You've got One flight left

There are only two things that can happen to a pilot. One is that he walks out to the airplane knowing it will be his last flight. The other is that he walks out to the airplane NOT knowing that it will be his last flight.

So fly every flight as if it's your last! :yes:
There are only two things that can happen to a pilot. One is that he walks out to the airplane knowing it will be his last flight. The other is that he walks out to the airplane NOT knowing that it will be his last flight.
Or you could think some flight was your last flight but not have it turn out that way.
I know this is a rhetorical question. For most of us though, we'll never be able to plan our last flight.

If the government was to shut the airspace down permanently, the circumstances around it would probably outweigh the desire to go on a pleasure flight. Also, the circumstances would probably cause an immediate on 9/11.

Those of us who were pilots back during 9/11 remember that feeling of wondering if our last flight fact, our last flight. Some of us in the Washington D.C. area wondered if our airspace would shut down to GA permanently.

Considering the circumstances associated, my last flight would probably be loading up my wife, kid, and dog, and bugging out to Canada.

I was in Alaska when 9/11 happened. We had people out on raft trips and hiking trips and depended on us to air drop food and supplies to them. We still flew anyway to drop food and notes to inform the people what was going on. We dropped extra supplies and told them to stay at the pickup point, we will get to you, maybe a few days late, but we will get you.

Most of the people seemed to understand, the ones with sat phones kept in contact, the others just had to sit and wonder what is going on.
You flew anyway? You mean after Ted Stevens got the airspace opened up again in Alaska, right? I know of one guy who flew because he was out hunting and didn't know he wasn't allowed to. His Cub was escorted and directed to land by a pair of F15s. The skies were eerily quiet for those couple of days.

My last flight? A one way trip to the cabin. Turn the 180 into a planter. Sounds nice.
If the government was to shut the airspace down permanently, the circumstances around it would probably outweigh the desire to go on a pleasure flight. Also, the circumstances would probably cause an immediate on 9/11.

Those of us who were pilots back during 9/11 remember that feeling of wondering if our last flight fact, our last flight. Some of us in the Washington D.C. area wondered if our airspace would shut down to GA permanently.

Considering the circumstances associated, my last flight would probably be loading up my wife, kid, and dog, and bugging out to Canada.

Yes, there was an immediate airspace shutdown in the aftermath of 9/11. However, the most persistent DC airspace change was the FRZ/SFRA, which were supposedly required by the invasion of Iraq. Today, the ghost of Saddam Hussein and that dangerous 152 out of Smoketown which has TWICE penetrated the DC airspace (yes, the same ship; different pilots each time) require the eternal vigilance of well-paid security personnel and consultants.
Land a J3 in the park that was once Meigs. Sit and wait to be arrested by Chicago's finest...and charged as a terrorist.

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Crank up the "633 Squadron" soundtrack and head for Flaming Geyser State Park.....

Ron Wanttaja
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I go back and forth on this one. On the one hand, I think I want to fly under the Golden Gate Bridge. On the other, I like the busting a VIP TFR. I'm sure with a little research I could figure out a way to this such that I don't get shot down but I do have a fighter escort for my last flight.
You guys are fatalistic. There is no last flight unless you are physically broken. Thread is starting to remind me off that movie where driving is banned and someone goes for a cross country jaunt in a sports car getting chased by a F-86. We can always build hanggliders from bamboo and plastic sheeting same as the old days
You guys are fatalistic. There is no last flight unless you are physically broken. Thread is starting to remind me off that movie where driving is banned and someone goes for a cross country jaunt in a sports car getting chased by a F-86. We can always build hanggliders from bamboo and plastic sheeting same as the old days

Except here in the flat lands those hanggliders don't work so well.
Car tow. Homemade hot air balloons. Plenty of ways to fly.
I might get in some bravo airspace, dial up approach, duct tape my mic open, do a bunch of aerobatics, then pull the chute.

I bet I would get my own wikipedia page out of that.

Capture it all on my GoPro, the youtube ad revenue, would be waiting for me when I get out of jail.

This might actually be a better plan that working for a living.