Actually, Jay, it was quite well orchestrated. We all knew there was a problem and we all did our best to solve it with OSH ATC doing a magnificent job.
It is nothing like some beer-swigging @$$#0le in his Bonanza cutting into the line between Ripon and Fisk thinking that his exhaust doesn't stink and cobbing up the whole procedure because, after all, he is a BONANZA pilot. More than once had to do evasive procedures for this damned fool.
Hey, Mary followed that same Bo pilot back in 2006-ish!
Actually, it was a Debonair. At FISK we were assigned to Rwy 18, and told to follow the Beech ahead of us. Mary did as she was told, as the Deb turned Eastbound down the roadway toward the runway.
That's when things got interesting. For whatever reason, the Deb pilot decided to not listen to the controller, and sort of went on a random journey that took him directly over the tower. Our directions were to stay SOUTH of the tower and do a right base for Rwy 18, but this doofus aimed AT the tower, and crossed over the runway.
The controller was late to pick up this error, and this was Mary's first flight in as PIC. She asked me "What should I do?", and I said "We were told to follow him -- so follow him!" So she did.
Finally, as the Deb was about to cross over the tower, the controller realized WTF was going on. He yelled at the Deb pilot, ordering him to do a descending LEFT turn to land on Rwy 18, and told Mary to follow him in.
Wow, that was exciting. There we were, in our loaded-to-the-gills Cherokee 235, in close trail with a Deb, doing an incredibly tight, 270 degree descending left turn to land, on a 90 degree day -- and, BTW, stay SOUTH of the tower. The same tower we were directly OVER when the turn started. Yikes!
When we arrived (and it was an ARRIVAL -- there was no doubt we were down) Mary was hyperventilating, the kids were frozen in terrified silence, and I've always wondered what the hell that Beech pilot was thinking.
Since we alternate PIC each year, Mary is always waiting for me to get the bone stuck to me like happened to her that year, just so she can give me crap. It hasn't happened yet...although there was that time when we were three abreast in the holding pattern around Rush Lake...
Good times!