the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

Did I miss something special about 9 Sept? Traffic this morning was lighter than most Saturdays.
Did I miss something special about 9 Sept? Traffic this morning was lighter than most Saturdays.
Start of the NFL season and everyone is hung over from opening weekend?
Ok, everyone can start relaxing.

Halloween is only 52 days away....
And 30 days ago Walgreens had Halloween candy out, and Home Depot has their decorations displayed.
I had to fly Allegiant on Friday. I paid extra to get an exit row aisle seat. Nobody paid extra for the exit row middle or window seats. The other side of the plane was similarly occupied. There's already a tremendous amount of pressure on me in all areas of my life, and I really don't like that I paid extra money for the added pressure of bearing 100% of the responsibility for an exit door that, given that it's Allegiant, we probably will have to use. Fortunately, nobody on the flight paid the extra charge to squawk 7700, so we ended up making the trip without any emergencies. But you can't count on that.
I paid extra money for the added pressure of bearing 100% of the responsibility for an exit door that, given that it's Allegiant, we probably will have to use.
You could have lucked out and got the 1 Boeing in the fleet...door has that auto depart feature
Start of the NFL season and everyone is hung over from opening weekend?
Maybe it's just me...but I stopped watching the NFL a long time ago, when it seemed like the needle was moving from something like college football to something like professional wrestling with corporate sponsors. Then again, I ramble too much and want to yell at people for being on my lawn.
Maybe it's just me...but I stopped watching the NFL a long time ago, when it seemed like the needle was moving from something like college football to something like professional wrestling with corporate sponsors. Then again, I ramble too much and want to yell at people for being on my lawn.
Just be glad you stopped watching back when it was at least about some form of gridiron football. Now it is mostly about whether Taylor Swift looked like she had fun eating hors d'oeuvres at the game.
There was a game at the Taylor Swift outing?

I don’t “appreciate” or have a developed taste for the Taylor music, but what a fantastic business empire she has built.
Why I prefer towered airfields...
Yesterday I was enroute to KRZL and as I approached there was traffic using the same runway in opposite directions at the same time.
The ILU airplane was inbound repeatedly saying he was landing "RWY 14" (a runway that doesn't exist at KRZL), while the departing Cherokee was already on the runway departing 36.
Thankfully nothing bad happened, but it sure was a little nerve racking to watch on ADS-B and hear on the radio as the situation developed. It didn't help that the CTAF was clogged with a nearby busy airfield traffic which made comms difficult.
I suppose it's sometime soon that you'll say what it was like back in your day.
Nah...I don't claim to have owned or influenced any of it. But today is just as much my comfort zone as 30 years ago. Actually more so.
Any chance of new/more frequencies? Can’t new digital radios work on additional channels? I flew into an airport on eastern shore last year and ctaf was the same at something ridiculous like 5 nearby airports. It’s flat there and I imagine Florida is worse…
Any chance of new/more frequencies? Can’t new digital radios work on additional channels? I flew into an airport on eastern shore last year and ctaf was the same at something ridiculous like 5 nearby airports. It’s flat there and I imagine Florida is worse…

Florida is the same or worse. In the panhandle, I can hear most of lower Alabama and sometimes Georgia at times on 122.8 or 122.9. I like uncontrolled fields personally but the clogged frequencies can make it aggravating.
Any chance of new/more frequencies? Can’t new digital radios work on additional channels? I flew into an airport on eastern shore last year and ctaf was the same at something ridiculous like 5 nearby airports. It’s flat there and I imagine Florida is worse…


Europe has 8.33 channel

We could have 6.25 spacing but good luck getting the airlines to agree to it , especially after recently upgrading to 8.33
Any chance of new/more frequencies? Can’t new digital radios work on additional channels? I flew into an airport on eastern shore last year and ctaf was the same at something ridiculous like 5 nearby airports. It’s flat there and I imagine Florida is worse…
Europe has 8.33 channel

We could have 6.25 spacing but good luck getting the airlines to agree to it , especially after recently upgrading to 8.33
I believe we also went from 720 channels to 760 channels but the upper 40 gets very little use.
I’m thinking digital radio would offer many multitude of channels without more bandwidth. But not sure about the range.
Tipping - bah humbug. Went to a fast food place, checking out it asked how much I wanted to tip. I just skipped that and tapped the card. Apparently unless you excicitly select No Tip it charges you 10% tip.

Went to another place. How much do you want to tip? The lowest of the suggested amounts was 25%.

I’m cuttting down on eating out because it’s just too dang expensive - and adding this tip tax on top is keeping me away even more.

Now, get off my lawn…… :)
The clutch in my washing machine exploded. Or what looks very much like a clutch. And I didn't even realize a washing machine HAD a clutch.
Just got my insurance renewal, and it's down about 10% this year :cheers:

Broker said the initial quote was the same as last year, but this week AIG lowered their hull rates. Maybe the insurance pain has peaked? Or at least plateaued...
My electric bi-fold hangar door was almost fully open yesterday when there was a very loud *bang* and clatter and this landed a couple feet away.


from his new digs
Looks to be about the same age as the clutch in my washing machine. Tis the season for stuff falling apart.
I'm convinced AI is gay.

so my browser got an update, says I can create AI images for my background by just typing some ideas. so I put "cool looking airplanes with swedish bikini girls as pilots" and this is what I get


seriously, WTAF????
I know times are tough, but this is ridiculous! a quarter of a burger for fo fiddy?

I'm convinced AI is gay.

so my browser got an update, says I can create AI images for my background by just typing some ideas. so I put "cool looking airplanes with swedish bikini girls as pilots" and this is what I get

View attachment 133698

seriously, WTAF????
1. None of the planes seem to be high wing.
2. Sounds like Google AI. ChatGPT/Microsoft might do better.