What would you do if you won $100k?

What would you do if you won $100k?

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Feb 1, 2024
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The $100k giveaway thread made me think about this. You could rent a plane for 500-650 hours with that kind of money, or even more if you joined a club.
Would you do that instead of buying a plane? Do something else with all that cash (if the rules allowed it)?
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Bump my budget for a plane purchase. With what I got for the RV-8, an extra 100 puts me deep into well-equipped low engine time 182 territory. Or a very nice Cheetah with plenty left for all of the taxes.
Add A/C to my V35 Bonanza and put the rest towards a panel upgrade.
Save it for an overhaul that I hadn't planned on. ;)
Avionics...and then engine overhaul fund.
I voted other. If the rules allowed it, we'd be putting at least half of it towards a down payment on a house and probably the other half into retirement savings, though with interest rates the way they are, we might just put all of it towards a house so it would be faster to pay off the other $50-70k of the mortgage.

If we "had" to get a plane with it, we'd probably spring for an Ercoupe or something along those lines, and put the rest of it into a "plane fund" for when it needs maintenance or other attention.
I’d set aside a little of it on an engine for my current project, blow a little on a nice vacation with Mrs., and probably discreetly find ways to use the rest to make a few people’s lives less crappy without anyone finding out where it came from.
Repower my Ercoupe with a new engine and do some other upgrades to make it the "rest of my life" plane.
On the other end of this question, I just more or less "inherited" over twice that amount by selling my C206 that I can't fly. Then there's also the no-longer-needed expenses of insurance, maintenance, hangar, fuel, and a few others all of which I would HAPPILY keep paying to continue.

Please don't offer advice on where to put it. It's already going to my wife and kids, which is inherently comforting at this stage of my life.
yeah post #18 beat ya to it. Most missed the reference, which was low-key and well-played. All in all, warms my heart to see so many Office Space references. Quite formative to my eventual vocational path pivot (and the ironic frustrations with it henceforth).

--brk brk--

yeah the true punchline is FED turned 100K into nothing. Joke's on all of us suckers who earn W-2s in that Walmart brand sanitary wipes so-called currency denomination.
Upgrade my autopilot, maybe get a new truck.