Automotive Subforum


Final Approach
Jul 12, 2008
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I'm not one to subdivide and subdivide the forum, but it seems like every other thread in hangar talk is automotive related. Any thoughts or considerations for making a dedicated automotive subforum?
I don't want to be disagreeable..... but count me as a negative for subforums all around

The only time I ever see anything about subforums is when I'm trying to start a new thread..... and in that case, the more subforum choices there are, the harder it is to figure out where to put it... and I think like most folks, I have a limited amount of patience for figuring that out, so the thread will most often default to whatever seems to be the "general" category when there are too many choices on a forum.
The more choices of subforums, the greater than chances of something being mis-filed.

otherwise, when I'm logging in to read, I look at new unread posts since my last visit
and if a topic is interesting I open it if not I don't. I pay zero attention to what subform it's in

and if I'm searching for something, I'll be searching keywords.... again, subforum is of zero help.

Instead, I support the idea of encouraging good thread titles.
the more subforum choices there are, the harder it is to figure out where to put it... and I think like most folks, I have a limited amount of patience for figuring that out,
I certainly agree with your argument in principle, however, I think the one I'm proposing would be pretty hard to confuse for a thread location :).
sounds like something an ev driver would ask for......:smilewinkgrin:
My other car is a built overlanding gas guzzling truck ;).
Will it be called the Off topic from off topic from Off topic forum? Wait, then we will need Off topic off topic off topic off topic sub forum to separate EV from gas. Then off topic off topic off topic off topic off topic off topic off topic just for Ted's purchases.
I’m sorry, but this thread title did not contain ‘NA’ in it so I was not aware that the content was not aviation related.
My other car is a built overlanding gas guzzling truck ;).

Gas guzzling? Puh-leeze. You get double digits with that thing. You might even get over 20.

I propose @Ted gets his own subforum. It's best to keep him separate from the general population ;)

While I agree that it's best to keep me away from regular people (won't someone please think of the children?!), I don't really see a need for an automotive sub-forum. I'm not a big fan of sub-forums in general either.

However if the folks who go to Hangar Talk for non-automotive items are annoyed that there are so many automotive threads, I wouldn't complain about using an automotive subforum.
My thoughts? The same with the Aviation Media subforum. I suspect a lot of good stuff is getting missed. I sure don't check it regularly.
it seems like every other thread in hangar talk is automotive related.

With that criteria, we’ll also need a cooking subforum, a millennial vs boomer subforum, a photography subforum, a weather subforum,.....

Put me down as “No.”
With that criteria, we’ll also need a cooking subforum, a millennial vs boomer subforum, a photography subforum, a weather subforum,.....

Put me down as “No.”

If there's a way to ignore entire subforums, I'd vote opposite you to those :D
My thoughts? The same with the Aviation Media subforum. I suspect a lot of good stuff is getting missed. I sure don't check it regularly.
Nesting forums within forums is a bad idea, generally. Agree with Sac Arrow.
While I like to talk cars, I don’t think we need an entire forum for it. Some talk guns a lot on here as well but we don’t have a forum for that either.

If we add an automotive forum, replace the medical one with it. No one reads that stuff anyway.
lets talk subforums

* high wing - Bang that forehead
* low wing - For those that like to walk around the wing a lot
* mid wing - For those that can't fly straight and level
* conventional gear - For real men
* retractable gear - Three greens
* experimental - For those with anti-authority HA
* warbirds - Pew pew
* vintage - Geezerville

and on and on and on
+1 vote for no more subforums.
The IGNORE button on the thread is helpful for burying the stuff that's dull or you don't just don't wanna see in your results.