Students are "Learners" now...........

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Not sure if everyone is intentionally trying to be obtuse here, but it's coxswain. Cox is also a verb. I don't think that's interchangeable with cocks.
Let me give it a go: "Woke" is the expression used to describe the sudden desire to recruit and indoctrinate, by force of law or regulation, those inherently opposed to one's political beliefs rather than engage in time honored methods of persuasion.
The trouble with that definition is that the desire to recruit and indoctrinate is not exclusive to any particular political group. But that's not the way the term is being used.
Just to stir the pot I'm going to petition the FAA to add preferred pronouns to our people who operate aircraft certificates.
How do you operate an aircraft certificate?
To me, "woke" comes across as "The theory that a group of people is collectively guilty and should atone for injustices inflicted on another group of people in the past, even though most if not all of the current members of the first group had nothing to do with the infliction of said injustices."

Cox is also a verb. I don't think that's interchangeable with cocks.

"Cox" is also a proper name. When I see Cox I think .049.
ok, but none of us are in his league...
True, but the practice of using nouns as verbs has been around for a long time. And you don't have to be in Shakespeare's league to talk about jet fighters, fighter jets, etc.
Not sure if everyone is intentionally trying to be obtuse here, but it's coxswain. Cox is also a verb. I don't think that's interchangeable with cocks.
I doubt that that particular error was intentional. Personally, I had no awareness of the misspelling until now.
Not sure if everyone is intentionally trying to be obtuse here, but it's coxswain. Cox is also a verb. I don't think that's interchangeable with cocks.
The original spelling was cockswain, cock being a small boat and swain being a servant or keeper. Coxswain became the spelling because phonetics, yo. It’s pronounced “cox-in”.
True, but the practice of using nouns as verbs has been around for a long time. And you don't have to be in Shakespeare's league to talk about jet fighters, fighter jets, etc.
I think it was in this thread that someone expressed discontent (appropriately enough, as we are in winter) with “ask” being used as a noun. They may be interested in the fact that such usage is documented back to the 13th century. Guess they had them danged millenial woke zoomers back then, too, huh?
To me, "woke" comes across as "The theory that a group of people is collectively guilty and should atone for injustices inflicted on another group of people in the past, even though most if not all of the current members of the first group had nothing to do with the infliction of said injustices."
At least that definition has some specificity to it. The trouble is that in current usage, it has come to mean, "Anything I don't like,"
True, but the practice of using nouns as verbs has been around for a long time. And you don't have to be in Shakespeare's league to talk about jet fighters, fighter jets, etc.
By the way, I was amused when I saw an otherwise interesting video on the P-61 Black Widow referring to the airplane as a "jet" more than once. :rofl:
Last time we went to New York, I told my wife our hotel is in Theyhattan. She looked at me like I lost it so I said, well MANhattan just sounds so sexist and non inclusive, it's just a matter of time before they will have to change it so we might as well get used to it now.
The trouble with that definition is that the desire to recruit and indoctrinate is not exclusive to any particular political group. But that's not the way the term is being used.
I think "sudden desire... by force..." is what is exclusive.
Sorry, I failed in my attempt to use people-first language and probably should have said "people-who-operate-aircraft certificate"s in lieu of "airman certificates"...the latter a term of art that is both sexist and and unnecessarily labels us as full of air.

Has the phrase "gag me" fallen out of favor in our language, or am I still free to use it?
Sorry, I failed in my attempt to use people-first language and probably should have said "people-who-operate-aircraft certificate"s in lieu of "airman certificates"...the latter a term of art that is both sexist and and unnecessarily labels us as full of air.
What I meant was, "How do you operate a certificate? Does it have flight controls?" ;)

[Edit: Never mind; I just figured out that you meant "people-who-operate-aircraft certificates." (duh!)]
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My mom said “ninny” about 40 years later than any other American. It was kind of endearing.
I think "sudden desire... by force..." is what is exclusive.

To suggest that it's "exclusive" is complete and obvious fantasy.

The funny thing is, I think a lot of the "woke" (however we're defining it) stuff did go too far and some pushback was warranted. However the hysteria, over-reaction, and excuse for overt racism and other forms of "ism" that it unleashed from the "anti-woke" did an amazing job of demonstrating exactly why something did need to be done in the first place.
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If only there was some historical precedent for bitching about naming conventions...

Honestly guys a rose by any other name. Is it really any skin off your nose if they call students "learners" or "pupils" or "greyish vegetable matter?" How does this influence your life one teeny tiny bit?

Get your priorities straight. Where were the pitchforks and torches when McDonalds buried the Hamburgler?
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