the "not worthy of it's own thread" thread

Got my daily email for flying gig postings and saw this gem

Coming back to a kinda common thread lately, I don't ever want to apply for a job that could be more effectively be done by a cat.
Not sure on the Neutered part,
A friends young brother had a slight speech impediment as a child and when he said mutant it sounded a little like neuter to us, which always made us laugh, and annoyed his mom to the point she would remind us not to make fun.
today in the WSJ... <-- link to article, might be paywalled but you can get around it if you google the article name.


Of course this is the centerfold picture, and of course it'd be the Cessna 195 pilot capable of drinking so much beer.
I'm not thinking that's what he's drinking. I'm betting that's what he's using to get the neighborhood kids to polish the plane.