That Guy...

That guy, who fails to realize the title of this forum and the geographical implications thereof.
That guy who?

that guy who won't STFU at the driving range. seriously STFU. then, same guy swinging driver, club head shears off and flies 50 yards down the middle of the range. FIFTY yards. everyone on the range had to stop while this knucklehead chased down his driver head which, btw, went further than his ball.

btw, how'd I do gettin the thread back on track?
That guy driving his 18 wheeler at 56mph trying to pass the other 18 wheeler going 55mph on the two lane section of the interstate.

. . . in a 70 zone . . .

And that other guy who sits in passing position behind a slow car on the road, but won't pass him, not caring that he's so close no one can pass him, and so far back that no one can pass both cars. That guy should stay far enough back that I can pass him, then pass the first slowpoke at the next passing zone . . .
That guy who, while he may not be too old to be wearing bike spandex, is definitely too old to be riding in 100+ degree heat.

At least he fell on a grassy median. The heat damn near kicked my ass.
That guy needs to move north to cooler climate.
That guy that won't eat bread with his hamburger like a normal, red-blooded American and has to wrap his meat in lettuce. LOL
That Guy who emails you about an item you placed for sale on a forum, but fails for read the ad thoroughly to see that it is "local pick up only", then proceeds to low-ball you and complain that you won't ship to him at that price.

In the same vein, That Guy who you make a deal with on an item and shows up an hour late for the meeting and shorts you $150 because he now wants to renegotiate the deal. (Probably not the sharpest tool in the shed considering the item in question spits lead.)

I've seen less of those guys here in NC than in any other locale since doing that became a thing. Still whenever I see one, I really want to stomp their ass but I don't think the court would consider it justifiable. Too bad.
I've seen less of those guys here in NC than in any other locale since doing that became a thing. Still whenever I see one, I really want to stomp their ass but I don't think the court would consider it justifiable. Too bad.
There for a second, thought we were being mooned by "that smurf"

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That guy who sits in the stall next to you and precedes to talk on his phone or watch a video, with the volume turned up, laughing, while you're doing your buisness.
That guy who sits in the stall next to you and precedes to talk on his phone or watch a video, with the volume turned up, laughing, while you're doing your buisness.

Or THAT Guy who does his business, but walks out of the stall and through the door never having washed his hands.
That guy who stands in front of you in line, buys a handful of lotto cards, proceeds to scratch them off and then buys more while never moving away from the cashier.

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Wow, I was laughing at these comments and then I suddenly realized something. I am that guy! Sorry about that...

--- Carl

Well, judging from most of these posts, it's really all our fault. You seem to spend most of your time at the store or driving, so if we just stayed home and shopped online we would have nothing to complain about and you could enjoy yourself.
Well, judging from most of these posts, it's really all our fault. You seem to spend most of your time at the store or driving, so if we just stayed home and shopped online we would have nothing to complain about and you could enjoy yourself.

Haha very astute observation. Probably explains why I order dang near everything from Amazon these days and can't stand driving to any store other than the grocery store. I have nearly none of the problems the aforementioned in person shoppers seem to have.

And groceries? That's a full blown search and destroy mission... get in, get out. Nobody gets hurt. Usually late at night and hardly ever when the usual crowds are there.
That guy who sits in the stall next to you and precedes to talk on his phone or watch a video, with the volume turned up, laughing, while you're doing your buisness.

About that time I start loudly moaning and groaning like I'm dropping a steaming hot sandpaper covered cannonball.
That guy almost got me crushed by a semi yesterday. The GD on ramp was nearly half a mile long and he STILL had to merge on to the freeway at 30 mph!
That Guy who emails you about an item you placed for sale on a forum, but fails for read the ad thoroughly to see that it is "local pick up only", then proceeds to low-ball you and complain that you won't ship to him at that price.

In the same vein, That Guy who you make a deal with on an item and shows up an hour late for the meeting and shorts you $150 because he now wants to renegotiate the deal. (Probably not the sharpest tool in the shed considering the item in question spits lead.)

+1 I had about 3 of those "guys". I even put <LOCAL PICKUP ONLY> ---ITEM--- <LOCAL PICKUP ONLY> IN the actual freakin' title on ebay and I still had people say "Oh this is local pickup only?".

That guy I like to call "the remora." On a long road trip to Vegas (at about 5:30 a.m., northeast of Barstow, with very little traffic), I pass him. He's about a half mile back, then he accelerates up and sticks on my bumper, refusing to pass. Then he drops back a little, accelerates again to reappear on my bumper, again refusing to pass. All the while, I'm doing a constant speed of about 85 mph. Jeez, either pass me, or drop back...pick one! Normally I'll move over for faster traffic, but with this douche, if he passes at all, it's going to be on the right.
The guy/gal that drives down the on ramp at 55 to merge into traffic going 70.
Or his buddy that drives 25 on the ramp, then stops prior to merging so he can look both ways.
That guy I like to call "the remora." On a long road trip to Vegas (at about 5:30 a.m., northeast of Barstow, with very little traffic), I pass him. He's about a half mile back, then he accelerates up and sticks on my bumper, refusing to pass. Then he drops back a little, accelerates again to reappear on my bumper, again refusing to pass. All the while, I'm doing a constant speed of about 85 mph. Jeez, either pass me, or drop back...pick one! Normally I'll move over for faster traffic, but with this douche, if he passes at all, it's going to be on the right.

Those deserve special attention. If someone wants to pace me, fine. Don't ride my ass.
Those deserve special attention. If someone wants to pace me, fine. Don't ride my ass.

<Thread Drift> My wife's family consists of horrible tailgaters. If there is one other car on the road, they will be tailgating it. I was riding with my brother in law once and asked if he'd change lanes and tailgate a different person for a while. He didn't think that was nearly as funny as I did...
That guy I like to call "the remora." On a long road trip to Vegas (at about 5:30 a.m., northeast of Barstow, with very little traffic), I pass him. He's about a half mile back, then he accelerates up and sticks on my bumper, refusing to pass. Then he drops back a little, accelerates again to reappear on my bumper, again refusing to pass. All the while, I'm doing a constant speed of about 85 mph. Jeez, either pass me, or drop back...pick one! Normally I'll move over for faster traffic, but with this douche, if he passes at all, it's going to be on the right.

Almost every time I am on cruise control on a long stretch of interstate, there will be that guy who I pass and then who passes me over and over again. Senseless.
<Thread Drift> My wife's family consists of horrible tailgaters. If there is one other car on the road, they will be tailgating it. I was riding with my brother in law once and asked if he'd change lanes and tailgate a different person for a while. He didn't think that was nearly as funny as I did...

Yeah, that guy was behind me this morning, in the rain. Wouldn't pass, wouldn't drop back, just pacing me at 62 in a 55 zone after pulling out behind me and catching up. Got a head start leaving the 4-way stop, where I stop-go and most people here stop-count-to-their-favorite-number-creep-away, but soon enough his lights were in the mirror again. Had to switch it to the Night position (thankfully it's not one of the new automatic mirrors that changes whenever it thinks it should, and can't be coerced into changing when I want it to . . . Don't know who invented that sorry thing, but I'd like to kick that guy's hind end into next week!).
This actually is closer to the correct way to merge rather than doing it a mile before the lane ends. That is if you believe in the zipper merge concept.

The correct way to zipper-merge would be for the signs to say "Lanes Merge Together" not "Left (or right) Lane Ends".
Yeah, that guy was behind me this morning, in the rain. Wouldn't pass, wouldn't drop back, just pacing me at 62 in a 55 zone after pulling out behind me and catching up. Got a head start leaving the 4-way stop, where I stop-go and most people here stop-count-to-their-favorite-number-creep-away, but soon enough his lights were in the mirror again. Had to switch it to the Night position (thankfully it's not one of the new automatic mirrors that changes whenever it thinks it should, and can't be coerced into changing when I want it to . . . Don't know who invented that sorry thing, but I'd like to kick that guy's hind end into next week!).

When that happens during the day, I turn my lights on and watch that guy panic brake. Night, a very light tap of the brake pedal usually has the same result.

When that happens during the day, I turn my lights on and watch that guy panic brake. Night, a very light tap of the brake pedal usually has the same result.


I used to pop the handbrake quickly, then release. (Company car, so I wasn't worried about flat-spotting the tires.) Locks up the rear tires for a bit, but doesn't slow the car down all that much. But the sound of tortured rubber and puff of smoke get the tailgater's attention!
My usual traffic problem here is we have these things called "hills" and "curves" (those are in quotes because they barely qualify) so you end up with someone who speeds through the straights and passing lanes then slows way down in their luxury car on the curves and hills. The nice thing is if you can get around them you won't see them again once you hit the curves, well, until they decide to come screaming through the 25 zone in town at 45.