TGIFS Thank God its Football Season

If it's freedom of speech to protest the flag while "on duty" in the NFL, why isn't it freedom of speech for Tim Tebow to have bible verses on his eye paint?
I was at a MLB game a long time ago, and when it came time for the National Anthem, the family in front of us didn't stand. They got a few stares, but they sat quietly and respectfully, even the kids. I know there are some religious denominations that consider standing for the NA a form of idol worship, or whatever, so they do not participate. But they sat quietly and were not making any statement to anyone else, and everyone around them seemed OK with that. A lot different than drawing attention to a cause of some sort.
I was at a MLB game a long time ago, and when it came time for the National Anthem, the family in front of us didn't stand. They got a few stares, but they sat quietly and respectfully, even the kids. I know there are some religious denominations that consider standing for the NA a form of idol worship, or whatever, so they do not participate. But they sat quietly and were not making any statement to anyone else, and everyone around them seemed OK with that. A lot different than drawing attention to a cause of some sort.

I've got no problem with people in their off time sitting for the Anthem. The code says "should" stand but it's their right not to. What I have a problem with are people in high visibility positions protesting by showing disrespect for the flag during work time. Only reason why Kaepernick and others aren't fined has nothing to do with freedom of speech and everything to do with the fact that it's not against policy. The NFL could easily enact a policy that says they "shall" stand vs "should." Of course, its my understanding that they're required to be on the field for the Anthem and that fines "may" occur if they aren't. I guess the NFL isn't concerned about enforcing that policy.

In my opinion, any personal display of protest or even supporting a cause, whether verbal, physical gestures (kneeling), or written statements, should be banned.

Also, I've yet to hear anyone ask this, but does anyone believe that if CK was the starting quarterback last year, he still would have sat for the Anthem?
Also, I've yet to hear anyone ask this, but does anyone believe that if CK was the starting quarterback last year, he still would have sat for the Anthem?

Why wouldn't he? I believe he still would. NFL won't do anything to upset the money making applecart. Owner for the same reason. Look at Jerry Jones, he'll go to any lengths to protect his investments, err, I mean players.
It amazes me that the pawns and stooges in all of this somehow mistake their role and believe that it is about them and their voices. Their own foolishness should shame them but instead it emboldens them.
Also, I've yet to hear anyone ask this, but does anyone believe that if CK was the starting quarterback last year, he still would have sat for the Anthem?

Yes. He would have no reason NOT to, in his mind, as long as whatever social injustice he's protesting hadn't progressed.

The Chiefs have a starting cornerback, Marcus Peters, that's been sitting out. Last year he did the fist-raise. This year he's either been sitting or riding a stationary bike.

It came out yesterday, publicly, that the Fraternal Order of Police had asked him to work with them on a grant they had that is to be used for a police community outreach program. The FOP basically said, "Here's your chance to help us fix the problems you say we have. We want you to work with us on this." He has yet to respond. The FOP finally took it public after they believed they had given him enough time to respond.
Why wouldn't he? I believe he still would. NFL won't do anything to upset the money making applecart. Owner for the same reason. Look at Jerry Jones, he'll go to any lengths to protect his investments, err, I mean players.

Because as a starting quarterback he would have much more to lose by protesting. Did he voice any concerns for black lives prior to last season?

By being benched, he was now watching someone take his job from him. His play had degraded, he was no longer able to lead, compete and play the game he loved. He was put on a pedestal, given an incredible amount of attention and now that's gone. I can only imagine the frustration. Possibly this was a way to bring attention back to himself???
Because he was sitting on a bench watching someone take his job from him. His play had degraded, he was no longer able to lead, compete and play the game he loved. He was put on a pedestal, given an incredible amount of attention and now that's gone. I can only imagine the frustration. Possibly this was a way to bring attention back to himself. Did he voice any concerns to black lives prior to the start of last season????

Still think he would. You asked. Look at all the followers he has now. Even this guy. :rolleyes:

Well, I'm doing it. Second Packer game I haven't watched. Protest all they want, their right, but I draw the line at disrespecting the flag and our national anthem. I'm going to email the Packer organization and express my displeasure. Won't do any good but they need to know.

Read an article this morning about a CEO in TN who is withdrawing his ads from NFL games. Sent him an email in support of his actions. Hitting the NFL in the pocketbook will get their attention if enough companies do it.
Well, I'm doing it. Second Packer game I haven't watched. Protest all they want, their right, but I draw the line at disrespecting the flag and our national anthem. I'm going to email the Packer organization and express my displeasure. Won't do any good but they need to know.

Read an article this morning about a CEO in TN who is withdrawing his ads from NFL games. Sent him an email in support of his actions. Hitting the NFL in the pocketbook will get their attention if enough companies do it.

What makes me laugh are those that say "well, they're not protesting the flag or their country by kneeling. They're just bringing light to a cause." No, the whole purpose of standing, facing the flag and putting your right hand over your heart, is to show respect. Doesn't specifically say it's showing respect in Code 36 but military regs refer to it as showing "honor." To do anything other, especially since CK said he wasn't going to show "pride" to a flag, is to dishonor. There's no way around it.

Then you have the few vets that say they fought for their freedom of speech. Well, in two wars, nothing I did there has anything with protecting freedom of speech back home. The protection of freedom of speech has nothing to do with this case anyway. First Amendment rights apply to government positions (with restrictions) not a private work environment. Many forms of freedom of speech restrictions exist in the NFL (gang signs, using the finger, writing on eye paint, etc). Just so happens they don't have a policy forcing them to stand for the Anthem like the military has. They could easily make it a policy though.
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If they weren't intending to dishonor the flag, they'd protest during the time allotted to them - in the middle of a play they are instrumental on, instead of protesting during the time set aside to honor their nation. Until they do that, I have no respect for them.
If they weren't intending to dishonor the flag, they'd protest during the time allotted to them - in the middle of a play they are instrumental on, instead of protesting during the time set aside to honor their nation. Until they do that, I have no respect for them.

Yep. The black offensive line players should take a knee just as their white QB takes the snap and steps back into the pocket.
So the Michael Bennett video is out. Once again, it is the same as so many times before. Before the facts are out, Racism is claimed and all those who are so eager to believe it instantly voice their outrage at the injustice. The claim is instantly believed and it adds energy to the resentment and malcontent.

But after much of the damage is already done, the facts quietly come out and it turns out to not fit the narrative at all. When will we start to hold people accountable for fanning the flames and forcing a division among us?

Michael Bennet repeatedly said that he was stopped and detained at gunpoint for no other reason than that he was a black man in the wrong place. He believed that he was stopped for no other reason but that his skin color was the wrong shade. What a horrific charge to make against that police department in those officers! In today's atmosphere to be charged with blatant, out-right racism is equivalent to being charged with the most horrific crimes and behavior. Shame on him for having such a little disregard for those policeman, who in reality actually showed restraint and kindness!

What good can come from an attitude that believes every slight and every peceived injustice can be attributed to racism? What could atone for those injustices when they are believed to come from such a nasty place as a hatred for another's race?

Good, right thinking Americans need to stand up to resist these flames before they consume our decency and civility. We should be protesting the flagrant disregard for truth that is so quickly spread through our media.
Michael Bennet should publically apologize and call on all those in protest to lay down their arms and be willing to reconcile with those they have falsely accused.
So the Michael Bennett video is out. Once again, it is the same as so many times before. Before the facts are out, Racism is claimed and all those who are so eager to believe it instantly voice their outrage at the injustice. The claim is instantly believed and it adds energy to the resentment and malcontent.

But after much of the damage is already done, the facts quietly come out and it turns out to not fit the narrative at all. When will we start to hold people accountable for fanning the flames and forcing a division among us?

Michael Bennet repeatedly said that he was stopped and detained at gunpoint for no other reason than that he was a black man in the wrong place. He believed that he was stopped for no other reason but that his skin color was the wrong shade. What a horrific charge to make against that police department in those officers! In today's atmosphere to be charged with blatant, out-right racism is equivalent to being charged with the most horrific crimes and behavior. Shame on him for having such a little disregard for those policeman, who in reality actually showed restraint and kindness!

What good can come from an attitude that believes every slight and every peceived injustice can be attributed to racism? What could atone for those injustices when they are believed to come from such a nasty place as a hatred for another's race?

Good, right thinking Americans need to stand up to resist these flames before they consume our decency and civility. We should be protesting the flagrant disregard for truth that is so quickly spread through our media.
Michael Bennet should publically apologize and call on all those in protest to lay down their arms and be willing to reconcile with those they have falsely accused.

Not to mention, the arresting officers were one black and two Hispanic. :confused:
Does anyone think the NFL players protesting will have enough self-awareness to be ashamed and embarrassed in light of what happened in Vegas? The officers and responders that were there to help and serve are the ones they are protesting. I hope they are shamed into silence.
Does anyone think the NFL players protesting will have enough self-awareness to be ashamed and embarrassed in light of what happened in Vegas? The officers and responders that were there to help and serve are the ones they are protesting. I hope they are shamed into silence.

Cooter, no disrespect, but I really don't care how they feel. Been a fan since the early 60s and I'm done with the NFL. Hopefully college FB doesn't get the same way but it probably will.
Does anyone think the NFL players protesting will have enough self-awareness to be ashamed and embarrassed in light of what happened in Vegas? The officers and responders that were there to help and serve are the ones they are protesting. I hope they are shamed into silence.
They don't even know what they are protesting. It's just the "cool" thing to do.
They are protesting a lie and creating division.

I'm working in a new office and the usual idle chatter contains a lot of anti-Trump comments. I finally spoke up to defend his comments towards the NFL protestors and within minutes I had them mad at me. Anything I said in defense of the backlash was regarded as racist and not understanding the plight of my black countrymen. Awkward staring at computers ensued and made for an uncomfortable rest of the day. We had gotten along fine until that subject was brought up.

This effect is exactly what the LIE was intended to bring about. This is purposeful and although many are useful idiots, many also know exactly what they are doing.
Does anyone think the NFL players protesting will have enough self-awareness to be ashamed and embarrassed in light of what happened in Vegas? The officers and responders that were there to help and serve are the ones they are protesting. I hope they are shamed into silence.
No, I disagree. The ones who helped and served should be celebrated. I don't think the football players are protesting those who truly serve and protect. There are, unfortunately, some that don't serve and protect.

I was with a black colleague in NJ, we went out to lunch in his car, a nice new Ford Mustang he recently bought. We drove past a known speed trap at the speed limit and we got pulled over. Apparently for him "driving while black". Cop made up some story about a car with that description being stolen. Calling in the tags would have been sufficient to verify it wasn't a stolen car. The cop was a bit startled to see me in the car. According to my colleague, this happened fairly often to him, so I imagine he had to swallow some anger over that. This happened some years ago.
No, I disagree. The ones who helped and served should be celebrated. I don't think the football players are protesting those who truly serve and protect. There are, unfortunately, some that don't serve and protect.

I was with a black colleague in NJ, we went out to lunch in his car, a nice new Ford Mustang he recently bought. We drove past a known speed trap at the speed limit and we got pulled over. Apparently for him "driving while black". Cop made up some story about a car with that description being stolen. Calling in the tags would have been sufficient to verify it wasn't a stolen car. The cop was a bit startled to see me in the car. According to my colleague, this happened fairly often to him, so I imagine he had to swallow some anger over that. This happened some years ago.
Geee. I once had my car ripped apart by cops that said the same thing. I guess I was driving while Impersonating a black. I'm white as white can be.
It was even in jersey coincidentally.
Geee. I once had my car ripped apart by cops that said the same thing. I guess I was driving while pretending to be black. I'm white as white can be.
It was even in jersey coincidentally.
Why would they rip apart a stolen car? Seems they were doing a search on your car.
Why would they rip apart a stolen car? Seems they were doing a search on your car.
Supposedly I was an armed "black" car thief. But, obviously they just pulled me over and harassed me because I'm black. Or something.

Maybe the something is that they weren't making up a story and actually had a reason? Nah, all cops hate all blacks. Obviously.
Supposedly I was an armed "black" car thief. But, obviously they just pulled me over and harassed me because I'm black. Or something.
Well, there you go. They thought you were black and pulled you over. You got the really bad cop who thought it would be cool to search your car. Did you consent to the search?
No, I disagree. The ones who helped and served should be celebrated. I don't think the football players are protesting those who truly serve and protect. There are, unfortunately, some that don't serve and protect.

I was with a black colleague in NJ, we went out to lunch in his car, a nice new Ford Mustang he recently bought. We drove past a known speed trap at the speed limit and we got pulled over. Apparently for him "driving while black". Cop made up some story about a car with that description being stolen. Calling in the tags would have been sufficient to verify it wasn't a stolen car. The cop was a bit startled to see me in the car. According to my colleague, this happened fairly often to him, so I imagine he had to swallow some anger over that. This happened some years ago.
It's amazing that most of the high profile examples that were intended to prove this blantant racism have proven to be false narratives. Michael Bennet, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddy Gray. I can list many others that occurred locally. The lie is propagated, the media enflames the masses, the black communities are outraged (and often riots), the left excuses their behavior, then the truth comes out. And we move dutifully to the next lie, while the resentment remains and festers.
Well, there you go. They thought you were black and pulled you over. You got the really bad cop who thought it would be cool to search your car. Did you consent to the search?
It was many moons ago. Before people thought it was cool to make the police's job harder. I don't remember them asking me permission to frisk me and search the car, but even if I had, I probably would have agreed. I'm not paranoid and assume all cops are out to get me.

You seriously think they pulled me over because they thought I was black, and harassed me for fun. That's messed up.

The truth is the situation was on the news that night, they weren't just being jerks.
It's amazing that most of the high profile examples that were intended to prove this blantant racism have proven to be false narratives. Michael Bennet, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddy Gray. I can list many others that occurred locally. The lie is propagated, the media enflames the masses, the black communities are outraged (and often riots), the left excuses their behavior, then the truth comes out. And we move dutifully to the next lie, while the resentment remains and festers.
I don't condone the rioting
This Michael Bennet?
Trayvon? agreed
Michael Brown? agreed
Freddy Gray? Nope, he died through omission of police procedures.

But I know you missed my point. I personally saw that black people take more crap than whites do, in some places. It doesn't need to rise to being shot. I agree that there are people (Al Sharpton comes immediately to mind) who make a living out of whipping up frenzy (Tawana Brawley, anyone?) whether true, or not.
It was many moons ago. Before people thought it was cool to make the police's job harder. I don't remember them asking me permission to frisk me and search the car, but even if I had, I probably would have agreed. I'm not paranoid and assume all cops are out to get me.

You seriously think they pulled me over because they thought I was black, and harassed me for fun. That's messed up.

The truth is the situation was on the news that night, they weren't just being jerks.

That is what you said. Sometimes sarcasm isn't always easily read.
@Cooter & @Salty
I'm pretty sure we aren't going to change anyone's minds. Why do you think the Cowboys lost yesterday?
I don't condone the rioting
This Michael Bennet?
Trayvon? agreed
Michael Brown? agreed
Freddy Gray? Nope, he died through omission of police procedures.

But I know you missed my point. I personally saw that black people take more crap than whites do, in some places. It doesn't need to rise to being shot. I agree that there are people (Al Sharpton comes immediately to mind) who make a living out of whipping up frenzy (Tawana Brawley, anyone?) whether true, or not.

In all fairness a story or two hardly builds a compelling case, and you're speculating on the police's motive. You assume that it has to be racism, when you don't know that to be the case.

I grew up in an environment where there was frequent reverse racism. I've been targeted because I'm white, multiple times. But I don't project that to a national scale and condemn thousands of innocent people for a crime they haven't committed.
That is what you said. Sometimes sarcasm isn't always easily read.
And my bogus charge is just as real as yours was. It's easy to say you're pulled over for driving black. It's usually complete bs.
We are going to fInd out in a few minutes what will happen in KC. If the players do something, anything, to draw boos from the fans about "disrespecting" the National Anthem, listen carefully. The fans will end the Anthem with, "...home of the CHIEFS!'