Final Approach
For doing nothing except collecting the tax and writing a check to the city once a month.So of that $25 you are bitching about, the FBO gets $6.25.
For doing nothing except collecting the tax and writing a check to the city once a month.So of that $25 you are bitching about, the FBO gets $6.25.
Are you saying that all the ramp fees are local taxes? I thought it was necessary for the FBO to maintain the ramp spaces and facilities.
Just a thought experiment: Does the city or FBO balance the books with ramp fees? Not likely. The fees are principally designed to drive away small GA aircraft. I'm pretty sure that airport operators make most of their income from fuel sales and if applicable fuel taxes, plus rental fees (hangar, overnight parking).
Since there is no regulation about airports or FBOs posting their rates on their websites, they all choose individually whether to do it or not. As others have stated, if they perceive this hurts their business, they may start posting them. Otherwise, you can call ahead and ask.
For doing nothing except collecting the tax and writing a check to the city once a month.
Maybe they are not published by the FBO because the city retained the right to change them daily if they want.
Bullsqueeze. They are not published because the FBO is too lazy or nefarious to publish its prices. If convenience stores can update fuel prices several times a day and post those prices on a big board outside each store, FBO's can do it with ramp fees. Ain't hard.
Or maybe a sign over the counter “They keep coming”.
Or maybe a sign over the counter “They keep coming”.
Or maybe a sign over the counter “They keep coming”.
Seems like you're a little worried about the general feelings of GA pilots and FBO fees. Maybe more than a little worried. Ah, well, enjoy it. Some day you'll need me. I work in health care.Payback, I mean health care costs, are a form of karma best served cold. Or something like that.
Attitudes like that are a contributing factor to the decline in GA. Too many FBO's try to screw the customers, rather than providing good service at a good price, and those same FBO's are the ones which run off student pilots with inflated charges, over-priced ground schools, etc. One day, those FBO's are gonna look around and ask "Where'd everyone go?" And then put the "Closed" sign on the door.
If you do not like a business practice, quit using the business instead of whining about it.
If you can abuse terms to pretend your a fee is a tax, let’s also pretend your ramp is my hangar and you should be paying me.IF the ramp fee is basically a tax being levied by the airport, it is not customary for businesses to publish local taxes. Car dealers don’t include sales tax when the advertise car prices, motels typically publish room rates exclusive of local room taxes, as do car rental companies.
FBOs do the same thing. No one has trouble finding their fuel price.
There you go. Perfect job for you. You can sit out on the ramp all day under an umbrella recording the ramp users, collecting the fees, preparing the monthly report, and submitting the airports share for $6 an arrival. You will be rich I tell ya. LOL
Oh wait, a guy in health care complaining about egregious fees and transparency? At least the FBOs can tell you the fees if the call. No hospital in the US will do that.
If you do not like a business practice, quit using the business instead of whining about it.
One of AOPA’s targeted airport FBOs is at KEYW. Not sure what people think a piece of property the size of the ramp at KEYW is worth if the airport closes.
Everything in Key West is expensive. So expecting an expensive ramp fee should come as no shock. So if you decide to fly your own plane to KEYW and pay the fee there that is your decision. No one made you, held a gun to your head ect.
If you do not like a business practice, quit using the business instead of whining about it.
One of AOPA’s targeted airport FBOs is at KEYW. Not sure what people think a piece of property the size of the ramp at KEYW is worth if the airport closes.
Everything in Key West is expensive. So expecting an expensive ramp fee should come as no shock. So if you decide to fly your own plane to KEYW and pay the fee there that is your decision. No one made you, held a gun to your head ect.
Instead of whining about people complaining, why not see if there's a way to address their concerns without harming your business?
The taxes used to purchase the land and to build and improve the airport were collected through the threat of force, were they not?
How does it benefit either your business or the airport to drive light aircraft off the field? Is it because it makes more room for biz jets, which can afford to pay more and buy more fuel?
The revenue that either the FBO or the airport receives from people who go elsewhere is zero.
Or, it’s a business opportunity... these are updated regularly:
Interesting. It’s a non-profit, claiming $250/day operating expense running off of pilot donations? Or do they get funding from elsewhere? I can’t imagine it being sustainable just off of pilots. Government grants maybe? Would need to dig into their financial reports to know for sure.
Personally, I just consider making a couple of phone calls to FBOs part of flight planning. Which is what that does for you ... on someone else’s dime.
Is it like that every week?When I go to KEYW for Halloween week, the problem is finding a parking space that’s within a half mile of the FBO.
Seems like you're a little worried about the general feelings of GA pilots and FBO fees. Maybe more than a little worried. Ah, well, enjoy it. Some day you'll need me. I work in health care.Payback, I mean health care costs, are a form of karma best served cold. Or something like that.
Oh wait, a guy in health care complaining about egregious fees and transparency? At least the FBOs can tell you the fees if the call. No hospital in the US will do that.
There's also this:
"Want to buy a datafeed to use in your product?"Do you have a problem with how they're funded?
Agreed. I’ve been flying into KEYW for years and have always valued the airport and FBO, though I didn’t think much of it when they were operating out of a temporary structure (hurricane? I guess that’s a cost of doing business there as well).
Now the FBO is not a high service fall all over themselves type of operation but little in Key West is. But they have location.
One choice I have when going there is tanking up with some of the cheapest fuel on the east coast just over the bay in Ft Meyers or Naples. But it’s not worth it. I’d rather arrive after a long leg from on high, cool and refreshed. The fuel is priced like rentals on the Key; high.
The best part is trading trip logs with ground pounders flying into KMIA and driving a rental down.
I’m glad they are there making a business of it.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
I don't understand the difficulty in putting fees on a Web site.I’m really not trying to crop dust here. I just don’t understand the difficulty in making a couple phone calls, and I absolutely hate making phone calls. But knowing what to expect upon landing is kinda vital to the mission.
Strangely I have to agree with @Clip4 on this one. Healthcare is the number one cause of personal bankruptcy in the US. Seeing someone threaten someone else (“you’ll need me”) using a stick that big over a discussion of ramp fees, is somewhat sickening.
Healthcare costs literally destroy whatever’s left of a sick person’s life if they have to pay out of pocket and make their family members into wage slaves for decades for even simple medical procedures. Most of it based upon fake pricing and hidden costs galore to pretend the costs are higher than they actually are to suck money from insurers. Insurers we are all mandated to pay or be criminals.
That coming from a nurse’s husband in a relatively expensive specialty but nowhere near surgical or trauma.
The comparison isn’t even close. FBO fees don’t destroy lives or create slaves to pay for medical CxOs Mercedes and multiple multi-million dollar houses.
Many times handling fees are based on the size/weight of the airplane and on the number of gallons purchased, also depending on the size/weight of the airplane. I have seen CSRs look through a long list; "What kind of airplane was that again??"I don't understand the difficulty in putting fees on a Web site.
Many times handling fees are based on the size/weight of the airplane and on the number of gallons purchased, also depending on the size/weight of the airplane. I have seen CSRs look through a long list; "What kind of airplane was that again??"
I wonder if anyone's ever fat-fingered PA12 for a PC12
Those aren't the "guilty parties".Speaking of websites, some small FBOs may not have someone who is computer literate enough to change something on a website if fees change.
Is it like that every week?
If the information on is correct, EYW's ramp fee is $29, and is waived with purchase of ten gallons of fuel. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
I wonder if anyone's ever fat-fingered PA12 for a PC12
Agreed. Funny to hear an IT guy rant about "fake pricing."![]()
Ramp fees? I never pay attention or research ramp fees because I ‘always’ buy fuel (see running out of fuel psychology thread for details.). At the current moment, ramp fees are charged to aircraft that do not buy fuel.