What's the Worst Song You've Ever Heard?

3-way tie between Bieber, Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. Wait, wait, wait... add that chic that hollered during halftime at the Super Bowl and rode around on a giant tiger. 4-way true for last place. Any of their "songs" = worst ever.
Baby let me bang your box!
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Or anything by Barbara Streisand.
The Friday song. Lots of bad. But, the Friday song is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
Anything my brother's band sings. I play his CD on the way to work to keep me up! :D
The "1-877-Kars 4 Kids" song/jingle is the worst...and a scam too.
They playing that already? It's like Christmas trees in the stores the day after Labor Day.
Or anything by Barbara Streisand.
OMG, yes,yes a million times yes
Same for me is that screechy Joni Mitchell - like nails onna blackboard.
edit: Whoops, KennyW already used the analogy so I will say; 'I have been close to destroying the electronic device from which such repugnant sounds have emanated.
Any song by Van Morrison. There's something about his songs that drives me up a tree.

KennyG has been mentioned already but his horn drives me insane.

Not to change the thread but if I was on a island & had only one person to listen to it would be Elton John. His songs are varied & his piano skills are fabulous.

Country...Hank Williams Jr.
"Feelings"...by any of the dozens of artists that tried to make that meaningless piece of crap sound appealing. Not even Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughn can convince me to listen to it without wanting to gag.
Corey Feldman and the Angels? This is some pretty horrific stuff. :)

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The waiters and waitresses at the local Mexican restaurant singing their version of Happy Birthday to some dude wearing a giant sombrero.
If my nose was full of nickels
How about that Korean (I think) dude William Hung?

"She Bangs"

It's almost the time of year for Domenic the Christmas Donkey to make an appearance. One of my least favorite of all times.


My wife made me take the Geico "worst ringtone in the world" off my phone. I know have a editted down version of the late Oskhosh yodeller.