What should the April 26-29 - M34 (Kentucky Dam airfield) fly-in be called?


It would be a heck of a good time. Little to far for me, I think. I looked back in the log book. Turns out I've stopped in there a few times over the years.
Couple of motels nearby - one right outside the airport. Doubt a state park would allow camping under the wing but who knows, sounds unattended. No fuel. It's very near the confluence of the Ohio & the Mississippi at Cairo which is interesting to fly over. It also means it's close to Sikeston, 60 nauticals west - and you know what that means gastronomically.
Couple of motels nearby - one right outside the airport. Doubt a state park would allow camping under the wing but who knows, sounds unattended. No fuel. It's very near the confluence of the Ohio & the Mississippi at Cairo which is interesting to fly over. It also means it's close to Sikeston, 60 nauticals west - and you know what that means gastronomically.

Flying biscuits?
They pick you up at the airport whenever they are open. Tim, who no longer hangs here had a sig that said something like "Friends don't let friends do Lamberts"
Been to Lambert's exactly once. Stopped there on the way to Springfield to pick up some stuff from Grizzly.

It was okay, but seeing folks tossing rolls across the restaurant didn't really seem to justify the price.
It used to be A LOT better. Grew up near there. It's not the same at all.
I think a mission to reconnoiter the airport and park is in order. Perhaps a $100 hamburger run this year for those that are close enough for a day trip?
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Hey guys, dunno how I missed this but I'd be in for this.

Just a suggestion, 1M9 is just on the other side of the lake and there's a HUGE lodge right next to it. I'm actually somewhat familiar with the area, my in-laws live a short drive from it, never stayed in the lodge but I had their lunch buffet once, wasn't bad. http://parks.ky.gov/parks/resortparks/lake-barkley/

If I can make it I'm in though, you guys finally found something in easy range for us :)
LAST weekend in april. besides, ravioli put his foot down on an easter flyin.
Damn and I was hoping for some Easter Bunnies to show up.

If I show I'll dress up as a bunny for ya 'Dog!

Yeah. Someone has predicted the world will be destroyed Saturday, by collision with another planet. So plans may be moot.