the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

How’s the yield looking to be this time around?
How’s the yield looking to be this time around?
Probably the best ever. With current prices... not quite good enough to be profitable. So it's a weird situation where I'm disappointed with the best yields I've ever had.

With the timely rains we had all summer, I thought we'd be in the 240 range, but it's looking more like 220-230. Break even occurs somewhere around 230-235.
Somethings you can control, somethings you can’t……….

Do you ever hedge a bit with some futures?
Somethings you can control, somethings you can’t……….

Do you ever hedge a bit with some futures?
In this business there's more of the latter .

Yes, most years I try to have 80% of the crop sold before harvest, but this year prices were below break even pretty much all year. I think the bottom is in though and there should be some improvement, but it will mean paying storage to the elevator.
I was flying X Country yesterday and ATC told me to use an Arrival, but enter at a fix that was not one of the published entry points. ATC spelled it out, I spelled it back to confirm. I couldn’t find it. Repeat and rinse. I said I still couldn’t find it. He said just continue direct instead.

After landing I later dug deeper into the Arrival plate and found a fix that almost matched / was close to what the controller spelled out.

Between hand flying and reading the plate at the same time I just didn’t see the similarity in the air.
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Probably the best ever. With current prices... not quite good enough to be profitable. So it's a weird situation where I'm disappointed with the best yields I've ever had.
No farmer here would consider that situation to be weird. Consider yourself lucky! :)

In other news, I am now night current in everything I'm rated to fly. So it's definitely fall. In late June, 'night' for currency means 10:56 p.m. to 4:55 a.m. and I just don't fly much during those hours. In late December, it gets to be 6:04 p.m. to 7:40 a.m., so lack of currency can really cramp my style.
No farmer here would consider that situation to be weird. Consider yourself lucky! :)

In other news, I am now night current in everything I'm rated to fly. So it's definitely fall. In late June, 'night' for currency means 10:56 p.m. to 4:55 a.m. and I just don't fly much during those hours. In late December, it gets to be 6:04 p.m. to 7:40 a.m., so lack of currency can really cramp my style.

invariably, I would end up getting my night currency in late June or early July. :-/
Maybe it's just me...but I stopped watching the NFL a long time ago, when it seemed like the needle was moving from something like college football to something like professional wrestling with corporate sponsors. Then again, I ramble too much and want to yell at people for being on my lawn.

Football, you say?
Football, you say?
I can't take that one seriously at all. If the players are someone that *I* could knock over, let alone anyone on the second string team from the high school I went to, it just doesn't seem like a contact sport to me. My version of football has..or had... "blocking", where that means a 6'2" 250 lb person running into someone and launching them into the air, without any need for penalty or explanation. Football is a game of strategy, tactics, and violence. Maybe it shouldn't be, but if that's the case let's just decide to retire the sport and let people play more civilized gentlemanly sports like baseball.

Yeah, I know, baseball is supposed to be the American sport. But I think that's just what people want to believe. We're a violent people. Those HS games? Always a doctor on the field, and always an ambulance there just in case. From memory, once or twice a year that would end up out on the field. I don't recall any permanent injuries, and it's just the way things were in the 80's and before.
Big 10 games in the 80's-90's could be a little bit like that. There were a few games where the losing team seemed to shift effort from trying to win to seeing if they could keep the other team from having a functional starting lineup for the next game. Not saying it was a good thing, but it certainly wasn't a polite thing.
Football is a game of strategy, tactics, and violence.

American football is 5 seconds of actual sport, followed by 2 minutes of "analysis", replays of those 5 seconds of movement, and light beer commercials. Boring. Throw in the occasional challenge where teams get out their lawyers to disagree with a call, and you have plenty of time for a nap.
American football is 5 seconds of actual sport, followed by 2 minutes of "analysis", replays of those 5 seconds of movement, and light beer commercials. Boring. Throw in the occasional challenge where teams get out their lawyers to disagree with a call, and you have plenty of time for a nap.
And that describes pro football, which I don't watch. Try watching a D3 game, or high school or even a pee wee game. Much more fun.
And that describes pro football, which I don't watch. Try watching a D3 game, or high school or even a pee wee game. Much more fun.
Even D1. I used to not watch any of it; then my youngest played from middle school through high school, college (NAIA school) and even one semi-pro game. I still done care the least bit about pro football, but I did develop an appreciation for college ball.