Southwest flight 150agl 4 mile final into TPA

francisco collazos

Pre-takeoff checklist
Jun 11, 2021
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This is making the rounds on the internet. THey ended up with a low altitude alert from the tower then diverted to FLL
Another RNAV approach. You would think they would get their act together after what happened in OKC.
It's not the type of approach, it's the heavy rain, moderate to heavy turbulence, gusty winds( possible wind shear) that makes it challenging.
It's not the type of approach, it's the heavy rain, moderate to heavy turbulence, gusty winds( possible wind shear) that makes it challenging.
Rain, turbulence, and winds are not an excuse for crossing the final approach fix 1,400 feet too low.
Should they be checking altitude periodically? What approach were they using? For example, if I read the chart (link below) properly, they should be no lower than 1600' crossing ZEXXY at 3.5 miles out.

4.8 nm out, but yeah. Especially after the OKC incident.

I have to believe they would have been receiving all kinds of EGPWS alerts being that low that far from the runway, though. Along with just normal radar altimeter alerts like "500" "400" etc. - which should have seemed really out of place at 5 nm final.
Maybe they were trying one of those "short field approaches" in the other thread? (Sorry. I've had too much iced tea tonight.)
Once the gear and flaps are down, And a certain distance from the airport, the GPWS doesn't send all normal alerts. Southwest airplanes RA doesn't give 1000 ft and 500 ft calls, I believe.