Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

I see this all the time (well, rather I used to see it all the time, back when you used to go to a video rental store), and it always drove me nuts. Something to do with the actors' contracts on name positioning and such. There's a ton of them out there. Some random samples from Google:



Somehow, telling a me me at the pub isn't quite the same.
Damn. 7 likes, three lol's and one eyes rollin'. And I don't get it. Somebody help me out here.
Thanks for asking. I feel a little silly for not having figured it out myself.

I was thinking that some people "liked" it so as not to admit they didn't get it. Like the Blonde that laughted at a joke 3 times.
Once when she first heard it.
A second time when it was explained to her.
A third time when she finally got it.
Damn. 7 likes, three lol's and one eyes rollin'. And I don't get it. Somebody help me out here.

In Terminator 2, Schwarzenegger said, "I'll be Back." Rather famous line. The actors are all saying that they'll be various classical composers. One famous composed is named Bach. Thus, the joke is that they're trying to get him to say his famous line and he's refusing.
In Terminator 2, Schwarzenegger said, "I'll be Back." Rather famous line. The actors are all saying that they'll be various classical composers. One famous composed is named Bach. Thus, the joke is that they're trying to get him to say his famous line and he's refusing.
Not that it has anything to do with anything here, but I liked his other famous line more:

"I let him go".