Students are "Learners" now...........

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Final Approach
Jan 3, 2007
Western Washington
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...............And, evidently, this has been going on for a few years. Why does the FAA continue to change the name or acronym for something EVERY day it seems? There must be an office of "maintaining confusion" in the FAA. They sure are good at it!1708965535249.jpeg
They also want us to call the place where pilots sit the flight deck instead of cockpit. The FAA thinks that cockpit has a negative masculine connotation, which shows their total lack of knowledge as to the term’s origin. Of course this is the same FAA that publishes the Aviation Instructor Handbook which is 90% theoretical gobbledygook and has about a dozen pages of practical information. Things like making sure that potential CFIs know that humans have a basic need to maintain and enhance the organized self.
Late to the game

By following the new naming, you too are a learner pilot without need for CFI intervention. Enjoy your re-education.
The one that annoys me the most is the new designation for NOTAM: NOtice To Air Missions. How the heck does one notify a mission?
Don't you realize that all change is good?
I am only aware of the one person here on PoA who uses the term in just about every single post, otherwise I literally don't know a single other person who uses that term other than to point out how ridiculous it is.
Late to the game

It's probably safe to assume that anything in aviation that has been going on for a few years has been discussed here.
Are they going to change all the certificates from Airman, to Airperson?
I am only aware of the one person here on PoA who uses the term in just about every single post, otherwise I literally don't know a single other person who uses that term other than to point out how ridiculous it is.
and I'll bet every one of us think "Notice to Airmen" whenever we read the term NOTAM....
Hmmmm....I think that we are all lifetime learners. The Student Pilot moniker expires when you pass the checkride, correct?
Yep, that's most of it. In educational circles the notion is that students are in a teacher/student/classroom setting and learning is bigger than that.
Natural flow of things… the change has been a constant through all of human history. The only thing that stays the same is everything changes.

Even within our country’s relatively short history, some of the early writings can be difficult to understand the writers intent if one doesn’t slow down a bit, as the language has changed so significantly. George Washington’s farewell address for sample…
My company recently re-branded me from a director to a people leader.
Oh well I can see the point on that one.
Important to have a distinction between People Leader, and all the other ones in your company like the Insect Leaders, Dandelion Leaders, Hummingbird Leaders, Cloven-Hooved Ungulate Leaders.. etc
The FAA is seeking and accepting input on pilot training from ERU and some other universities. This kinda of stuff is a result.
Would the world have ended had the change not been made? Of course not. But apparently as publications go up for revision, the writers attempt to update language as necessary. I don't think the intention was "woke" so much as the authors identified a point of potential confusion referring to people who did not hold a student pilot certificate as students. It just so happened that 3 1/2 years ago, when this change was made, "a lot of things were going on." Apparently the whole "learner" thing didn't get tagged as "woke" until people rediscovered it nearly a year later under the new administration (along with some other eye rolling efforts to get rid of the term airman and NOTAM). I guess I'll also mention this was an industry thing; not a unilateral change by a few select FAA authors.
and I'll bet every one of us think "Notice to Airmen" whenever we read the term NOTAM....
Rather than invent a new civil term "air mission", I wish FAA administrator Steve Dickson would have just turned NOTAM from an acronym to a simple word "notam", defined as notifications that people operating airplanes need to know about. Kinda like the word "radar", which hasn't been an acronym for decades.
Natural flow of things… the change has been a constant through all of human history. The only thing that stays the same is everything changes.

Even within our country’s relatively short history, some of the early writings can be difficult to understand the writers intent if one doesn’t slow down a bit, as the language has changed so significantly. George Washington’s farewell address for sample…

I wonder if the prior 250 years of change was as forced-feeling to the population back then, as the current language modification feels to me today.
I wonder if the prior 250 years of change was as forced-feeling to the population back then, as the current language modification feels to me today.

They probably had genuine issues to whine about.
I wonder if the prior 250 years of change was as forced-feeling to the population back then, as the current language modification feels to me today.
Yes, no matter when you look at history you will find 10% of people complaining about changes being forced upon them and most people saying "ok boomer" under their breath. Of course, the expression "ok, boomer" changed every generation also...
They probably had genuine issues to whine about.
Since communication is key in so many areas of life, redefining long established terms and relabeling relationships is a genuine issue in my book. It’s actually huge and definitely ideological.

Edited to add:

And if it *wasn’t” a big deal, they wouldn’t have bothered to make the change.
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The thing is, none of this is new. think about how kids referred to special needs people when you were young.

Imbecile, moron, etc we're all medical diagnosis but got replaced when they became insults..

Language evolves to be softer.

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