My home field is a rather large Class C and after landing there hundreds of times, I still have a hard time picking it out at night from time to time -- or even during the day sometimes. Over the years, I've gotten to just loading a vector-to-final approach nearly every time when it's VMC for whatever runway I'm given a visual approach to and having visual cues on the 530/Aspen as to where the runway final approach course is (vs. just a GPS fix for the airport itself).
If I'm cleared visual straight-in, great -- I intercept the final path, get a clear picture of the runway, and come on down. If they tell me to enter the downwind, I scoot over a little using the line on the 530/Aspen until I unequivocally pick up the runway and can fly a pattern....
Ditto for airports with several similar runways (especially airports for which one is unfamiliar). I find it awful useful to make sure I'm not confused and am indeed lining up for something like runway 02 at an airport that also has a runway 36 when the winds are high, you're crabbing in, it's dark, the airport lights blend in with the city, etc... If V-T-Final Rwy 2 is loaded, the needles are centered, and the distance is right -- I'm in the right place.
Also useful for not dipping too low at night for airports without a VASI, PAPI, or have equipment out of service... 'Would hate to get a glimpse of trees at the last second at an unfamiliar field on a visual approach...
One last note: In the last few years, I'll increasingly be told something like "expect visual runway 18, proceed direct ABCDE fix" when I'm IFR, and ABCDE is only on the approach plates for a given runway (and not on the low route, etc.). Has happened at 5-6 airports recently (usually larger airports), including my home field just today... Having the V-T-Final course loaded really helps as you can just pick the fix (it's nearly always at FAF point), do Direct-To, and you're done...
Moral: Loading Vector-to-final in visual conditions is your friend for betting picking out the field and/or particular runway.
Just my 2 cents... Worth what you paid for it.