That Guy...

That gal, who doesn't just swipe a card while the cashier is scanning her groceries, but waits until everything is scanned and bagged up before reaching into her purse to pull out ... a checkbook.
Can't swipe anymore with chip cards.
Can't swipe anymore with chip cards.

Insert then. Or if you live in any other country in the modern world... wave.

Either way, most places (especially grocery stores) allow you to enter a form of payment before they've completed scanning everything.
Insert then. Or if you live in any other country in the modern world... wave.

Either way, most places (especially grocery stores) allow you to enter a form of payment before they've completed scanning everything.
Yes, one can insert a card prior to when the scanning is completed. In my opinion that is a really bad idea unless you want to stand guard on the card.
Either way, most places (especially grocery stores) allow you to enter a form of payment before they've completed scanning everything.
Nobody gets my card until they tell/show me the total charge. I guess I'm "that guy."

checking out
Nobody gets my card until they tell/show me the total charge. I guess I'm "that guy."

checking out

Only if you have to dig around in your handbag for your checkbook *after* you've rung up everything. Oh, and you need to borrow a pen.
Nobody gets my card until they tell/show me the total charge. I guess I'm "that guy."t

You still have to confirm the amount before it charges your account, so you're avoiding pipelining your operations for no reason.
You still have to confirm the amount before it charges your account, so you're avoiding pipelining your operations for no reason.
...that guy who wants me to pass up an opportunity to correct a mischarge before the card processing evolution begins :D. Seriously, :D

who thinks checks are better doubled than written
Nothing like being in the drive through at the bank. I pick the shortest line. The person in front of me pulls up to the kiosk. Then ask for a deposit slip. Little capsule sucks up and disappears in the tube. Then comes back. Now we need a pen. Capsule goes away, comes back. After 5 minutes the check and deposit slip goes into the capsule, then into the tube, and away it goes again.

After a few minutes, the capsule comes back. Then the depositor starts fishing for the wallet to get the drivers license. Into the capsule which again disappears into the tube.

Wait, wait, wait for the teller, then the capsule comes back. After a minute the driver looks over and sees the capsule, opens the door and reaches for it, then drops it on the ground. The driver leans over, wayyyy over and finds the capsule, then the passenger has to pull the driver back into the car. The depositor opens the capsule, takes out the contents, then fishes for the wallet to return the drivers license. Then removes the cash and counts it, then puts the cash in the wallet, and returns the wallet to the hip pocket.

Now we are ready to start the car. After a few anemic tries it finally starts. Now we pull out. slowly. SLOWLY. I watch as the rear tire hits the curb, then the car stops, backs up and tries again. Folks, this is a straight line. Ok, finally the car clears the drive through and I can pull up.

I pull up, grab my deposits and deposit slip. I reach out to grab the capsule. Empty. The previous driver took it with him.

Meanwhile, every other vehicle in the other lines have finished and are gone.....:mad2::mad2::mad2:
Only if you have to dig around in your handbag for your checkbook *after* you've rung up everything. Oh, and you need to borrow a pen.
No thanks, I've got one...where is it...I know it's in here somewhere (disassembles pocketbook/empties pockets out on shelf)...oh wait, I found that twenty! I'll just pay cash. I've got exact change in here somewhere...I know I do, just a sec...

who just wanted a large drip, black.
Just an hour ago That Guy just made a left turn from a no left turn lane and nearly took out the guy turning left from the left turn lane, and me on my bike.

That guy who rides his bicycle on the road. Please don't be that guy!

On the flip side, that guy who intentionally drives so close to road bicyclists hoping his cars wingtip vortices create enough wake turbulence to send the biker flipping deep into the woods.

Side note.....the other day that guy was driving his car, you know, on the road where cars are supposed to drive and saw his target on a bicycle up ahead. As he prepared for 'Operation FU Road Biker' he realized it was a chick on the bike and said to himself 'eh, I can't do that TO A GIRL'. So I ask u, cupcakes, what does that make me I mean that guy?!??!?
That guy who rides his bicycle on the road. Please don't be that guy!

On the flip side, that guy who intentionally drives so close to road bicyclists hoping his cars wingtip vortices create enough wake turbulence to send the biker flipping deep into the woods.

Side note.....the other day that guy was driving his car, you know, on the road where cars are supposed to drive and saw his target on a bicycle up ahead. As he prepared for 'Operation FU Road Biker' he realized it was a chick on the bike and said to himself 'eh, I can't do that TO A GIRL'. So I ask u, cupcakes, what does that make me I mean that guy?!??!?

Real cyclists sneer at people that ride bicycles on the sidewalk. Five year old girls with streamers on their handlebars get a pass.
One time the med crew was loading a patient on the plane. I did my walk around, then climbed aboard and closed up the plane. I turned on the master which also turns on the nav lights. I flip on the beacon and the mags, then start the right engine. As soon as the engine fired off, a crew van pulls up and parks in front of the plane.

The plane was parked next to the gate that leads into the FBO, which is the normal parking spot for air ambulance planes at this airport.

The passenger opens the door as I start the left engine and immediately bring the power to both engines up to about 1800 RPM.

The passenger jumped back in and slammed the door as I put the right wing tip within a foot of the van.

The driver finally figured out I wanted to leave and got back in the van and moved it. In a real hurry....
I had that happen to me too. After that I went to Walmart an bought a small Air Horn. Now if anyone does it again I will Honk my Horn at them!! :-)
Real cyclists sneer at people that ride bicycles on the sidewalk. Five year old girls with streamers on their handlebars get a pass.

There is a bridge here that I need to cross on the way to work, two lanes each direction, narrow. Speed limit is 25, but most drive it at 50+. The sidewalks are rarely used, and riding on the sidewalk is legal in my city. So, for just that portion of the ride, I hit the sidewalk. Streamers are better than dead.
There is a bridge here that I need to cross on the way to work, two lanes each direction, narrow. Speed limit is 25, but most drive it at 50+. The sidewalks are rarely used, and riding on the sidewalk is legal in my city. So, for just that portion of the ride, I hit the sidewalk. Streamers are better than dead.

As would I. It does, however, pain me to see adults riding on the sidewalk when there are nice, big fat bike lanes on the road. I will say this though - if they insist on riding on the wrong side, I would prefer they do it on the sidewalk, where direction is irrelevant.
That guy who either drives with high beams on at night, forgets to turn on the lights at all (and has the DRL lights glaring at you), or worst yet, the guy who puts in xenon bulbs into an incandescent housing and ends up with annoying light scatter.
lets not forget that guy who doesnt use a tablet with automatic spell changjng and wont use spell check that guy also doesnt believe in punctuation or capital letters i get really irate trying to decipher what that guy writes! sometimes that guy has trouble mounting things on his yolk and wants someone to take photos in there hanger spelling is for wusses even when spelling wrong makes it a different word i hate that guy.
That guy who needs to talk on the phone in a crowd* and thinks that since he's in Phoenix and is talking to someone in New York that his voice volume needs to match the distance.

*could've ended the sentence there.

That controller ... if he would only add as many brain wrinkles for the job he is paid to do rather than for sports statistics, I wouldn't have to correct him all the time. Yeah that one was personal but I can't stand that guy.
And more recently and aviation related, that guy who has his head down programming his glass doo dads while blocking a taxiway. Airplanes should be equipped with air horns that would make a ship envious.
That gal, who doesn't just swipe a card while the cashier is scanning her groceries, but waits until everything is scanned and bagged up before reaching into her purse to pull out ... a checkbook.

I'm still not clear on this. Is "gal/s" OK?

Checkbooks, that's worthy of a whole 'nuther thread. Who the hell carries check books and writes checks at grocery stores and the like? June Cleaver? Holy cow, get with the program.

Wow, June Cleaver. Who else recalls her telling Ward he was tough on the Beaver last night?

Am I out now or can I ask one or two more dumb questions?
Wow, June Cleaver. Who else recalls her telling Ward he was tough on the Beaver last night?

Am I out now or can I ask one or two more dumb questions?

If you're going for the Naked Gun quote, cleared as filed.
Nice looking beaver......

That guy/gal/person that parks their car in the motorcycle only parking at work.
That guy who takes up an entire car parking spot with their motorcycle.

**yes I'm aware some Harley's won't fit two to a space
That guy who takes up an entire car parking spot with their motorcycle.

**yes I'm aware some Harley's won't fit two to a space

If the person didn't ride their motorcycle there, they'd driven their car. A space would have been taken up regardless.
That guy, who has selective reading who feels the need to point out something that is painfully obvious to everyone else.
That guy who gets indignant and makes accusations when the deficiency of a poorly worded statement is pointed out to him.
That guy who, while he may not be too old to be wearing bike spandex, is definitely too old to be riding in 100+ degree heat.

At least he fell on a grassy median. The heat damn near kicked my ass.
That guy who keeps arguing long after he lost.
That guy, who calls another indignant, accusatory, and argumentative when there is no indication of either.

That guy, who claims a victory when there wasn't a contest.

That guy, who is so spring loaded to proving someone else wrong that in his feckless haste, fails to completely read sentences.

I'll give you an example: One guy says its Friday night "just about" everywhere. That guy (mentioned above) says, "not in Australia." To which the first guy and everyone else in the room looks at that guy with the "yeah, okay nerd" expression. Then they order another beer and hopes "that guy" realizes that its probably time to get back to the dungeons and dragons game.

That guy, that keeps following me around to hump my leg.
That guy who goes freaking bonkers when he loses so badly that even his dog is laughing at him.