Did not know about ADHD restrictions when I got my medical. What do I do?

See this is where I begin to wonder, because this question has no connection at all to anything we've talked about. So, um, yes, but what's your point?

Based on what? Please support that statement in any way. That statement has absolutely no basis in fact. None.
You can lead a horse to water…
You have been dishonest and have tried to use distraction, deceit and logical falicies over and over to "win" your argument. Let's review what I actually wrote, with my emphasis added to point out your complete and utter dishonesty:
You keep using this word falicies
Isn't being opinionated as being partially anti-authority, macho, invulnerable, and resigned to your own opinion? :D
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.”

The Dude

How ironic.
You have been dishonest and have tried to use distraction, deceit and logical falicies over and over to "win" your argument. Let's review what I actually wrote, with my emphasis added to point out your complete and utter dishonesty:
Nope. Sounds unqualified and mentally unsound. He's been diagnosed. There's a reason it's a legal condition to be of sound mind to execute and enforce contracts. I don't think they can effectively negotiate or interpret legal contracts. You won't change my mind, I'm right, it's settled...no reason to explore or discuss further.

Isn't this fun??!!
Can you site the source(s) for this? Thanks!
Very interesting research on pilots not reporting mental health, released in 2023.

2021 study showed 67% of female pilots withheld information about their personal health. Larger sample of both sexes showed 46% did the same.

57% of pilot school students met the criteria for some level of depression and 14% said they though about self harm and suicidal idealization.

Based upon those sample statistics, it appears many on these threads aren’t being honest and judging hypocritically.


Very interesting research on pilots not reporting mental health, released in 2023.

2021 study showed 67% of female pilots withheld information about their personal health. Larger sample of both sexes showed 46% did the same.

57% of pilot school students met the criteria for some level of depression and 14% said they though about self harm and suicidal idealization.

Based upon those sample statistics, it appears many on these threads aren’t being honest and judging hypocritically.



This study states; "(29.3%) reported withholding information about mental health from aeromedical examiners and screenings out of concern for their medical certification."

The 2016 NALL report states the number at 31%. (I did research this but even AI can't find a working reference to the report though it was cited in the research).
This study states; "(29.3%) reported withholding information about mental health from aeromedical examiners and screenings out of concern for their medical certification."

The 2016 NALL report states the number at 31%. (I did research this but even AI can't find a working reference to the report though it was cited in the research).
29.3% is for mental health only, 57% of female population sample and 46% or combined population withheld information from the healthcare provider...meaning not limited to mental health.

NALL report is from 2016, this is from 2021 to 2023.
In my early 20s I got diagnosed with ADHD (although I was never tested). Used the medication for about 5 years but then discontinued use in 2018 as the side effects were cumbersome and there was no more benefits. Since then I have no more symptoms and my quality of life has increased.

At the end of 2020 I got my first medical to start flight school and today I'm a CFI. I found out this week that even though I wasn't using/prescribed medication for at least 2 years when i got the medical it should have been reported to my AME.

I have checked the latest FAA guidance but I'm not sure what to do. Should I let the medical expire and then correct it with my AME? Anyone has any idea?
Sorry this whole post got hijacked. I wish you the best, Concerned CFI, and hope you stay up in the air!
29.3% is for mental health only, 57% of female population sample and 46% or combined population withheld information from the healthcare provider...meaning not limited to mental health.

NALL report is from 2016, this is from 2021 to 2023.

I simply noted that the two reports agreed as to mental health issues (I thought that was the topic).

At the end of the day I suspect that everyone is a little whacked ... ;)
I simply noted that the two reports agreed as to mental health issues (I thought that was the topic).
Yeah, sorry. Response wasn't meant to be argumentative, in this instance. I'm just trying to demonstrate the there are active pilots, apparently ~ 50%'ish, lying about their mental and physical health, and the FAA is none the wiser. In the meantime, you have folks like myself, disclosing conditions to the FAA, that are finding themselves under the FAA microscope.

The point I'm attempting to make, apparently not well, is that many people in this thread are adamant the system works and only people with mental/physical health are reporting those issues and everyone else is completely mentally and physically fit, as defined by the FAA. That's an extremely naive stance.

Of course I'm biased, but I have more respect for those following the rules and honestly trying to meet the FAA on their terms vs. blatantly lying, not getting the help they need and continuing to fly, putting themselves and passengers at risk.

Again, I'm biased, but I don't see how this is not a reasonable statement/opinion...backed by studies to show it's true.
Yeah, sorry. Response wasn't meant to be argumentative, in this instance. I'm just trying to demonstrate the there are active pilots, apparently ~ 50%'ish, lying about their mental and physical health, and the FAA is none the wiser. In the meantime, you have folks like myself, disclosing conditions to the FAA, that are finding themselves under the FAA microscope.

The point I'm attempting to make, apparently not well, is that many people in this thread are adamant the system works and only people with mental/physical health are reporting those issues and everyone else is completely mentally and physically fit, as defined by the FAA. That's an extremely naive stance.

Of course I'm biased, but I have more respect for those following the rules and honestly trying to meet the FAA on their terms vs. blatantly lying, not getting the help they need and continuing to fly, putting themselves and passengers at risk.

Again, I'm biased, but I don't see how this is not a reasonable statement/opinion...backed by studies to show it's true.

To be honest I'm a sport pilot so this doesn't concern me but I note that you used the ~50% number to bolster your point when the debate (I'm being kind) is focusd on mental health and that falls in ~30%. That's a bit unfair but I get what you are trying to say so I'll conceded the point.

But the fact that so many with mental health issues are refusing to admit to it proves even more how much of a problem it is.

In truth the FAA is tasked with making sure that our passengers & skies are safe. There is no doubt that they are doing a pretty good job at that even though the process they use seems to be a bit draconian and heavy handed.

So as I used to tell my team in the corporate world ... you've identified the problem, what is the answer to how to fix it? It can't just be an answer that satisfies your concept of what needs to be done as it will need to be acceptable to all sides. We could start by throwing more money at it ... :dunno:
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I think just the mere post count in this string by a single poster, points out who might have an issue here.

I wish the OP perseverance and determination which will be necessary ahead.
He’s going to need it.

I am reminded of the Larson Cartoon in which the Jersey is talking to the Psychiatrist…..


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So the FAA is allowing her to fly in spite of a very clear medical condition, because she has proven otherwise.
And the FAA has given you the chance to prove you're fit to fly, even though it isn't as straightforward as a SODA ride. So what's the problem?
I think just the mere post count in this string by a single poster, points out who might have an issue here.

I wish the OP perseverance and determination which will be necessary ahead.
He’s going to need it.

I am reminded of the Larson bCartoon in which the Jersey is talking to the Psychiatrist…..
I haven't been shy about my issues with the process. I hope all those on their high horse here never find themselves with health issue, be it mental or physical, which puts them through this process. "You can't really understand another person's experience until you've walked a mile in their shoes."

It's clear dissent and questioning the status quo is frowned upon and mocked. That's fine.

On to more important and less frustrating things.
Please don't take this the wrong way UT, but if you feel you are being attacked please push the REPORT button on the bottom of the post. The board here is very responsive. That being said, I'm not seeing anything particularly mocking. When you make strong opinionated statements, you will get strong responses.
I think just the mere post count in this string by a single poster, points out who might have an issue here.

I wish the OP perseverance and determination which will be necessary ahead.
He’s going to need it.

I am reminded of the Larson bCartoon in which the Jersey is talking to the Psychiatrist…..
Alcoholism is often comorbid with mood disorders, no?
Please don't take this the wrong way UT, but if you feel you are being attacked please push the REPORT button on the bottom of the post. The board here is very responsive. That being said, I'm not seeing anything particularly mocking. When you make strong opinionated statements, you will get strong responses.
I've got thicker skin than that, thank you. All good.
Alcoholism is often comorbid with mood disorders, no?
Thanks, Lindberg. I'll let my AME and the FAA know that the fine folks on Pilots of America have a new diagnosis for me. Somehow this has escaped the notice of my wife, co-workers, instructors, treating physician and AME. God bless you!
Thanks, Lindberg. I'll let my AME and the FAA know that the fine folks on Pilots of America have a new diagnosis for me. Somehow this has escaped the notice of my wife, co-workers, instructors, treating physician and AME. God bless you!
Jeepers. How and when do you decide to back off?
Isn't this fun??!!

The Model Rules of Professional Conduct of the American Bar Association require lawyers to withdraw from representing a client if they are not mentally or physically able to do so. State bar rules vary, but if your condition is treated (as is that of my friend) and it does not currently affect your ability to practice law in a competent, ethical, and professional manner, you are free to practice.

There is also what is called a fitness to practice law evaluation can help determine how psychiatric symptoms may be affecting an attorney's ability to work. This evaluation typically includes: reviewing relevant records, conducting a clinical interview, psychological testing, and additional information.

Is there any other way in which you’d like to be proven wrong? This is like talking to a teenager who has very strong opinions about things they don’t even remotely understand.
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Back on the old AOPA board we had a “Jason” who earned the label HWMNBN….
And here we are.

UT, just go through the evals. It will take some looong time….about two years as best I can tell from the info you posted.
If UT reacts to the doctors as he does to the thread here, the light at the end of the tunnel he is searching for may be elusive.
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Not just dishonesty. The system also dissuades people from seeking treatment lest the history of that treatment cause them grief with their medical.
I respectfully disagree. People choose to not take responsibility for their health and seek the treatment they need, and/or lie about it to avoid problems (never mind that committing a felony is indeed a problem). It is up to us to take responsibility for our health. Do people choose to lie? Absolutely. That’s nobody’s fault but theirs, nobody made them do it.

This is not a logic I’ve ever agreed with. It’s up to us to take responsibility for ourselves.
If UT reacts to the doctors as he des to the thread here, the light at the end of the tunnel he is searching for may be elusive.
Completely agree. The longer this thread has gone on, the more obvious this has become.