Someone in one of the threads asked for evidence of higher suicides...
CDC guy says yup. Suicides and drug overdoses way up.
Link is to Townhall and some may not like that. Being discussed on other web sites but not picked up by mainstream yet.
Decided to use this link since his number source is unknown, but the article links to a ton of other official sources saying their suicide rates, hotlines, ODs, and such... way up.
Granted, many of those are localized so the national numbers remain at question and the article is careful to point out the official numbers aren’t “approved” by anybody for two years in normal times. And also granted YNAB serious Covid problems leading to possible suicidal issues (if anyone direct correlation) are super highly localized right now anyway. Covid isn’t really a national issue at this point.
(And what’s up in California? One county surpassing all others by a factor of three? Riverside? Seems... sketchy...)
Just posting because someone wanted info and I can’t find that post. Also because our own initial hot spot at the ski areas had an article linked (how I found this). Eagle county tied their usual number of six already with quite a bit of the year to go.
The various links (since they just happen to be aggregated here) are a more interesting read honestly, than the main article, but it is what it is. Was worth a few clicks.
I don’t see the Covid linear math not surpassing this number eventually either, FWIW. But depends on any change in slope for these things as people get mo more frustrated with a two year event.
But for the moment... (shrug...)