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  1. ggroves

    Wall off Canada, eh?

    Saying that “things just didn’t work out,” the billionaire Koch brothers have decided to put Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker up for sale.
  2. ggroves

    Wall off Canada, eh?

    Figured Stan would be along to support his fellow Koch owned, Tea Party pandering cheese-head.....
  3. ggroves

    Warehouse explosion in Tianjin, China

    Took out an s-load of warehoused new VWs, according to reports. Notice the burned out new Beetles in the above pic. Of course, they probably did the potential buyers a favor.........:hairraise:
  4. ggroves

    NA - Best office schedule program

    Oops. The Open Source crowd will be along shortly to mock you.
  5. ggroves

    Learn in 172 or DA40

    Nope. I've owned, rented, and instructed in a variety of high and low wing airplanes. The DA40 is actually my favorite, and if we get the 3rd class medical resolved, it will be the one plane that I return to flying in. Great visibility, handling, landing characteristics, comfortable, etc...
  6. ggroves

    Are we really scared of our own shadows?

    Lawyers, insurance companies, facility management, law enforcement, PR team, James Taylor, and an assorted list of other experts. Sounds like you were at a Live Nation venue. I refuse to attend anything associated with Live Nation after the BS over the Jimmy Buffett concert changes...
  7. ggroves

    Departing VMC for a IFR flight plan non towered

    It's also the circumstances. A pop-up due to weather, sure. Picking up a clearance in the air because you're too lazy to use the phone or RCO on the ground or you don't want to wait for other departures, not so much in some airspace. Potomac will refuse you in the latter situation, and get...
  8. ggroves

    Departing VMC for a IFR flight plan non towered

    ^ This ^. "Unable, maintain VFR", or a professional-grade lecture via radio, or both.
  9. ggroves

    Thinking About a Tractor

    ^ This ^. Virtually indestructible with routine maintenance.
  10. ggroves

    Cause/Reasons for 'go-around' and aborted takeoff

    Deer / small animals on the runway at night. Both take-off and landing.
  11. ggroves

    What has the FAA done to you?

    ^^ This ^^ The ridiculous 3rd class requirements have kept my $$ out of aviation and diverted it into other hobbies.
  12. ggroves

    Simple document scanner software?

    We use this at a Enterprise level. Very easy to use, and relatively inexpensive.
  13. ggroves

    You've got One flight left

    Land a J3 in the park that was once Meigs. Sit and wait to be arrested by Chicago's finest...and charged as a terrorist. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. ggroves

    NA... Boomers ... NA

    Nice! Benz? Because a Vette is an even bigger cliche. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. ggroves

    NA... Boomers ... NA

    Yep. Then the cries about needing the govt. to step in and "do something" would be loud. I'd venture to guess that less than 10% of the population would actually survive in this crowd's "leave us alone, we'll take care of ourselves" world. Nobody cares to look at the downside, unless poor...
  16. ggroves

    NA... Boomers ... NA

    Bart, feel free to swing by the beach house, drink some wine, and drive the Benz. I'll give you the code to get in. It's on me, Bro! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. ggroves

    NA... Boomers ... NA

    Let's call it "Federal government mandated relations". Lay back, close your eyes, and relax. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. ggroves

    NA... Boomers ... NA

    No, but the IOUs were, and under current law, they are being paid out for disability and retirement. Subject to change of course, but find me a credible Politician who will vote to abolish SS. Fear not Bart. You'll pay to fund my luxury car leases and vacations, and someone behind you will...
  19. ggroves

    NA... Boomers ... NA

    According to decades of pamphlets, posters, and now the Internet, SS is an important part of retirement planning. Look at all the happy old people on the .gov site: We get it. You're bitter about being taxed to fund blue hair lifestyles. It's a...
  20. ggroves

    What would you do?

    ^ This ^ Zero chance a 121 operator flies a plane filled with passengers with an issue not covered by ops spec.