Allied Radio. $19 Christmas present. I helped my Dad wire it up. My ears ached from hours of listening with those cheap headphones. Helped me get my Novice ticket in 1958, aged 11. There is still some out there (SW), but of course, Mt Olympus is a mythical place where "those who know everything" reside :p . I was too young to know about that place at that time. If I want Mt Olympus now, I just come to this forum. But I never did forget the many hours spent listening to the BBC, etc.
The Greek gods may have been mythical, but Mount Olympus is a real place. In fact, there are at least two of them: one in Greece, and one in Washington state.
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