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    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread Becoming an ag pilot..
      I guess if you're dead you ain't living in a van down by the river.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread Becoming an ag pilot..
      Unless you're dead
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread hi!!.
      I thought I made that clear in this post
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread hi!!.
      In machine language it’s compare and branch as I said in my first post. But it’s still an if then.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread hi!!.
      All that fancy logic compiles down to if then statements in the end. No, it’s not coded that way, but inevitably that’s what it is.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread hi!!.
      You completely missed my point. It wasn’t what you responded to.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread hi!!.
      Well, fundamentally down at the lower levels, compare and branch is a necessary operation to implement a LLM.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread Gryder & DB Cooper.....
      “The fbi is unofficially looking into….” == “the fbi is not looking into…”
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread The "Back in my day" Thread.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread Single Pilot Airbus?.
      You'd have to carry through the context of my original post to understand. Probably too much work for you.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread Single Pilot Airbus?.
      Big difference.
    • Salty
      Salty replied to the thread Single Pilot Airbus?.
      Can you log PIC while sleeping? Does it count for your max hours per week / day / whatever, or is it considered time off? I think...
    • Salty
      Thank you for posting the OP. Well said. I’ve always been supportive of the moderation here, but the last week or so it seems like...
    • Salty
      I have serious concerns and don’t know how to express them, and I’m hoping this thread becomes a good way to start. I’d like to open a...
    • Salty
      Salty reacted to Rgbeard's post in the thread Really? with Like Like.
      Oh crap. @RyanB made a level-headed post and it was removed. This ain’t good.
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