From the Vet Thread: Do not commit murder

Did not Jesus take two fish and five loaves of bread and feed 5,000 people? Since the fish were not a threat to Jesus, are you implying that Jesus, the Son of God, murdered fish?

I may be a heathen, but I'm a meat eating heathen. My two eggs (and cottage cheese) were tasty this morning. And I suspect that I will be feasting upon the loin of a pig as pulled pork is my lunch today. Yeah, I suppose I might feel bad about that. (As in being bloated from over-eating the pulled pork.)
Biology probably does but it has yet to be conclusively determined. It is very possible that the "sudden" (in evolutionary terms) explosive growth of our brain was fueled by meat and could not have occurred without meat being a daily part of our diet (not, as with the chimpanzee, the occasional monkey).

Also keep in mind the impact that nutrition has on brain development (not to mention physical development). Because of the vastly increased availability of food today vs. even a couple hundred years ago, I think we likely see an overall increase in brain power. It would be interesting to track average IQs over time.
Some animals eat animals and we are amimals, too, so it's ok.

I've seen videos of carnivores eating a live and conscious hoofed animal from the bottom up taking several hours to kill it. Dragging out intestines, gnawing on knee joints, while the disabled animal writhes in agony. Any mercy or consideration we have for other living things whether we eat them or not is better than that.
Also keep in mind the impact that nutrition has on brain development (not to mention physical development). Because of the vastly increased availability of food today vs. even a couple hundred years ago, I think we likely see an overall increase in brain power. It would be interesting to track average IQs over time.

It would. There have been some attempts to estimate historical IQs but of course that involves guesswork.
I also think it is laughable that anyone wants to parse the words in a book of children's stories to help them make this personal choice.
THERE IS NO GOD!!!!!......and I hate Him.

Why do you care about what motivates people towards their lifestyle choices?
I've seen videos of carnivores eating a live and conscious hoofed animal from the bottom up taking several hours to kill it. Dragging out intestines, gnawing on knee joints, while the disabled animal writhes in agony. Any mercy or consideration we have for other living things whether we eat them or not is better than that.

Nature can be very cruel, something that I think we tend to forget as we buy our pre-packaged beef in the refrigerated section of HyVee. Carnivores don't think about humane ways to kill the animals they're eating, they think about ways to successfully kill the animals they're eating. Then they proceed to eat those animals in the manner that feeds them, and that is within the capabilities of the animal doing the eating.

I find this to be a remarkable picture for many reasons:


Ultimately, though, that fish dies, and it's a slow death. The jellyfish can't kill the fish very quickly, and then also can't eat it very quickly, which just has to do with the primitive nature of jellyfish in general. But, that is nature doing what nature does. We have a fish pond that has one big koi in it (we call him "Tiny"), goldfish of varying size, and also some baby goldfish and mosquito fish. I'm sure that Tiny is eating some of the small fish regularly. He's got a big mouth and a big appetite. And, he's eating them alive.
Some animals eat animals and we are amimals, too, so it's ok.
By that logic: some animals eat their own feces and their young, but I don't think that's OK for us. But to each, his own.
Well, since everyone is wanting to know my opinion, I guess I'll share....I think the body was designed (and by design, I mean actually designed) for plant eating but adapts very well eating meat. There may be some health benefits to limiting meat or cutting it out altogether but I'm just not interested. I like meat and can't imagine enjoying a good meal without it.
I don't have any moral or health objections to eating meat but I definitely don't have it for every meal, and sometimes not at all during the day. I don't think about it that much.
If slaughtering pigs and eating the delicious, juicy sizzling bacon that comes out of their dead bodies is my fast ticket to Hell, then I better get to packin' my flame proof clothing, because even promises of Heaven won't get me to quit my sinning ways.


You and I think alike. I prefer mine over medium with a side of crispy bacon and just to insult the wimps among us breakfast should be topped with a dash of Cajon seasoning; the hotter the better. Any time you care to arrive my kitchen is open to you.
@spiderweb - I think vegetarians should stop killing innocent vegetables. Please stop punishing fruits and legumes while you're at it!

It's horrific that you treat those living things the way you do.

I bet you boil them, fry them, and grill them. Sometimes you just end their lives and eat them raw.


The best part of vegetarians not subsisting on previously living things is that they will eventually SHUT THE **** UP AND GO AWAY so others can live as they choose.

Hey @Sac Arrow - pass me the steak sauce please.

Also with better nutrition we tend to be larger in size than our ancestors. Back problems are more common for taller people. Our skeletal structure has gotten bigger with better nutrition, but didn't necessarily evolve to correctly support that larger size. It's like taking an engine and just making a 125% scale version of that engine. It'll still work, but the dimensions and clearances won't be ideal.

First, nutrition for our earliest ancestors was probably pretty good. When the cranial dimensions of primitive hominids expanded, it allowed them to exploit numerous biological niches heretofore unavailable to them. Modern hunter gatherer societies actually feed themselves quite well, though they expend more of their resources toward nutritional sufficiency than we do.

Second, back problems are in no way limited to tall people. They affect everyone, and indeed always has. Most of the analysis of fossils and mummified humans has suggested that they suffered the exact same health problems as we do.
I think you guys almost have all 8 of the arguments this guy found when asking his college class :).
That link initially had my attention, but the first objection was so pathetic I decided not to read any further. I agree with the premise, but they were too sloppy in how they applied it.
And there's a large number of vegetarians that think abortion is ok. **** them.

No kidding! You want a find a baby killer? Go to the "heath food" store.

Don't eat veal (that's horrible). Pay for my abortion because it's a "Women's health issue"

Doubling up on the lock! Go figure.
Ok children, while this thread may have been started with some biblical references, it's managed to stay civil and not a religious or political thread. Let's keep it that way.
Plants and leaves produce oxygen, we kinda need that to live, so I don't kill plants and eat them so that humanity and animals can survive

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Ok children, while this thread may have been started with some biblical references, it's managed to stay civil and not a religious or political thread. Let's keep it that way.

Best to lock it up and hand out points. I'll take some.

Don't let 4 hours effect your judgement of where this suckas going.
Nah, keep it going. I think POA might actually be getting better at this.
Well, since everyone is wanting to know my opinion, I guess I'll share....I think the body was designed (and by design, I mean actually designed) for plant eating but adapts very well eating meat.
You quoted Genesis earlier, so I'm guessing that that is your basis for this? In any case, it does seem to be the biblically literal position: in the prelapsarian state, "dominion" is accompanied by a vegan diet. If you believe Genesis, you really have to believe that that diet was conducive to human well-being.

Full Disclosure: I don't eat animals, though not because of anything Genesis says or doesn't.
You quoted Genesis earlier, so I'm guessing that that is your basis for this? In any case, it does seem to be the biblically literal position: in the prelapsarian state, "dominion" is accompanied by a vegan diet. If you believe Genesis, you really have to believe that that diet was conducive to human well-being.

Full Disclosure: I don't eat animals, though not because of anything Genesis says or doesn't.
Right. Meat eating was kind of the lesser path, as was the case with many things after the fall. I'm not sure if there will be meat eating in Heaven so I've decided to just enjoy it while I can. :)
I think you guys almost have all 8 of the arguments this guy found when asking his college class :).

Oh would t'were I had the time to take this down piece by piece! I'll suffice with the repeated, "This argument allows us to eat humans." That objection holds the assumption that eating humans is wrong. Cannibalism was probably widespread among our evolutionary ancestors. It certainly has existed in historical times during famine or disaster. It may be last resort, but it'll keep you alive. I doubt God judges the Flight 571 survivors for not wasting the only food around.
Right. Meat eating was kind of the lesser path, as was the case with many things after the fall. I'm not sure if there will be meat eating in Heaven so I've decided to just enjoy it while I can. :)
Heh, I rather enjoy the idea that you'll be in Heaven thinking "it's nice and all, but the food could be better"...
Would a Great White give up seals and become a vegan? Heck no. Those teeth were made for chomping into meat. Plus, eating Kelp all day would get old real quick.
Heh, I rather enjoy the idea that you'll be in Heaven thinking "it's nice and all, but the food could be better"...
Yeah, I might want to be careful. I don't want to be like the guy who got booted from the wedding feast.

That reminds me of a TV preacher I watched one time. He's telling the audience about how God came and got him and took him to heaven. The first thing he does, supposedly, upon getting there is to ask Abraham for a drink of water. I guess he forgot about the whole "never again will they thirst" passage. Or, the thing about Jesus being living water.
"Started in Paradise --> Humanity's rejection of Paradise --> Saints sent to teach us how to return --> Return to Paradise.

One notes that there is no mention of meat-eating or any killing in Paradise stories across all religions. Thus, endeavoring to return to this state, and following Jesus' and other religion's leaders' command to love one another, I am trying to cultivate understanding and strength, and again, defer any judgment for ANYTHING to God."

Who are/were the "Saints" you speak of and where is "Paradise"? The definitions of these concepts are not universal and vary considerably among world religions.
"Started in Paradise --> Humanity's rejection of Paradise --> Saints sent to teach us how to return --> Return to Paradise.

One notes that there is no mention of meat-eating or any killing in Paradise stories across all religions. Thus, endeavoring to return to this state, and following Jesus' and other religion's leaders' command to love one another, I am trying to cultivate understanding and strength, and again, defer any judgment for ANYTHING to God."

Who are/were the "Saints" you speak of and where is "Paradise"? The definitions of these concepts are not universal and vary considerably among world religions.
There is a paradise-in-the-beginning in most religions. There are saints or buddhas or wise ones, etc. in most religions.

Even if you're an atheist, you may have a view of an ideal world, and a suckier world. There are also historically wise persons whom we don't have to call a saint, but may call a teacher.

You're absolutely right that there isn't a single, conforming definition of paradise and how one should live on this world.
@spiderweb - I think vegetarians should stop killing innocent vegetables. Please stop punishing fruits and legumes while you're at it!

It's horrific that you treat those living things the way you do.

I bet you boil them, fry them, and grill them. Sometimes you just end their lives and eat them raw.


The best part of vegetarians not subsisting on previously living things is that they will eventually SHUT THE **** UP AND GO AWAY so others can live as they choose.

Hey @Sac Arrow - pass me the steak sauce please.

Trees are the superior life forms.