A few years back I was flying the ILS into SVH. As I'm coming across the IAF (there's a hold-in-loo there), ATC reports a plane pretty much right on the approach path ahead of me. I'm in solid IMC, so I opt to take another turn in the hold until they move off. Break out around 1500'.
Find out later that two INSTRUCTORS from my airport were up. One is under the hood, the other is the supposed "safety pilot." Safety pilot allows plane sans IFR clearance to drift up into the clouds. Fortunately, hooded pilot once he realizes what is going on discontinued the nonsense and gets back into VFR conditions. I'd have reamed safety pilot instructor myself, but hooded pilot had already unloaded on her.
Find out later that two INSTRUCTORS from my airport were up. One is under the hood, the other is the supposed "safety pilot." Safety pilot allows plane sans IFR clearance to drift up into the clouds. Fortunately, hooded pilot once he realizes what is going on discontinued the nonsense and gets back into VFR conditions. I'd have reamed safety pilot instructor myself, but hooded pilot had already unloaded on her.