Profits for shareholders are spread worldwide. I don't have the numbers, but I'm willing to bet there are Toyota and Honda ADRs paying dividends to US holders, and if not I am willing to bet there are intl money funds invested in the Tokyo mkt returning dividends and cap gains to the US, soooooo, the profit issue is not nearly as clearcut as you imagine.
Moreover, how about all those 'murican assemblyline workers. They don't spend their pay in Tokyo. They spend it down at Joe's Bar drinking, well, hopefully Sam Adams, since Bud is Belgian, Coors is Canadian, and Miller is South Africa. Yeah, Sam Adams is a bit yuppy, but at least it's American, right?
Why does working for a foreign company mean you will have a lifestyle that spirals down to the world average, whatever that means?? My wife worked for Deutsche Bank and I can guarantee you we did just fine. How 'bout those Bud brewers working for the Belgians. I don't see that they are suddenly living like Somalis.
Sorry, I don't drink beer, what I'm saying is the capital needed for re-investment in this country and to keep our lifestyle where it has been for the last 50 years we will wither away. In a crude sort of way if your not the big dog in the lead ,guess where your nose is when you're in second place.
Another example take 2 billion chinese @ what a $1,000 a year ea. wage and average it with 200 million Americans at $25,000 a year average( I'm pretty sure that's the current one). Apply the new world order math and figure in your or your childrens pay cut.
I know simplistic but the direction we're headed IMHO
Our manufacturing in this country is virtually gone, our kids are dumber on the average to the rest of the world, we've got the boy's on wall street, using smoke and mirrors to invest our money, we have a govenment that can't keep Social Security afloat, but believes they can run a national health care system, the list goes on.
Please list all the positives you've seen recently, you and your wife may be doing well now,congratulations, I hope we can all say that down the road.
If you don't believe me on this come to Mich. and see the 2 of every 10 out of work, look at the thousands ,yes THOUSANDS of empty commercial buildings, and tens of thousands of forclosed houses sitting empty.
Most of us that fly are a little on the higher side of the scale,so you might not notice, but on the average as a country,we're sliding downward.
Quite a Saab story eh?
Next stop spin zone