Corrupt my wish

Oh no you don't.

Granted, but not in time to still have warm coffee. Now you've got to go back upstairs for a fresh pot.

I wish I wasn't about to get sucked into posting on this thread endlessly.

Granted, it will take a while for you to get sucked into posting on this thread endlessly.

I wish I bothered to do another hour of cardio at the gym. Looks like today is a no ride day.
I wish Action Figure Model didn't take ten minutes to write five lines.
I wish I bothered to do another hour of cardio at the gym. Looks like today is a no ride day.

Granted, but you catabolize so bad that you end up looking like one or both of the Olsen twins.

Wish in post above.
I wish Action Figure Model didn't take ten minutes to write five lines.

Granted, but Action Figure's posts would be unreadablsndiashthoasovh causehfhu using audg IPad.

I wish I had the real computer right now.
I wish I had the real computer right now.

Granted, but it's a PC/XT and the Turbo switch is broke, so the bus can only handle about 1200 baud and PoA isn't available on gopher.

I wish I didn't know any of that crap.
Granted, but it's a PC/XT and the Turbo switch is broke, so the bus can only handle about 1200 baud and PoA isn't available on gopher.

I wish I didn't know any of that crap.

Granted, you are now a twelve year old girl who idolizes Justin Bieber.

I wish I didn't have to go to a stupid Christmas party tonight.
Granted, but it is now the week after Thanksgiving, and you still have to go to work for another month before Christmas and New Years vacation, and you will still end up having to go to the Xmas party.

I wish my final exams were over.
Granted, but you slept through them.

I wish I didn't have work to do this weekend (BTW, what is Christmas and New Years vacation? I seem to remember something about that from my youth.)
Granted, but your boss was planning on having you fly him around in his brand new plane and paying you overtime. (And most people I know have nice bosses who give them off on holidays. Then again, most people I know are also college students).

I wish I lived somewhere you could see the sun more than 30% of the time.
Granted, but your boss was planning on having you fly him around in his brand new plane and paying you overtime. (And most people I know have nice bosses who give them off on holidays. Then again, most people I know are also college students).

I wish I lived somewhere you could see the sun more than 30% of the time.

Granted, you live in the Gobi desert. Within six months, your skin is a charred wrinkled mess and the best the local escort service can give you is a toothless camel.

I wish it would rain, or not. So far I could have done a 40 miler on the bike by now.
Granted, it still isn't raining, but you wait long enough to find another excuse not to ride. There is a popup sale on Bieber t-shirts at the mall and you don't want to miss it.

I wish I had gone to Northstar today.
Most escorts look like toothless camels anyway (at least the ones I'd be able to afford would). Anyway, your wish has been granted and it is either raining or not raining.

I wish I didn't have to ride my bike to the airport 10 miles each way for flight lessons just to save money otherwise spent on a cab.
Most escorts look like toothless camels anyway (at least the ones I'd be able to afford would). Anyway, your wish has been granted and it is either raining or not raining.

I wish I didn't have to ride my bike to the airport 10 miles each way for flight lessons just to save money otherwise spent on a cab.

Granted, you have to ride your bike to the seedy district so you can make money as a male prostitute in order to support your crack habit.

I wish I didn't waste all morning posting here.

(Why don't you buy a cheap scooter or moped?)
Parents are against it, plus sometimes a friend takes me in a rental car and comes along. Also, thanks for the advice on how to make some crack money--never thought of that before.
And your wish has been granted. Instead, your morning was spent HERE!

I wish I had enough money on a regular basis to cover my crack habits. This prostitute gig just doesn't seem like it will make me enough.
Parents are against it, plus sometimes a friend takes me in a rental car and comes along. Also, thanks for the advice on how to make some crack money--never thought of that before.
And your wish has been granted. Instead, your morning was spent HERE!

I wish I had enough money on a regular basis to cover my crack habits. This prostitute gig just doesn't seem like it will make me enough.

Oh. Wow. Dude, that was just wrong. And I have to say, drugs and male prostitution is one thing, but a Justin Bieber forum? I'm deeply disturbed you knew of it's existance.

Ok you go in to gangsta rap instead, and make mo mail than the rest of the pushers. Unfortunately, being East coast, you manage to infuriate the West coast rappers. Sac Arrow, being within about 30 miles of all three of the aforementioned, tries to reason with them and calm them down but to no avail. Too $hort denies you of any more hos, E40 takes all your drugs away and Spice 1 keeps trying to shoot you with a gat. Good thing he's so stoned he can't hold a 9mm steady.

I wish I could start drinking early on the company's tab. Party doesn't start for a while.
Granted, sounds like you already have!

I wish for lots of fine-a$$ shawties.
Oh. Wow. Dude, that was just wrong. And I have to say, drugs and male prostitution is one thing, but a Justin Bieber forum? I'm deeply disturbed you knew of it's existance.

Ok you go in to gangsta rap instead, and make mo mail than the rest of the pushers. Unfortunately, being East coast, you manage to infuriate the West coast rappers. Sac Arrow, being within about 30 miles of all three of the aforementioned, tries to reason with them and calm them down but to no avail. Too $hort denies you of any more hos, E40 takes all your drugs away and Spice 1 keeps trying to shoot you with a gat. Good thing he's so stoned he can't hold a 9mm steady.

I wish I could start drinking early on the company's tab. Party doesn't start for a while.

Granted, you have the motivation and a company credit card. Of course, when you turn in the expense report, it is hard to explain the $300 tab you charged at Centerfolds, buying drinks for your girls.

I wish I hadn't seen the Justin Bieber forum.
Granted, sounds like you already have!

I wish for lots of fine-a$$ shawties.

I wish I hadn't seen the Justin Bieber forum.

Granted, both of you travelled to the ATL to visit the gentleman's club for some fine ass shawties. Kowski got his shawties, you managed to erase disturbing thoughts of Justin Bieber from your mind, except now the both of you racked up a huge travel and party bill, and you're back posting on Bieber's forum begging some money from him.

I wish they imported Tiger beer here.
Granted--sort of--the beer isn't imported because it's made where you live--right next to the factory in the middle of Vietnam.

I wish I'd gotten out of my room at least once today.
Granted--sort of--the beer isn't imported because it's made where you live--right next to the factory in the middle of Vietnam.

I wish I'd gotten out of my room at least once today.

Granted, they let you in the exercise yard this afternoon. Too bad it was hailing. Oh well, you've been on lockdown all week. Your cellmates are getting agitated at you.

I wish they would stock some Lagavoulen single malt scotch at the party just for me.

(Tiger is brewed in Singapore. Vietnam and Thailand have local breweries though.)
(Tiger is brewed in Singapore. Vietnam and Thailand have local breweries though.)

I know, Vietnam just sounded like a much lovelier place to live next to a factory.

Granted, they left it just for you and you go to drink it. Then, you see your old cellmate Bubba. It's his favorite drink too, but they only got enough for you. Bubba weighs just over max useful on a 152, and he really wants that drink.

I wish there were more than 2 attractive girls at my school.
I know, Vietnam just sounded like a much lovelier place to live next to a factory.

Granted, they left it just for you and you go to drink it. Then, you see your old cellmate Bubba. It's his favorite drink too, but they only got enough for you. Bubba weighs just over max useful on a 152, and he really wants that drink.

I wish there were more than 2 attractive girls at my school.

Granted. Through osmosis, via this board, your standards have drastically been reduced to roughly mine and you'll pretty much hit anything that sits to pee.

I wish they would book next year's party at the Gentleman's Club.
Granted, but the class action lawsuit launched by most of the female employees puts your company out of business.

I wish I hadn't eaten such a late lunch. Now dinner is going to come late.
Granted; you stopped by that burrito truck for lunch, and now instead of your dinner coming late, your lunch is on its way out.

I wish for my very own pegasus!
Granted; you stopped by that burrito truck for lunch, and now instead of your dinner coming late, your lunch is on its way out.

I wish for my very own pegasus!

Granted, you have one. But unfortunately you are a mythical person now as well and you are confined to an obscure mythology book.

I wish I had a heated and air conditioned hangar. That would be my man cave.
I wish I had a heated and air conditioned hangar. That would be my man cave.

Granted, but now you can't afford anything to keep in it, so you sit in the middle and play caps.

I wish the NHL were playing.
Granted, but now you can't afford anything to keep in it, so you sit in the middle and play caps.

I wish the NHL were playing.

Granted. But they are playing football. It's pretty comical to watch a guy in skates that can't throw toss the ball to a guy in skates that can't run. Aside the damage to the turf, the entire league was brought down by ankle and knee injuries for the next two seasons.

I wish I could start eating. Right now!!
Granted, but the closest meat you see is your right arm. Ow!

I wish I had a Martini (Grey Goose, up with olives)
Granted, but it's an appletini and everyone thinks you're really queer after that.

I wish it didn't get dark so early.
Hey, that bartender isn't getting a tip.
Granted, You are in the arctic and haven't seen the dark in weeks, nor anyone else and it's pretty cold.

I wish Appletinis had more respect.
Granted, you get plenty of respect if you're drinking an appletini--and all the guys in the bar want to buy another one for you. :drool:

I wish people knew the difference between the arctic and the antarctic. It's pretty dark up north right now.
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Granted, you get plenty of respect if you're drinking an appletini--and all the guys in the bar want to buy another one for you. :drool:

I wish people knew the difference between the arctic and the antarctic. It's pretty dark up north right now.

You're right, it was that appletini clouding my thinking.

I wish I would have just ordered a Crown straight up. Maybe the bartender wouldn't have screwed that one up.
Ok you just ordered a Crown straight up. Except it's 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday, and they were still running that checkpoint from last night when you happened on it.....

I wish I could figure out this stupid weather. I'm going stir crazy inside this house.
I wish I could figure out this stupid weather. I'm going stir crazy inside this house.

You can, but now you're Al Roker, and that whole W&B thing effectively grounds you for life.

I wish I could eat cereal for every meal.
You can, but now you're Al Roker, and that whole W&B thing effectively grounds you for life.

I wish I could eat cereal for every meal.

Granted. Cereal can no longer remain in your proximity. You are in effect labeled a "cereal killer" and the court of literal interpretation sentences you to a temporary common law marriage with Bubba.

I wish the rain would hold off long enough for me to get in a bike ride.
Granted, the rain holds off serveral more hours, but you didn't believe it was going to, so you sat around and posted on PoA.

I wish I had woken up earlier.
Granted, the rain holds off serveral more hours, but you didn't believe it was going to, so you sat around and posted on PoA.

I wish I had woken up earlier.

Hah! I got in a short ride. Anyway granted, you woke up at 2:00 a.m. And couldn't go back to sleep. Your sleep schedule is all screwed up now.

I wish I had something laying around for lunch that is more substantial than a can of tuna.
Granted, you found a can of beans that had a bulge at the top from bacteria growing in it. You think nothing of it and eat it. And go to the hospital and get your stomach pumped AGAIN!

I wish people would read the emails our flying club mails out.
Granted, you found a can of beans that had a bulge at the top from bacteria growing in it. You think nothing of it and eat it. And go to the hospital and get your stomach pumped AGAIN!

I wish people would read the emails our flying club mails out.

Granted, too bad you didn't read them before they were sent out. "Club member Celica giving all club members $1,000"

"Club member Celica offering free escort services to all interested club members"

"Club member Celica throwing massive party for club with free open bar"

I wish I bothered to keep riding today. It still isn't raining.
I wish I bothered to keep riding today. It still isn't raining.

You kept riding, but the back left tire on your Big Wheel got a hole in it and some rocks got in, so your ears are ringing from the constant rattle that they caused.

I wish I could find the link to the damn AOPA forums from their website.

Edit: Duh.
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