ARTCCs and approach controls may clear aircraft for visual approaches using the following procedures:
Towers may exercise this authority when authorized by a LOA with the facility that provides the IFR service, or by a facility directive at collocated facilities.
a. Controllers may initiate, or pilots may request, a visual approach even when an aircraft is being vectored for an instrument approach and the pilot subsequently reports:
1. The airport or the runway in sight at airports with operating control towers.
2. The airport in sight at airports without a control tower.
b. Resolve potential conflicts with all other aircraft, advise an overtaking aircraft of the distance to the preceding aircraft and speed difference, and ensure that weather conditions at the airport are VFR or that the pilot has been informed that weather is not available for the destination airport. Upon pilot request, advise the pilot of the frequency to receive weather information where AWOS/ASOS is available.
<snip Phraseology>
c. Clear an aircraft for a visual approach when:
1. The aircraft is number one in the approach sequence, or
2. The aircraft is to follow a preceding aircraft and the pilot reports the preceding aircraft in sight and is instructed to follow it, or
The pilot need not report the airport/runway in sight.
3. The pilot reports the airport or runway in sight but not the preceding aircraft. Radar separation must be maintained until visual separation is provided.
d. All aircraft following a heavy jet/B757 must be informed of the airplane manufacturer and/or model.