From the Vet Thread: Do not commit murder

There is a paradise-in-the-beginning in most religions. There are saints or buddhas or wise ones, etc. in most religions.

Why do you think that is?

BTW, I would summarize it slightly differently.
These themes are deeply embedded in the human spirit and are often expressed through literature, films, music and like you said religion.
I eat meat at every meal (I'm South African after all), but I must say I'm curious as to how artificial meat will turn out:

If they can match the taste, and it still be relatively healthy, then why not switch?

I've tried a Beyond Meat burger recently, and I must say it's actually a decent substitute, taste-wise. But nutritionally, even a 80%/20% beef patty has far fewer calories than the veggie one (200 vs. 300). Go figure.
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Acts 10:13- "And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat"

Not in the same context, but...
Acts 10:13- "And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat"

Not in the same context, but...
Well, it kind of is. The focus was on breaking down the barriers between Jews and Gentiles but meat (unclean meat) was one of those barriers. You've essentially got God telling Peter to not just eat meat but beyond that, to eat meat that has been "contaminated" by Gentiles.

Lots of folks here know their Bible!
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Why do you think that is?

BTW, I would summarize it slightly differently.
These themes are deeply embedded in the human spirit and are often expressed through literature, films, music and like you said religion.
I've tried a Beyond Meat burger recently, and I must say it's actually a decent substitute, taste-wise. But nutritionally, even a 80%/20% beef patty has far fewer calories than the veggie one (200 vs. 300). Go figure.
Yes, the Beyond Meat burgers are tasty. Beyond Meat in general (the "chicken" strips are good too - make a good salad or chopped in a sandwich with the Just Mayo and romaine) is definitely the meat-eaters not-meat.

What is your reference 200 calories for a 1/4lb 80/20 cow burger, btw? That's not the figure Beyond Meat quote, but I do notice that the Beyond Meat patties don't suffer from shrinkage as much, so I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there's more in them after cooking (but there's also more to them after cooking).
You need to check the "after cooking" calories. While 4 oz of 80/20 has well over 300 calories, once you cook it down (provided you use a grill or something where the fat drains off), you're going to have just under 200 calories. Some of the ultralean beef products get down well below that (while retaining more weight after cooking).

I like Ostrich burgers (too bad the local outlets stopped carrying them, we do have a local Ostrich farm that often has the meat available.
You need to check the "after cooking" calories. While 4 oz of 80/20 has well over 300 calories, once you cook it down (provided you use a grill or something where the fat drains off), you're going to have just under 200 calories. Some of the ultralean beef products get down well below that (while retaining more weight after cooking).

I like Ostrich burgers (too bad the local outlets stopped carrying them, we do have a local Ostrich farm that often has the meat available.

Correct. So I don't know how much of the Beyond Meat fat drips out in the way a 80/20 burger drips out. It doesn't cause flame-ups in the way that a 80/20 beef burger does, so I don't think nearly as much.

But yes, I guess a bit unfair of me to compare cooked vs. uncooked, but their uncooked vs. uncooked comparison on their site isn't correct either. It needs to be cooked vs. cooked, but I don't know where to get their cooked calories from.
I notice their fat is mostly canola oil (*gag*).
Oh Man does the OP do crossfit too? You must be fun at parties.

How can you tell if a person is a Vegan, Pilot or does Crossfit. You don't have to they will tell you.

We eat a lot of venison in our house the occasional turkey, pigs, bears and other small game. I kill it, clean it, process it, grill it and eat it all by my ownself. If you have never had backstrap steaks you aren't living my friend. Then there are the poor chickens out in my coop that I force to make me eggs for me. Guess that's what dominion over the animals looks like to me. I am not prejudice however I love vegetables too and most years when the deer and the woodchucks don't get most of what I grow I eat them too. YMMV to each his own.
Why do the vegetarians name everything after the animal they supposedly will not eat?

Wow... this soy bean tastes like Chicken. This one tastes like Cow...

How the hell would you know since you don't eat them? Give me a veggie burger and my response is "What the hell is this ****?"

Ever heard of salad? Many have no meat products.
If God wanted us to be vegetarians, I think He would have made asparagus more fun to shoot.

I worked with a lady some time ago who had a small sign over her desk: "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals; I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants!"

Now there's an explanation I can accept! :)
Why do the vegetarians name everything after the animal they supposedly will not eat?

Wow... this soy bean tastes like Chicken. This one tastes like Cow...

How the hell would you know since you don't eat them? Give me a veggie burger and my response is "What the hell is this ****?"

Ever heard of salad? Many have no meat products.

It is easier than naming things "cylindrical soy protein amalgamation," or "rectangular thin pressed rice-flour strips."

There are some amazing veggie burgers out there. Pile it on with lettuce, tomato, cheese (or Daiya), etc., and you may be surprised.
Oh Man does the OP do crossfit too? You must be fun at parties.

How can you tell if a person is a Vegan, Pilot or does Crossfit. You don't have to they will tell you.

We eat a lot of venison in our house the occasional turkey, pigs, bears and other small game. I kill it, clean it, process it, grill it and eat it all by my ownself. If you have never had backstrap steaks you aren't living my friend. Then there are the poor chickens out in my coop that I force to make me eggs for me. Guess that's what dominion over the animals looks like to me. I am not prejudice however I love vegetables too and most years when the deer and the woodchucks don't get most of what I grow I eat them too. YMMV to each his own.

How can you tell if a person is a hunter? You don't have to--they will tell you.

You got me pigeonholed:

College Professor

but I voted for Trump, and I'm -still- unapologetically happy I did.

Yep--I'm not fun at parties, because whoever you are, you're sure to hate me for one reason or another.
It is easier than naming things "cylindrical soy protein amalgamation," or "rectangular thin pressed rice-flour strips."

There are some amazing veggie burgers out there. Pile it on with lettuce, tomato, cheese (or Daiya), etc., and you may be surprised.

Saw one on Dr Oz awhile back had some "Beyond Meat" burgers that they said are hard to tell the difference with the real thing. Thought about buying some and trying them out. Only veggie burger I've tried is Burger King's. Smells like an old sock.
Saw one on Dr Oz awhile back had some "Beyond Meat" burgers that they said are hard to tell the difference with the real thing. Thought about buying some and trying them out. Only veggie burger I've tried is Burger King's. Smells like an old sock.
There is a wide range in quality. Some of them are truly horrible.
Yep--I'm not fun at parties, because whoever you are, you're sure to hate me for one reason or another.
This thread is the reason I don't cook for people. They are too fussy about food. Much easier to go to a restaurant where people can order what they want.

Wait... the real reason I don't cook for people is that I don't enjoy cooking, including for myself.
How can you tell if a person is a hunter? You don't have to--they will tell you.

You got me pigeonholed:

College Professor

but I voted for Trump, and I'm -still- unapologetically happy I did.

Yep--I'm not fun at parties, because whoever you are, you're sure to hate me for one reason or another.
A college professor that voted for Trump? Good thing you don't use your real name here! You don't want to end up like Jordan Peterson or that poor guy at Yale.
What do you teach? Entomology?
A college professor that voted for Trump? Good thing you don't use your real name here! You don't want to end up like Jordan Peterson or that poor guy at Yale.
What do you teach? Entomology?
I teach music. (Adds yet another twist, I know.)
How can you tell if a person is a hunter? You don't have to--they will tell you.

You got me pigeonholed:

College Professor

but I voted for Trump, and I'm -still- unapologetically happy I did.

Yep--I'm not fun at parties, because whoever you are, you're sure to hate me for one reason or another.
I teach music. (Adds yet another twist, I know.)

OH man now you went and did it. I am the Director of IT at a small institution of higher education.:D
Wait... the real reason I don't cook for people is that I don't enjoy cooking, including for myself.

I love cooking for myself and anyone who comes over. Of course, anyone who eats at the Steinholme knows beforehand what kind of fare will be offered. Still, it is a rare thing for anyone to walk away hungry.
Jesus and his loaves and fishes, which were really just a few bags of Swedish fish and a pair of synthetic suede loafers. Let's rewrite the Bible so everyone can feel great about themselves. Thumbs up, man!
It is easier than naming things "cylindrical soy protein amalgamation," or "rectangular thin pressed rice-flour strips."

There are some amazing veggie burgers out there. Pile it on with lettuce, tomato, cheese (or Daiya), etc., and you may be surprised.

Sounds like a salad on bun. Fine. Someone missed the point of question.

Unless of course burger somewhere has no meat context.

I see vaggie sandwich and veggie wraps on menus. That makes sense.

A really awesome veggie burger with all kinds of great stuff like avocados is a veggie sandwich. period

And don't start me on faux bacon!
Man started out hungry. It was hard to chase wild animals without excess calories to sustain the hunt. Home kept moving as the seasons changed and the good migrated. Then man noticed that wheat and barley and other cereal grains are easier to deal with because it doesn't run away when you go after it with sticks and knives. Then one lucky goofball noticed that wet barley tasted great as leftovers.

Summation, in exact chronological disorder:

1. Early man ate meat and bark and whatever fit in his starving mouth.
2. Middle man learned to brew beer and hang out at home and farm cereal grains.
2b. Cereal is awesome. Especially Peanutbutter Crunch. The Cap'n is wise and good.
4. Refrigeration is pretty cool. So are leftovers.
5. Barley is proof that God loves us and wants us to brew beer.
Sounds like a salad on bun. Fine. Someone missed the point of question.

Unless of course burger somewhere has no meat context.

I see vaggie sandwich and veggie wraps on menus. That makes sense.

A really awesome veggie burger with all kinds of great stuff like avocados is a veggie sandwich. period

And don't start me on faux bacon!
Faux bacon really isn't even close.

I love my homemade veggie-burgers. They have a lot of flavor the way I make them. They even have a chew (something you don't get a lot of in vegan food), though not as chewy as real meat.
Man started out hungry. It was hard to chase wild animals without excess calories to sustain the hunt. Home kept moving as the seasons changed and the good migrated. Then man noticed that wheat and barley and other cereal grains are easier to deal with because it doesn't run away when you go after it with sticks and knives. Then one lucky goofball noticed that wet barley tasted great as leftovers.

Summation, in exact chronological disorder:

1. Early man ate meat and bark and whatever fit in his starving mouth.
2. Middle man learned to brew beer and hang out at home and farm cereal grains.
2b. Cereal is awesome. Especially Peanutbutter Crunch. The Cap'n is wise and good.
4. Refrigeration is pretty cool. So are leftovers.
5. Barley is proof that God loves us and wants us to brew beer.
I think that sums it up!
I love cooking for myself and anyone who comes over. Of course, anyone who eats at the Steinholme knows beforehand what kind of fare will be offered. Still, it is a rare thing for anyone to walk away hungry.
I'm sure I would like what you might cook. I'm not that particular, and I don't need to eat meat, although I will. Sometimes I think I'm the exception here since we have multiple threads about eating. I'm not that interested in food and definitely not interested in cooking. I manage to cook for myself, but others would probably find what I make boring, since it usually only consists of one or two items per meal.
@spiderweb is serving up the typical crap. <- Pun intended.

I don't eat meat, that's murder.

I just eat things that I go out of my way to give the same flavor and texture as meat. Because ______.

[edit - because then I can say I don't eat meat]
@spiderweb is serving up the typical crap. <- Pun intended.

I don't eat meat, that's murder.

I just eat things that I go out of my way to give the same flavor and texture as meat. Because ______.

[edit - because then I can say I don't eat meat]
That's the part I don't quite understand. If you don't want to eat meat, why try so hard to replicate it?
You got me pigeonholed:

College Professor

but I voted for Trump, and I'm -still- unapologetically happy I did.

But... but... everybody that voted for Trump is an uneducated, backwards, bigoted, racist, homophobic, mysogenist, ignorant, knuckle dragging, transphobic, nazi loving, gun toting, religion clinging, planet killing, chauvinistic, xenophobic, and so on.

You don't strike me as all that. I'm confused. :D:D:D
Almost all the advancements made in fermentation over the centuries have been by the clergy. Sometimes the research ends up with the discovery of lesser known things like Joseph Priestly's discovery of Oxygen and also Soda (so we'd have something to mix with our spirits).
I don't eat meat, that's murder.

I just eat things that I go out of my way to give the same flavor and texture as meat. Because ______.

[edit - because then I can say I don't eat meat
I have a couple of thoughts on this:

First, plenty of people who do sometimes eat meat sometimes also eat non-meat products (for all kinds of reasons). That line of argument is irrelevant to them.
Second, we (in the US) have a culture of eating meals that are built around large chunks of concentrated, chewy protein. Making vegetarian / vegan products that fit that mold gives them a comforting familiarity (since most vegetarians / vegans I know weren't raised that way) and also makes them more easily integrated into the entire meal when eating in "mixed" company.