Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

My lovely wife, who I love dearly, made me paint a brand new garage door because she couldn't find the magic yellow among the stock yellows the door company offered.

Personally, I couldn't tell the difference.

Then I had to paint the exterior doors to match. Happy wife--Happy life.

It's a compulsion and a curse. I had to do it.

It's a compulsion and a curse. I had to do it.
Does your wife know? And is this what you were doing when you were supposed to be painting the garage door?

It's a compulsion and a curse. I had to do it.

More than 1,000 C-47s flew during D-Day
I worked with a man who jumped out of a C 47 the night before D day. Lean, tough, and gentle. He was drafted about 6 months before D day. He was less than 10 years older than I.

Trivia, the C 47 did not do most of the Berlin airlift, 2 tons capacity. C 54, 4 engine planes did. 10 ton cargo capacity.
Initially, LeMay had only 2 C 54's, and 102 C 47's. Peak of the operation, a plane landed every 30 seconds, 24 hours a day.
About 28000 tons a day.

Seems strange that this is in the jokes thread :)
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