Solar eclipse - how's the forecast for Apr 8th looking for you?


Line Up and Wait
Feb 1, 2024
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Currently my primary and back-up destinations in Ohio and Indiana are forecasting a 50% layer at 26k, trending upwards in the past few hours. I'll probably still make the trip and be prepared to change locations on short notice, watching satellite weather loops to see what looks better.
If you planned on viewing it, how are things looking for you right now?
My plan was to go to Arkansas. Forcasted to be mostly sunny in the path of totality. But as of today, the trip has been canceled due to the Ol' Lady having a bad flare up of RA. She told me that I could go alone. But I told her "That's not how it works" (this marriage thing)
San Antonio and westward is expecting to be mostly cloudy during the event. Poor viewing.
Forecast for my destination looking like CAVU. staying hopeful.
My plan was to go to Arkansas. Forcasted to be mostly sunny in the path of totality. But as of today, the trip has been canceled due to the Ol' Lady having a bad flare up of RA. She told me that I could go alone. But I told her "That's not how it works" (this marriage thing)

Depends on the model, GFS showing bad weather very close at this time.

Ventu sky says 100 percent clouds.
Windy says 0 percent clouds.
Clinton AR is the plan.
VFR, thin high clouds in central Indiana.
I was hoping to get to Arkansas. Looks decent there, except perhaps windy. But I am in Florida, and there is a frontal system between here and there. I'm VFR only, so am reluctantly waving off.
We're in OKC, so (driving) our main options were either extreme SE OK, or Russellville AR. Currently the forecasts favor Russellville, so unless it changes we'll be headed that way in the morning. About a 4 hour drive under normal circumstances, we'll see how long it takes.

And Russellville is a great name for a city.
We are making our way home tomorrow. I’m planning to fly toward the line and see if any Arkansas airports along it seem to have clear skies and space to land. If none do, we can stay in the air during totality and land on the other side of the band. Hope to see some of you, in the air or on the ground.
I was hoping to get to Arkansas. Looks decent there, except perhaps windy. But I am in Florida, and there is a frontal system between here and there. I'm VFR only, so am reluctantly waving off.
I'm in the same boat, but the weather is looking doable VFR, if not great. I'm gonna take another look in the morning and make a go/no-go then. Of course, I've "only" got a 700 nautical mile round trip to where I'm planning to go (Walnut Ridge, Arkansas), whereas your trip, in a much slower airplane, would be twice that, easily.
I'm in the same boat, but the weather is looking doable VFR, if not great. I'm gonna take another look in the morning and make a go/no-go then. Of course, I've "only" got a 700 nautical mile round trip to where I'm planning to go (Walnut Ridge, Arkansas), whereas your trip, in a much slower airplane, would be twice that, easily.
I'll take one last look at wx first thing in the morning. It would be about a 6 hour trip one way, so I'd need to be wheels up by 0700 EST. I don't see any way to get to Arkansas without scud running in north Mississippi.

From Atlanta, seems like southern Illinois might be a good bet.

ark wx.PNG
Montreal in Canada. Sunny right now. Supposed to stay that way with a few or scattered high cirrus from around 3pm.
TAF for Killeen, TX, where we are:

Becoming 1pm-2pm: Wind from 130° at 10 kt with 15 kt gusts, Visibility 10km or more, Scattered at 4,500', Broken at 25,000', Altimeter is 29.72"
Woke up this morning and checked weather one last time. Band of MVFR from Houston to Memphis. Band of rain from Memphis to West Virginia. Maybe doable VFR but I'm not in a mood to push it.
Woke up this morning and checked weather one last time. Band of MVFR from Houston to Memphis. Band of rain from Memphis to West Virginia. Maybe doable VFR but I'm not in a mood to push it.
Same here. Getting there wouldn’t be a problem for us - there is plenty of time to pick our way through or around VFR, but we’re time constrained this afternoon/evening and I’m gonna avoid the temptation to push things. We’ll watch from the back yard. We get > 80% coverage here.
I’ll look out my house front door at 1500 and see what is to see.
Anyone have a cell phone? Maybe someone will video the total eclipse and post it on YouTube.
Same here. Getting there wouldn’t be a problem for us - there is plenty of time to pick our way through or around VFR, but we’re time constrained this afternoon/evening and I’m gonna avoid the temptation to push things. We’ll watch from the back yard. We get > 80% coverage here.
Probably smart. Forecast for tonight is a mess. One of the oddest combinations of frontal movement that I have seen in a while.
Well that was great. We made it to London, AR, which was just within the 4 min totality area. About a 30 minute delay on I-40 but we left plenty of time.

Weather was almost as good as you could want. A little high cirrus but it drifted through and we saw Venus and Jupiter as well.
Same here. Some clouds around but never interfered.
Seeing totality with the naked eye is pretty spectacular.
We had high cirrus all afternoon. It’s still a great view
Well it was overcast here in San Antonio. A few areas got breaks in the clouds and could see a little, not where I was. All I got for the eclipse was light dark light
We drove the bus to Indianapolis, and camped at the Indy Motor Speedway. Definitely one of the most amazing sights I've ever experienced.

We made our plans months ago and figured weather will be what it will be. It was pretty perfect, couldn't have asked for a much better location to view it.
