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    • 3393RP
      3393RP replied to the thread "Target for Today".
      It's fascinating to explore the efforts made to train military aircrews during WWII. One operation in particular stands out, Great...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to wanttaja's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      While we're telling bomber-ride stories.... Flew in EAA's B-17 a few years back. Put this together to share with friends. Ron Wanttaja
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to WDD's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      A B17 was parked at my local airport a few years back. They let us into the plane and spend a lot of time just gawking. I walked...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to Timbeck2's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      My grandfather in law died a few years ago. He was a pilot on the B-24. After the funeral the family was going through his trunks and...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to Domenick's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      As research for my first novel, I took a ride in the B-24 Witchcraft. We had free rein of the entire ship except the flight deck. Below...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to Domenick's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      Imagine the height of today's environmental impact statement report to build it today! Then a few years for the Feds to decide whether...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to MBDiagMan's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      I too have been reading and viewing a lot of material on the 8th Air Force and the B17. The museum behind my hangar where I volunteer...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to geezer's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      While Ford built 24 B 24 bombers a day, the Military and contractors were training 48 pilots, 24 bombardiers, 24 flight engineers, 24...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP replied to the thread "Target for Today".
      I got a good look at the nose wheel when I took a ride in the Collings Foundation's B-24, taking a seat on the floor in the cockpit...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to EvilEagle's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      I've only flown the B-24 but some of the guys I fly it with have flown the 17. I have flown a few airshows with both. The 24 is slow...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP replied to the thread "Target for Today".
      This recalls the Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun, first designed in the 1920s by the Swedish manufacturer. Several iterations built by...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to WDD's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      Reminds me of the story of Packard and the Merlin engine. Packard engineers told Merlin they had to reset the tolerances to be able to...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP reacted to flyingcheesehead's post in the thread "Target for Today" with Like Like.
      It's really too bad that we weren't able to somehow save the whole factory at Willow Run. Its pure size was a testament to the efforts...
    • 3393RP
      3393RP replied to the thread "Target for Today".
      The River Rouge facility built tanks, amphibious vehicles, tank engines, aircraft parts and engines, jeeps, and many other war...
      • 1000002457.jpg
    • 3393RP
      The A350, as the largest predator on the ramp, hungers for blood. Normally the CRJ relies on its nimbleness and speed to avoid...
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