Hug your kids

Very sorry for your loss. You're definitely in my thoughts.
“Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was
oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else can it be? The deeper that sorrow carves into
your being, the more joy you can contain.”
from Kahlil Gibran’s poem, "On Joy and Sorrow" in the book, The Prophet

And, dammit, you have been carved in the deepest, most horrible way.
There is no way around it.
I know you'd trade all the joy in the universe.
Life is so ridiculous ...
Thinking of you, and praying for your family.
Please reach out to your friends and family, Ed.
Ooooooph…. that took the wind right out of me. Can’t even imagine and got no words.

Seek comfort. Talk a lot about him, he lives in your heart and thoughts now. If it feels good, tell us some good memories and post a favorite pic. We’ll remember him with you!!

Google the seven stages of grief… sounds weird, but that helped me with my “life event”….

I believe you will be together again… but not yet. Take care of YOURSELF.
“There will come a day, I promise you and your parents, as well, when the thought of your son or daughter or your husband or wife brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. It will happen. My prayer for you is that day will come sooner or later.. But the only thing I have more experience than you in is this: I’m telling you it will come.”

Joe Biden.
My deepest condolences. My prayers for comfort echoes the others.
Every parents worst nightmare. Be strong. Praying for you.
One of the hardest things a parent may have to deal with. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family, Ed.
My son is gone without warning at 23.

Peace is not in the cards. I'll settle for numb if I can get there.
I can't even begin to comprehend your pain. My own children are all young adults, with their own kids, and if I lost any one of them, I'd be where you are, just thinking "numb" is about the best I can do. None of us can possibly know exactly what you are feeling. I will pray for you, for whatever slim comfort that might offer.
wow, im so sorry Ed. i can't imagine what your going through. my son will be 21 in a couple of months and I can't imagine what it would be like to loose him suddenly. thoughts and prayers to you and your family Ed.
I’m sorry to hear - we say prayers for you and your family. You are not alone and we support you in spirit.
So tragic to hear. No words can convey the pain that you're feeling now. Just know that there is a community here, and in your real life, that will be here to walk with you, to listen when you're ready to talk, to maybe help a little with the pain.

You are not alone.
My goodness, Ed. I certainly didn't expect to read that after clicking on the thread title. My God grant you peace in time. I'd love to hear more about him if/when you feel up to sharing anything.
Man so sorry to hear that Ed. Life is precious. Take care of yourself.
F**ck. I'm sorry, Ed. Don't know what else to say. You don't deserve that. Nobody deserves that. Keep hanging on.
My condolences, I lost an only son 35 years ago. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. It broke his mother’s heart. She passed going on 4 years ago. He was our first born child and a she had a special bond with him.
Day by day.
My condolences, I lost an only son 35 years ago. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him. It broke his mother’s heart. She passed going on 4 years ago. He was our first born child and a she had a special bond with him.
Day by day.
Thank you for sharing that.