What should the April 26-29 - M34 (Kentucky Dam airfield) fly-in be called?

Yeah. Someone has predicted the world will be destroyed Saturday, by collision with another planet. So plans may be moot.
Yea I saw that. About to have an estate sale and give away everything I own, including my money, because you know, I won't need it after the 23rd.
Yeah. Someone has predicted the world will be destroyed Saturday, by collision with another planet. So plans may be moot.

Yesterday or this coming Sat? Nice and sunny here....:D
as long as it's after the pig.....
Ooh. Better clean out the storm shelter this week, and hit the beer store to stock up on jerky and PBR.
Don't dismiss it. One of these eons those kooks' prediction might just be true.

Bring him along, if you can make it.

I think he's traveling next year. Some hidden tribe in South America he was talking about visiting to see any of the old boys are still hanging around.

see what I did thar?
I need a FR. Wonder if I can sign myself off....hmmm.
I'm saving my flying dollars for next weekend. Might be flying up to Norfolk VA early Saturday morning with the wife to pick up her friend for the weekend, swinging by the pig on the way back and then flying the friend back to Norfolk on Sunday. All depends on the weather and a couple other factors. The pig only depends on the weather. The Norfolk thing has a couple other factors in play.
I'll be at Annapolis on the 23rd and relying on the Swabbies to protect me from the death planet.
April 26-29th If that works (mostly for @eman1200) then I will update the first post with the location and date.
Then we can focus on the "What to call it"
April 26-29th If that works (mostly for @eman1200) then I will update the first post with the location and date.
Then we can focus on the "What to call it"

NOOOooooooooo, this should be a PoA thing, not an eman thing! sounds like a lot of peeps can get to this one so whatever works for the group works for me. but 4/26-29 sure sounds good!
NOOOooooooooo, this should be a PoA thing, not an eman thing! sounds like a lot of peeps can get to this one so whatever works for the group works for me. but 4/26-29 sure sounds good!

I agree but this sprung from you and I looking for a half way point.

Alright, I will update the OP
We have determined a need for a POA fly-in out to the east so more POAers can meet more POAers. Looks like the location that has been

Where: M34 - Kentucky Dam Village State Resort Park.
When: 4/26-29

Now what should it be called?

I still say it should be "The Dam POA Fly-in."