Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

Than a jokes. Dumber than a. Hotter than a. Uglier than a. etc etc. I'll start it out with 'hotter than an oars azz on payday"
"Tighter than a gnats ass stretched over a rain barrel" - my grandpa
Who’s the most popular guy at the nudist colony? The one who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand and a dozen doughnuts.
That’s an image you can hang your hat on.
Hotter n sh*t
Uglier than shi*t
Dumber than "sh"t.

Anything *** than sh*t.

Oh, also, dumber than a box of rocks.
These are going downhill. I'll continue. Your mamma's head is so big, she has to go outside to change her mind.
intercourse, pa is actually just down the road from blue ball, pa.

Southeastern PA's city names are kinda hilarious.

First, ya go through Churchtown to get to Blue Ball. If you go the right way, you end up in Intercourse and then Paradise, and Fertility is nearby. If you make the wrong turn, you end up in Bird-in-Hand.

No joke. This is all in the area just east of Lancaster. Always kept me entertained while driving in the area...
The last time I renewed my driver's license, they mixed my photo with that of some old guy.
I finally have a driver's license pic I don' mind. In Florida your license lasts for 8 years and you can usually renew on-line and use the old pic they have on file. I'm not sure what the criteria is for on-line renewal, but I renewed on-line 7 years ago so my driver's license picture (which I HATED when I got) is 13 years old, and I think it finally looks just like me.
We wouldn't need anywhere near as much for the little Russian guy. AND it would be funnier. We need more funny things these days.