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    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread Pushbutton.
      Agreed. This is (most likely) a really quick and easy DIY fix (with an appropriate sign-off, of course!)
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread KCFO RNAV 35 - Confusing NA.
      You're correct, it is still (and has been for as long as I know) 120 degrees for conventional procedures. There is some (not very...
    • RussR
      I don't think there's anything particularly deep here. No hidden agendas. :D
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread KCFO RNAV 35 - Confusing NA.
      Mark and Jim are absolutely correct, it's angle of turn. The current limit is 90 degrees. Up until maybe 15 years ago it was 120...
    • RussR
      Agree - @brien23 I'm not sure what your question or even statement is here. There are thousands of fixes, some with obvious...
    • RussR
      Oh man, there are so many cheaper cellphone plans. Depending on what you want for data, Tello is $9 a month according to
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Conceptually, I don't see a problem there, after all you're basically combining aspects of LAAS and DME/DME. Practically, I don't know...
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread GPS backup.
      You've just described an FMS.
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread GPS backup.
      Thank you. I always wonder why this isn't brought up in these sorts of discussions. A backup network for GPS already exists, it's...
    • RussR
      As I understand it, it's a cost/benefit analysis. If you're an airline (like most of them) that flies only to major airports with...
    • RussR
      Same. My point exactly.
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread Diversion Scenario:.
      Minor nit, I believe it's PAN-PAN PAN-PAN PAN-PAN, not that it's going to make any difference (especially in the US).
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread Diversion Scenario:.
      I hope the OP comes back to clarify, because if that's all the question is, then the answer (I think) is obvious - you do what you have...
    • RussR
      RussR replied to the thread Diversion Scenario:.
      To be fair, hypoxia is a condition that we should be able to "diagnose" (word used loosely) if we're flying an aircraft where it's a...
    • RussR
      I assume the flight crew was using Jepps, so the FAA depiction is likely not a factor. Does anybody have the Jepp chart for this?
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