Pattern Altitude
Lots of good and varied advice posted.
From me: know your first couple of years will be difficult as you learn to live with each other, but know (and repeat) that you love each other. Use those words wisely... as the “I love you” phrase is really strong and is a “get out of jail” card as well.
Example: “Honey, I am going to the hangar, go flying and hang with the guys all day. I love you!” It works 7 out of 10 times. (The other three times is because you over-used it. Trust me on this.)
In all seriousness, marriage takes work. Love and appreciate each other, cherish each other, as much on the last day together as the first.
From me: know your first couple of years will be difficult as you learn to live with each other, but know (and repeat) that you love each other. Use those words wisely... as the “I love you” phrase is really strong and is a “get out of jail” card as well.
Example: “Honey, I am going to the hangar, go flying and hang with the guys all day. I love you!” It works 7 out of 10 times. (The other three times is because you over-used it. Trust me on this.)
In all seriousness, marriage takes work. Love and appreciate each other, cherish each other, as much on the last day together as the first.
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