Corrupt my wish

I wish you all would get sick of this game already.

Your wish is granted and we are sick of the game. However we are all sick individuals and continue to pointlessly pursue it.

Sac's wish still stands.
Your wish is granted and we are sick of the game. However we are all sick individuals and continue to pointlessly pursue it.

Sac's wish still stands.

I'm to corrupt my own wish?

Okay it stopped raining. Now the bloods and the crips are starting to emerge.

I wish Jesse would just get over it and install some cheap NAS hardware to the server to accomodate this thread. He's already had to do that to accomodate Captain's threads.
Granted, Jesse moves PoA off to an innexpensive iSCSI NAS device with two mirrored hard drives and no cache. Performance completely tanks for the site and a page refresh can take up to 5 minutes. Everyone abandons the site in favor of the Pupleboard. Great suggestion Sac.

I wish we would get a couple of clear days this weekend, so I can take the plane on a trip.
I suspect when the defectors discover that the sophistication of the Purple Board users won't permit a corruptable wish thread to propagate, they will be back later.

But granted, you take your plane on a trip. Unfortunately, you just finished reading two novels by Robert Pirsig plus you've been in to Timothy Leary research lately. After the DEA impounds your airplane after the dogs sniffed LSD, your medical is burned in effigy and then the whole bubba thing.

I wish for a couple clear days so I can go flying someplace.
Granted, you stupidly choose to go flying in the last hour of your second clear day, and get stuck in the deep south after your plane hits the bad weather and crashes in the swamps of Louisiana. You hear a fan boat, and someone from Swamp People fishes you out of the drink after shootin' at you a couple of times to make sure you ain't a alligator. Turns out they don't take kindly to you folk from Sactown and chain you to a tree next to their pit bull Rex. You get left wondering what will kill you first: an alligator, that daggum pit bull, or the increased insurance premiums on your next airplane purchase. You pray to God that it's one of the first two.

I wish 172's were rated for aerobatics.
Granted, you stupidly choose to go flying in the last hour of your second clear day, and get stuck in the deep south after your plane hits the bad weather and crashes in the swamps of Louisiana. You hear a fan boat, and someone from Swamp People fishes you out of the drink after shootin' at you a couple of times to make sure you ain't a alligator. Turns out they don't take kindly to you folk from Sactown and chain you to a tree next to their pit bull Rex. You get left wondering what will kill you first: an alligator, that daggum pit bull, or the increased insurance premiums on your next airplane purchase. You pray to God that it's one of the first two.

I wish 172's were rated for aerobatics.

Granted, except that it's a two seater 172.

I wish I bothered to cook two of those Prime Ribs so I have one left over for tonight.
Granted, but your brother in law was really hungry and chowed it down last night.

I wish I could take the next couple of days off.
Granted, but you come back to work only to find your key doesn't work and by the way they replaced you with a Snow Chimpanzee.

I wish I hadn't poured all that Tabasco all over my lunch salad.
Interesting choice of dressing. Granted, you accidentally grabbed the bottle of Mad Dog 357 Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce. You find yourself running through the parking lot tearing your shirt off, screaming "Make it stop, make it stop".

I wish I had a new Stratus to go with my iPad Mini.
Interesting choice of dressing. Granted, you accidentally grabbed the bottle of Mad Dog 357 Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce. You find yourself running through the parking lot tearing your shirt off, screaming "Make it stop, make it stop".

I wish I had a new Stratus to go with my iPad Mini.

Granted, but it's a Dodge Stratus, which not only set you back some coin, but the transmission fried out the first day you drove it home. The Dodge dealership just went out of business so they couldn't make you whole on the deal through the Lemon Law.

I wish I had one of those iPad Mini's too, then I could start making those feminine hygene innuendos like everyone else that has the both.

(I prefer Tapatio, but they were out. I just like it to spice things up, that's all.)
Granted... You have an iPad mini. But it mysteriously turns into one of the feminine hygiene variety as soon as it gets into your hands. So much for the innuendo.

I wish that I could make people in my life that I didn't like just disappear by pressing a button. :)
Granted... You have an iPad mini. But it mysteriously turns into one of the feminine hygiene variety as soon as it gets into your hands. So much for the innuendo.

I wish that I could make people in my life that I didn't like just disappear by pressing a button. :)


Granted, you just learned how to use the "ignore" feature in POA! Except, that this is a magical ignore button. You can ignore real people, in real life, by clicking the button. But, in your haste of paying bills, posting to POA, chatting with friends, doing Facebook, ordering on Ebay and checking Flightaware, you accidentally click on Santa! No more Christmas for U!!

I wish this fog would disappear. I want to bail on work and go flying!
LOL... that is the last time I'm telling you that I'm doing all of those things at once, Sac. :rolleyes: The tree will be going away soon and I miss Christmas already, especially since it fell on my work week this year. :( Better luck next year, huh?? :mad:

Well.... the fog does disappear and you take the Arrow out and have a great salmon salad for lunch at Half Moon Bay. But then, when you're not there, everyone else at the office and your other offices too, also bails on work and nothing gets done today. There will be a huge backlog of meetings and proposals to catch up once you get back. Have fun.

I wish I knew of a safety pilot who would go fly approaches with me more regularly and not complain. The husband thinks it's boring doing them VFR. :(
Granted, you found the perfect safety pilot. He's always there on time, never has scheduling conflicts, always is agreeable, is a noted actor, and even shows an interest in you.

Whoda thunk Pee Wee Herman would have gotten his PPL. You kind of have to work around his lack of medical thing due to legal issues involving molestation and public exposure, but anything is possible. By the way, wipe down your upholstry after each flight, who knows what's going on while you're under the hood.

I wish the Peppermill Casino restaurant in Reno still had that Terminator burger on their menu. It was a single patty, 1 lb burger with bacon on it. Yuuuum.
Granted, they bring back the Terminator by popular demand, with the slogan, "I told you I'll be back". Unfortunately, the movie company that owns the rights to the movie franchise wasn't amused and sent Arnold to avenge anyone who partook of one. You happened to be chowing down when he arrived.

I wish I was at the airport preflighting right now.
Granted. Except the mechanics decided to drag your plane back in the shop. So after sumping the tanks, checking the oil, inspecting the exterior and everything else on the checklist all you can really do is sit in the seat and make airplane noises. Then you hear this rumbling noise and look up - it's a 707 landing, in Lincoln! Wow, who could it be! John Travolta! He sees you in your plane, has pity, and invites you in for a dual massage session inside his airplane.

I wish there was a pizza place open at 9:30 in the morning.
You are a sick man. Granted, but it is a Papa Murphy's Take and Bake and the toaster oven at work doesn't get it done.

I wish that 707 wasn't blocking access to the pumps.
Granted. But the A380 is. They managed to land it somehow, but they aren't exactly sure how they are going to take it off again. Your best bet to get gas is sometime in the Spring when they can construct a temporary runway extension for the Airbus.

I wish we had a pizza oven in the breakroom instead of that stupid toster oven.
Granted, but after they installed the wood fired brick pizza oven in the break room, there wasn't any room left to actually go into the room and use it. Your coworkers are quite ****ed at you for wishing away one of their perks.

I wish I could have seen the A380 land at Lincoln.
Granted, but after they installed the wood fired brick pizza oven in the break room, there wasn't any room left to actually go into the room and use it. Your coworkers are quite ****ed at you for wishing away one of their perks.

I wish I could have seen the A380 land at Lincoln.

Granted - at least similar to it anyway. You can watch it land at Oshkosh.

I wish the receptionist didn't scab that entire beef Summer sausage out of the breakroom. I know she did it. I'm positive.
Granted, she didn't. It was her new boyfriend, Bubba. You run into him in the hallway and it brings back fond memories that he wants to relive with you in the breakroom.

I wish it were a bit warmer today.
Granted, by the time you read this, it will be.... 1 degree warmer. That's all you get.

I wish I had a Winter home in Tahiti.
You have a winter home in Tahiti. However it's invested with mosquitos year round

I wish it didn't snow last night I want to go on a road trip!
You have a winter home in Tahiti. However it's invested with mosquitos year round

I wish it didn't snow last night I want to go on a road trip!

Okay it didn't snow last night, and you go on a road trip. To Oakland, California. Problem is you are a) obviously from out of town, b) fit their definition of a yuppy, c) not wearing Raider's colors and d) forgot to bring along your AK. You give your pal Sac a frantic call late at night to bail you out of the 'hood, and wonder why he's so agitated when he has to pay the gangs off to spare your lives and vituosity.

I wish I had a 40 of malt liquor sitting on my desk in front of me. Corrupting wishes like this makes a home boy thirsty.
You have a 40 of malt liquor on your desk but the cute blond in your office is a little clumsy and trips and spills it all over the floor now your floor smells of alcohol and you'll soon be fired.

I wish my husband would get home. I'm hungry!
You have a 40 of malt liquor on your desk but the cute blond in your office is a little clumsy and trips and spills it all over the floor now your floor smells of alcohol and you'll soon be fired.

I wish my husband would get home. I'm hungry!

He'll be back shortly - he was fired after being caught on top of a cute blond in the stock room, while drinking a 40. By the way he's drunk and exhausted.

I wish that cute blond would get me another damn beer, I'm thirsty. And clean up my carpet.
Granted, she gets you another beer but this time she gets mugged on her way back to work and is in an alley beat up real bad. Calling for you but you don't hear her. The company will clean your carpet.

I wish today wasn't the last processing day of the month. It's so hectic at work and on a Friday! Blech!
Granted, the next three months will be solid processing days and you will work fourteen hours at a stretch, forcing you to again post to POA at 4:38 a.m. CST.

I wish it weren't supposed to rain tomorrow. F it, maybe I'll fly anyway.
Granted, it doesn't rain, it hails, leaving little dents all over the Arrow.

I wish I could wake up more this morning.
Granted, it doesn't rain, it hails, leaving little dents all over the Arrow.

I wish I could wake up more this morning.

Granted. You woke Benjamin (Bubba) J. More up. Now he's really angry at you, plus he has that morning hardness thing going on. You know what happens next.

I wish I could eat breakfast with no caloric remorse.
Granted, you have no remorse, because you have to run it off being chased by a pack of rabid escaped dogs, as you step out your door. They eventually catch you and you have to endure a series of rabie shots.

I wish it was the weekend already.
Granted, but the day time jump doesn't stop there, you start skipping days at a time, then weeks, and you end up aging 24 years within the next six months. Argue that with the social security administration next year, if you're still around.

I wish they would fix my favorite cardio machine at the gym. It was hella squeaking this morning, and the mechanic is on vacation.
Granted, someone fixes it. Unfortunately, since the mechanic was on vacation, the front desk person to a swag at it. Now it not only squeeks, but makes loud thumping noises.

I wish someone would give me a Garmin 430W for free.
Granted, someone fixes it. Unfortunately, since the mechanic was on vacation, the front desk person to a swag at it. Now it not only squeeks, but makes loud thumping noises.

I wish someone would give me a Garmin 430W for free.

Granted, except that Vladimir mistook your request and delivered you a Girdle, size 430W. Along with a very large babushka inside of it. You will eat borsct and black bread for the rest of your life, plus your face will be flattened.

I wish Molotov, who has a better command of English, give that Garmin 430W to me instead.
Granted, but he misunderstood your intentions and installed it on your bike, instead. Now you are embarrassed to ride it.

I wish I could get out of town for New Years. Maybe I will.
(Actually, a 430W would be kind of cool on a bike. I'm not sure WAAS would be a big advantage though. I'd be the hit at Jamba Juice for sure.)

Granted, your significant other told you to get out of town. You, unfortunately took it to mean she wanted you to kindly have a great time snowboarding at Sugarbowl while she stayed back and cleaned the house. You come home to find all the good furniture gone and your prized pedigree breeding poodle raffled off on Craigslist. And by the way there is toilet paper wrapped all over your plane. And I don't mean a fresh roll.

I wish the Asian restaurants here served authentic Asian dishes instead of this Americanized thrown together combo dish crap.
The Asian Restaurant does serve the authentic Asian dishes you just have to tell them that's what you want. However, Immigation dude is right behind you and they close down the entire restaurant. Now there are more people out of work. Way to go.

I wish people could just accept someone else for who they are.
Granted, the Asian restaurant took the great deal on John's pedigree poodle, and now you're staring down at it on your plate--you asked for authentic, and you're gonna get it! When John finds out about this, he's not too happy so he gets a mod to reset your post count. Welcome back to "filing flight plan"!

I wish I were better at short-field landings.

"Your honor, my client is a homicidal psychopath."
"I accept him for who he is. He's free to go."

I wish I could have another helping of that deep fried shrimp for lunch. It was hella yummy.
Granted another helping of the deep fried shrimp served right up. Don't worry the guy that sneezed on it is probably not that'll be good. Just that they took the shrimp out of the Chicago River shouldn't deter you either.

I wish I could gain knowledge without reading anything.