Nothing like being in the drive through at the bank. I pick the shortest line. The person in front of me pulls up to the kiosk. Then ask for a deposit slip. Little capsule sucks up and disappears in the tube. Then comes back. Now we need a pen. Capsule goes away, comes back. After 5 minutes the check and deposit slip goes into the capsule, then into the tube, and away it goes again.
After a few minutes, the capsule comes back. Then the depositor starts fishing for the wallet to get the drivers license. Into the capsule which again disappears into the tube.
Wait, wait, wait for the teller, then the capsule comes back. After a minute the driver looks over and sees the capsule, opens the door and reaches for it, then drops it on the ground. The driver leans over, wayyyy over and finds the capsule, then the passenger has to pull the driver back into the car. The depositor opens the capsule, takes out the contents, then fishes for the wallet to return the drivers license. Then removes the cash and counts it, then puts the cash in the wallet, and returns the wallet to the hip pocket.
Now we are ready to start the car. After a few anemic tries it finally starts. Now we pull out. slowly. SLOWLY. I watch as the rear tire hits the curb, then the car stops, backs up and tries again. Folks, this is a straight line. Ok, finally the car clears the drive through and I can pull up.
I pull up, grab my deposits and deposit slip. I reach out to grab the capsule. Empty. The previous driver took it with him.
Meanwhile, every other vehicle in the other lines have finished and are gone.....