That Guy...

How bout the people that park in the DC Fast Charging spots at Whole Foods. How many Teslas and Leafs has anyone seen parked in front of a gas pump?
I had a guy tailgating me as a light turned yellow. No way I could make the light so I stopped. As soon I touched the brakes, the guy pulls over into the next lane and floors it. He runs the red light and broadsides another car right in front of a cop.

A yellow light accelerator meets a green light anticipator.....
How about "that guy" who gets mad at you when you're not sure exactly what lane you're supposed to be in in a town you've never been to before and honks/tailgates/etc when you don't shoot through traffic like nascar driver.
And people who, when there IS a "no turn on red sign", sit behind you and lean on their horn because you're not turning on the red.

Ron Wanttaja

I've had to use my horn on a Sunday because the dolt at the red light only read half of the sign: No turn on red, Min-Fri, 8am to 6pm. There was zero cross traffic . . . .
Texting drivers. Now I admit to having a quick look now and again, but on my daily commute, I see *MANY* people with their heads so far in their phones that they take up 2 lanes. You'd think that after you've tasted the rumble strips on the side, or damn near hit a car on the other, you'd put the phone down......Nope. Keep watching, 20-30 seconds later, they're hitting the next lane again
Texting drivers. Now I admit to having a quick look now and again, but on my daily commute, I see *MANY* people with their heads so far in their phones that they take up 2 lanes. You'd think that after you've tasted the rumble strips on the side, or damn near hit a car on the other, you'd put the phone down......Nope. Keep watching, 20-30 seconds later, they're hitting the next lane again
You mean those aren't self driving cars? I'm so amazed there aren't more accidents!
I "text" while driving by using Siri. "Siri, send a message to my wife". "I am at the bridge, home in 20 minutes". Etc. My eyes are off the road for no longer than it takes to punch the buttons to change the radio station. -Skip
Merging from an on ramp to the freeway with plenty of room to do so, that guy speeds up to block you from entering....
Yesterday, that guy had stopped in the emergency lane on the left side of the interstate. He chose to re-enter the flow of traffic right in front of me with a 50 MPH speed difference. No blinker to advertise his intent. That guy caused a bit of excitement...
Yesterday, that guy had stopped in the emergency lane on the left side of the interstate. He chose to re-enter the flow of traffic right in front of me with a 50 MPH speed difference. No blinker to advertise his intent. That guy caused a bit of excitement...
Hope you packed some extra underwear:)
You mean the guy who parks illegally in the handicap spot at the gym so he doesn't have to walk so far to his workout?
At least you are not this guy....

How about the guy who parks his pick-up directly in front of the FBO entrance door on the apron side and goes in to shoot the breeze for two hours. Meanwhile his buddies arrive in their vehicles and park to barracade the entire front of the FBO.

At my airport, sometimes jackwagons park on the ramp side near the FBO door, blocking the taxiway for the people in the first row of hangars. Pizzes me off to have to go find someone so I can move my plane.

The guy/gal that drives down the on ramp at 55 to merge into traffic going 70.

Wow, your people go that fast? Most here want to somehow merge into 80mph traffic at 35mph.

New one:

How about the guy who comes up to a traffic circle (or roundabout, if you like), and drops anchor full stop[1]. No cars in the circle, no cars on the other streets entering the circle. They just sit there at the yield sign, bewildered, as traffic stacks up behind them.

Or the lady who just says the hell with it and drives straight through the circle, over the raised center median, and continues on.
same guy/gal who pulls their little gas commuter car up to the only fuel pump that has diesel (while the other 6 gas only pumps are empty) and fills up, puts on makeup, catches up on email, goes into store to buy coffee ....

I hate that. I'll usually put my truck about 1/16" from their car and flip the switch to turn my high idle on. It revs up to 1200 RPM and gets kind of loud. It creates a bit of urgency that they usually respond to.

I have explained it politely to people filling their cars with gas and most folks are just clueless that driving a diesel cuts your pump choices down by about 80%.

On the other hand, don't always assume that a car in front of the pump doesn't belong. My wife's little Jetta runs on the same go-juice as my F350 and F550.
I have explained it politely to people filling their cars with gas and most folks are just clueless that driving a diesel cuts your pump choices down by about 80%.

On the other hand, don't always assume that a car in front of the pump doesn't belong. My wife's little Jetta runs on the same go-juice as my F350 and F550.
My son drives a diesel Jetta, and I've looked at them on occasion for a commuter car, so yeah, I'm somewhat cognizant of the little oil burners.
That Guy that sees the 'left lane closed in one mile' sign then proceeds to stay in the left lane until he is practically running into the barricades so he can get in front of you.

This actually is closer to the correct way to merge rather than doing it a mile before the lane ends. That is if you believe in the zipper merge concept.
This actually is closer to the correct way to merge rather than doing it a mile before the lane ends. That is if you believe in the zipper merge concept.

Zipper merge is fine. THAT guy zooms to the front and bails in at the last second
That guy, who logs a gripe in a "That guy" thread but doesn't phrase it in the form of: "That guy ...".
That guy...gets around..and parks like this....

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That guy that doesn't understand when there is a separated right turn lane with a YIELD sign, he is supposed to YIELD. He doesn't fall under the light or stop sign over to the left of him. He doesn't have the right of way over the person turning left in front of him that had a green arrow or got to the stop sign first.
That Guy lets his dog mess on the sidewalk. Doesn't try to guide the dog to the edge or anything. And That Guy isn't gonna clean it up in any case.
The person waiting on a light to go through an intersection in a large vehicle, pulls so far up into the crosswalk that a smaller vehicle that could otherwise make a right turn can't see whether it is safe to do so.
The person waiting on a light to go through an intersection in a large vehicle, pulls so far up into the crosswalk that a smaller vehicle that could otherwise make a right turn can't see whether it is safe to do so.
Or that guy at a stop sign who pulls far enough to the right to purposefully block the would-be right turners while he waits 5 minutes to get both lanes clear to turn left.
That guy who plays "musical chairs" at the gas pump because he/she can't remember which side the fuel filler cap is on and drives between the fuel pumps to get to the other side...and takes one of the two diesel pumps in the process. (Yes, I'm talking to you in the CT200h...aka, overglorified Prius.)
That guy that parks in front of the sidewalk seating and leaves his noise generator running the whole time he is placing his order and waiting for it just so he can keep his 65 deg. temp on a sweltering 80 degree day. Instead of tweeting bird sounds, I get to enjoy my sandwich to the sound of an engine and its cooling fan on max blow!
That gal, who doesn't just swipe a card while the cashier is scanning her groceries, but waits until everything is scanned and bagged up before reaching into her purse to pull out ... a checkbook.
That gal, who doesn't just swipe a card while the cashier is scanning her groceries, but waits until everything is scanned and bagged up before reaching into her purse to pull out ... a checkbook.

Checkbooks, that's worthy of a whole 'nuther thread. Who the hell carries check books and writes checks at grocery stores and the like? June Cleaver? Holy cow, get with the program.