Oshkosh 2025

Watch these videos from EAA: Click Here. My first year flying in, I watched every video I could find on YouTube and when I arrived, it all looked familiar.

Print the NOTAM, highlight the important parts. Throw away the sheets you don't need. For me, I throw out Seaplane, IFR, etc. You can highlight a lot of things before you even print it out, then highlight anything else you think is important.

On the morning you're flying in, listen to ATIS to determine which Transition Point they're starting at and which runways are in use. Pull out the two sheets that have the Runways in use and have them at the top of the stack for quick reference. Don't forget to breathe!

Here's an example of what I have printed for landing on RWYs 36L/R. Quick and easy reference for when things get overwhelming.
View attachment 137862

^^^ This is good advice.
The NOTAM contains a lot of stuff you dont care about.
Bookmark the pages you may need so you can get to them quick.

It is likely they will say on the radio "Everybody on Page 5,6,7,etc"
You will hear around 1:20 he tells everyone to be on page 10

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Some additional advice to piggyback on what’s already been posted:

— Read the NOTAM (notice a recurring theme here?)
— print out your parking signs (see the links I already posted)
— bring good tiedowns
— practice maintaining airspeed and altitude (ideally 90kts and 1000”AGL) while following a ground track, plus spot landings.
My bucket list has on it "Fly FISK Arrival". When is a good day to arrive and depart as a "first timer"? What day is less crowded than O'Hare at Thanksgiving? Arrive Monday July 21? Tues July 22? When to depart? Friday, Sat, Sun?
This is somewhat dependent on weather. In a normal year, coming in the weekend beforehand can work well because despite the large amount of traffic arriving, there are plenty of hours to space it all out. I have had particularly good luck starting the procedure at 7-7:30 PM, because most people coming from farther away are already in. Sometimes, the traffic starts getting slow enough that they even let you skip part or all of the procedure, but that's cheating!

However, if there's IFR weather in the days before the show, all that traffic can become concentrated. In particular, a few years ago we had IFR weather for several days up to and even including Sunday morning, and then the entire world tried to fly in simultaneously on Sunday afternoon and it was an absolute $#!+ show.

During the week, there's a BIG turnover on Thursday. There's a lot of (generally more OSH-experienced) people who want to be there for the big announcements that happen on Monday, and they don't want to spend the whole week. They'll usually stay for the night airshow on Wednesday night and then fly out Thursday morning. There's another big contingent that doesn't want to burn too many vacation days and they'll usually show up Thursday and stay until Sunday.

Because of that, it seems like there's maybe more parking in the second half of the week.
Depends, If you want a reasonable parking space, I recommend just going ahead and flying it now.

I've been leaving the plane at home when parking fills up, so for the last several years I've mostly been planeless at the show. I think it was 2023 that parking never technically filled up, but when I brought the plane in I was against the fence at the far south end of the airport, an area that wasn't even available for parking until the last couple/few years - They keep opening up more area to parking each year.

I literally taxied past a sign that said "Welcome to Fond du Lac." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It is of course weather dependent but I would say avoid Arriving via Fisk on Sunday unless you are feeling bold and have a second pair of eyes. If weather messes up Sunday, the hornets nest starts at whatever day/time it clears up. I think Saturday or Monday will give you that bucket list / rush without feeling like you have just flown through chaos.
This is good advice. And I would avoid trying to arrive before maybe 10 AM, because there are a TON of people who will overnight somewhere in or near Wisconsin and then fly in first thing. Later in the day things can be a bit more spaced out. If you come in after the show has started, there'll be another surge right at the end of the airshow, so if you can come in during about the 10 AM - 1 PM timeframe it'll be a bit calmer.
If your plane is like mine and "Can't maintain 90 knots" you can fly the high route which is much quieter but you still have to merge with the common folk when they turn you off the tracks. Read the NOTAM and at the endeavor bridge if it is really busy, just pick a plane and follow it a mile in trail and you will be fine.
They're starting to crack down on people who can fly at both 90 and 135 knots now, though. If you're in an airplane like a Cirrus, an old Cirrus (Bonanza), an efficient old Cirrus like me or a "poor man's" old Cirrus like @SixPapaCharlie ;) and you show up at Fisk at about the same time as someone on the low arrival, you're gonna be the first one they send back to the beginning. They're also starting to watch for bad behavior on the arrival and pick those folks off and make them start over. So follow the procedure, and don't be a d!çk. It's enough of a challenge for them to get all those planes in when everyone is following the rules.
Lastly, whatever day you go, plan for early. Stuff can happen, weather, crashes, closed runways, holds, etc and the window to get in before they close the airspace shrinks.
This. Stop somewhere within ~1 hour of Ripon. Stretch your legs, fuel your plane, have at least a snack, maybe do a quick final review of the NOTAM procedures, and THEN go in. Even when it's not a madhouse, you need to be on top of your game and that isn't what you are at the end of a four-hour leg. Plus, you don't want to get near the front of the line and then realize you need to divert for fuel.
Print the NOTAM, highlight the important parts. Throw away the sheets you don't need. For me, I throw out Seaplane, IFR, etc. You can highlight a lot of things before you even print it out, then highlight anything else you think is important.
It is worth looking at those segments that don't apply to you once, just to understand where everyone is going to be. There is not a section of air that doesn't have traffic in it. Helis and ultralights at 300 feet, departures at 500 feet, arrivals at 1000 and 1500 for the most part. Fisk arrivals from the southwest, seaplanes and warbirds from the southeast, locals and demo flights from the northwest, IFR from the east.

It is definitely worth paring things down to what is most important once you understand the big picture, though. I put it all onto a single page flowchart/checklist for reference during the flight. This is no place to be heads down in a 35-page NOTAM.
On the morning you're flying in, listen to ATIS to determine which Transition Point they're starting at and which runways are in use. Pull out the two sheets that have the Runways in use and have them at the top of the stack for quick reference. Don't forget to breathe!
And be ready for this, and everything else, to change.

On the arrival, last time I departed from KUES (only about 15-20 min from Ripon) and they were advertising the Ripon transition. In about 10 minutes it went from Ripon to Green Lake to Puckaway Lake to Endeavor Bridge to "Just find a spot and hold there".

On approach, be ready for last-minute changes to your pattern size and shape (except for 18R, where you will NEVER go north of the tower/blue dot). I've had the tower tell the plane in front of me "High wing, start your base, cleared to land on the orange dot, High wing, start your base! High wing, start your base now!" and the guy just kept going to make a full downwind, base over the lakeshore and then turn final. As soon as the controller realized he wasn't going to follow instructions, he told me "Mooney, turn your base, make short approach, cleared to land green dot." So I cut in and landed while the controller gave the other guy as much of a chewing out as he had time for (not much).

And once you land, apply moderate braking, find a gap between the runway lights, and get the heck off the runway as quickly as you can... Unless you're on 36R, in which case you let it roll all the way to the end as quickly as you can.

If you're on your game, you get to hear the best thing a pilot ever gets to hear on the radio: "Mooney, great job! Welcome to Oshkosh!" I've been lucky enough to have flown the Fisk arrival ~35-40 times, and I've heard that a number of times, and I tell ya, that just NEVER gets old.
Some additional advice to piggyback on what’s already been posted:

— Read the NOTAM (notice a recurring theme here?)
— print out your parking signs (see the links I already posted)
— bring good tiedowns
— practice maintaining airspeed and altitude (ideally 90kts and 1000”AGL) while following a ground track, plus spot landings.
Excellent advice.

In terms of other things to practice:

1) Right hand patterns.
2) Short approaches.
3) Landing on a spot.
4) This one will require you to find an airport that isn't in a congested area but has a longer runway... Practice leaving pattern altitude on the crosswind-to-downwind turn, descending through the whole downwind and base, flying your base at the numbers (start your base before you're abeam the numbers), then turn "final", flare and land. That's what the 18R approach is, and it's very weird the first time you do it. So, better to do it the first time without the world watching and all the distractions that are part of OSH.

Also, for the 90 knot 1000AGL practice, you may want a notch or two of flaps out to improve forward visibility - You'll want to be able to see below the horizon. You should also find a power setting that lets you consistently maintain that speed and altitude in that configuration so that you can set it and forget it and keep your eyes outside instead of jockeying the throttle trying to maintain 90 knots. If you have retractable gear, find this power setting for both gear up and gear down, and plan to extend your gear no later than Ripon. Fisk Approach will want your gear to be down by the time they can see you for obvious reasons. (You can do the whole thing with gear down too if you'd like, which simplifies things and I would recommend for your first time.)
I don’t see it covered by those above but be prepared to bug out and start over for safety. I lucked into a guy varying speeds between 60 and 90 kts in front of me. My plane is not happy at 60. I bugged out, flew back five miles and found an opening. And caught up to him again. If it looks sketch for any reason, head on back to the starting point and work your way in. There are some pilots where this is the only flying they do the year and you want a wide berth from them.
My bucket list has on it "Fly FISK Arrival". When is a good day to arrive and depart as a "first timer"? What day is less crowded than O'Hare at Thanksgiving? Arrive Monday July 21? Tues July 22? When to depart? Friday, Sat, Sun?
So far, my transportation is set, but if it falls through, I could right seat for you to help out.
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One concern I have this year is that I’m not flying my RV in which can do the 90kt (104mph) approach with ease. I’ll be in my 85 mph cruise Hatz, hoping I don’t 1) cause a problem and 2) don’t get rear ended. As has been mentioned, an early arrival doesn’t guarantee that I’ll be among my own kind. Not sure what the EAA/FAA can do to separate such types of aircraft out from the mainstream. Separate approach? Lower altitude? Designated arrival days/time? Dunno.
One concern I have this year is that I’m not flying my RV in which can do the 90kt (104mph) approach with ease. I’ll be in my 85 mph cruise Hatz, hoping I don’t 1) cause a problem and 2) don’t get rear ended. As has been mentioned, an early arrival doesn’t guarantee that I’ll be among my own kind. Not sure what the EAA/FAA can do to separate such types of aircraft out from the mainstream. Separate approach? Lower altitude? Designated arrival days/time? Dunno.
Early arrival may not guarantee you'll be with slower planes, but EAA does recommend you come in first. I try to get in very early, but I'm in a 182 and I would be sure to make way for the slower aircraft. I thought it would be a factor last year when I saw two Super Cub type planes in front of me. Apparently they didn't get the memo, because when I settled in at 90kts, they left me behind!!

"Slower aircraft should use maximum cruising speed. ATC recommends arrival at Fisk 7:00-7:30 AM CDT if practicable."
Ok. I’ll plan on staying in Chicago area Sunday night then if weather cooperates fly up Monday at sunrise. Fly out Thurs. If weather is bad I can slide things out.
My plan would be to arrive on Thursday AM and depart on Sunday if I was a first timer and wanted to dodge the worst of the traffic and still have the full experience.
In some places, it can. The trick is to not be in those places. ;) After Sloshkosh, we scoped out the places that were clean and undamaged and now we have some good high ground spots that have never been troublesome since, even when other parts of the grounds have gotten soft.

What Rich said. Once you do it, you'll wonder why you haven't before. 20 years in, I've started saying that when I die, I hope I go to Oshkosh. It is heaven to me.
They've also done some field improvements since sloshkosh that have greatly improved things.
I have a whole set of signs for OSHKOSH which start with VAC and W78. I supplement that with "THANK YOU" (always appreciated by the marshallers) and "YOU LOOK GOOD IN ORANGE." Also for the controllers I have "YOU LOOK GOOD IN PINK." For departures, I hold up a sign that says "MVFR." I also have ones that say "NORTH 40" and "HILTON" for my Sunday afternoon taxi.

One year, I had a series that say: "WHY CAN'T I PARK HERE?" "I PARKED HERE LAST YEAR." and "I KNOW TOM."
I have a whole set of signs for OSHKOSH which start with VAC and W78. I supplement that with "THANK YOU" (always appreciated by the marshallers) and "YOU LOOK GOOD IN ORANGE." Also for the controllers I have "YOU LOOK GOOD IN PINK." For departures, I hold up a sign that says "MVFR." I also have ones that say "NORTH 40" and "HILTON" for my Sunday afternoon taxi.

One year, I had a series that say: "WHY CAN'T I PARK HERE?" "I PARKED HERE LAST YEAR." and "I KNOW TOM."
Printing my "SUZZIFER SUCKS" sign right now! :biggrin:
Pretty sure that’s a sign from back in the day and he’s referring to Tom Poberezny
In related news, I'm dumb. Of course you must be right... Though I still like the idea that 'Tall Tom' in Vintage is famous enough to be on someones sign...
In related news, I'm dumb. Of course you must be right... Though I still like the idea that 'Tall Tom' in Vintage is famous enough to be on someones sign...
Tom's a great guy, but Magoo is a bit too far south for my liking.

Amusingly, one year Margy and I went down to Wendt's for a preshow dinner and this nice older couple invited us to share their table. Turns out they were (Pass it to) Buck and Dorothy Hilbert. Had a nice conversation with them and they found out we volunteered on the flight line and asked if we knew Tom Taylor. Of course, we did. He's their son-in-law.
In related news, I'm dumb. Of course you must be right... Though I still like the idea that 'Tall Tom' in Vintage is famous enough to be on someones sign...
You might be right—I’m not versed in Vintage so went for the obvious guess for an E-AB mouth breather
So if a person flys in on Monday, will there be a place to tie down? Or is it that you’ll be put in a place far away, hard to access during the stay?
My plan would be to arrive on Thursday AM and depart on Sunday if I was a first timer and wanted to dodge the worst of the traffic and still have the full experience.
So Thursday inbound is less crowded vs Monday or Tuesday?
So if a person flys in on Monday, will there be a place to tie down? Or is it that you’ll be put in a place far away, hard to access during the stay?
I think by Monday, you'll be pretty far out in the South 40. I don't remember if you said what you're flying. If you're Vintage, it fills up fairly quickly, especially with weather like we had last year. If you're not vintage, North 40 and South 40 are much larger areas. Even in the South 40, they now have busses that take you out to your plane.
So Thursday inbound is less crowded vs Monday or Tuesday?
Yes, a lot of planes leave Thursday morning. Last year, on my row in Vintage, I was the only plane left! They will start filling it in and they usually don't care if your plane is vintage at that point.
Tom's a great guy, but Magoo is a bit too far south for my liking.
I camped with the Cessna 195's for a few years. They are probably my favorite planes, so the walk didn't bother me much when the destination was under the wings of those beauties. Plus the breakfast option was great!
So Thursday inbound is less crowded vs Monday or Tuesday?
Yes. Also, the chances of getting a good parking spot will be higher on Thursday. Add to that the beginning of the week madness if there are weather issues on Friday or Saturday.
I camped with the Cessna 195's for a few years. They are probably my favorite planes, so the walk didn't bother me much when the destination was under the wings of those beauties. Plus the breakfast option was great!
I love camping in Vintage. Close to the center of everything, plenty of food, plenty of shuttles, etc. I got stuck way back in the North 40 during Sloshkosh and I hated every minute of it. Many people love it out there though!
I love camping in Vintage. Close to the center of everything, plenty of food, plenty of shuttles, etc. I got stuck way back in the North 40 during Sloshkosh and I hated every minute of it. Many people love it out there though!
Yeah, I've camped vintage, scholler, n40, warbirds. Each have their advantages. Some are smaller than others. :-)
So Thursday inbound is less crowded vs Monday or Tuesday?
The arrival will probably be less busy Monday or Tuesday as most of the early-week crowd will have flown in on the weekend.

However, that means that the parking situation will put you way out yonder in the South 40 most likely. If you fly in Thursday, the arrival will be busier but you'll probably get a much closer-in parking spot.
The arrival will probably be less busy Monday or Tuesday as most of the early-week crowd will have flown in on the weekend.

However, that means that the parking situation will put you way out yonder in the South 40 most likely. If you fly in Thursday, the arrival will be busier but you'll probably get a much closer-in parking spot.
Anecdotally I’d say Sunday and Monday are the busiest days for arrivals with Thursday and Friday the busiest days for departures. As a Homebuilt Welcome Wagon driver, I get to see all of the aircraft parking and camping areas from South 40 all the way to Basler plus all of Scholler and the peak is definitely the first half of the week.
One concern I have this year is that I’m not flying my RV in which can do the 90kt (104mph) approach with ease. I’ll be in my 85 mph cruise Hatz, hoping I don’t 1) cause a problem and 2) don’t get rear ended. As has been mentioned, an early arrival doesn’t guarantee that I’ll be among my own kind. Not sure what the EAA/FAA can do to separate such types of aircraft out from the mainstream. Separate approach? Lower altitude? Designated arrival days/time? Dunno.

Last time I flew up there in '22, I was in a RV-10 and ended up behind a Taylorcraft. He was pedaling as hard as he could while I had at least half-flaps in to keep the nose down enough to be able to see him. I was trying to pseudo s-turn and do short climbs/descents to keep from running up his tail. Eventually the controller saw what I was doing to keep the line moving (my dad was behind me in the RV-7A doing the same thing trying to not running up my tail pipe), and said "we need to get you spaced out, if I send you around, you won't make it in before the field closes for the airshow, so let's do this..." and then told us to turn right and follow that road until he told us to turn north. After about 2 miles, he said "OK, now follow that road directly north", which we did for about 4 miles. He basically created a controlled large-sized s-turn for us to buy us some space to downwind. Unfortunately, we got gummed up again on downwind b/c the runway controller couldn't turn the Taylorcraft in 'early'. It was a sporty arrival, for sure. GREAT controllers.
OK -
Found and booked dorm room 30 minutes / shuttle bus away, but I have a bed and running water
Bought the weekly pass
Even bought a couple of days at the Aviator Club to see what that's like.

Now I just have 6 months to figure out the rest of it.
Last time I flew up there in '22, I was in a RV-10 and ended up behind a Taylorcraft. He was pedaling as hard as he could while I had at least half-flaps in to keep the nose down enough to be able to see him. I was trying to pseudo s-turn and do short climbs/descents to keep from running up his tail. Eventually the controller saw what I was doing to keep the line moving (my dad was behind me in the RV-7A doing the same thing trying to not running up my tail pipe), and said "we need to get you spaced out, if I send you around, you won't make it in before the field closes for the airshow, so let's do this..." and then told us to turn right and follow that road until he told us to turn north. After about 2 miles, he said "OK, now follow that road directly north", which we did for about 4 miles. He basically created a controlled large-sized s-turn for us to buy us some space to downwind. Unfortunately, we got gummed up again on downwind b/c the runway controller couldn't turn the Taylorcraft in 'early'. It was a sporty arrival, for sure. GREAT controllers.

This is exactly what I want to do my best to avoid. Definitely top notch controller. What time of day was this and what day of the week?
This is exactly what I want to do my best to avoid. Definitely top notch controller. What time of day was this and what day of the week?

I had to go back to pictures to figure it out. Looks like we came through on Monday around 2pm-ish. That was the 50th anniversary of Van's Aircraft and IIRC, they had a fly-over planned around 3pm that they were closing the field early for the airshow that day, so we were pushing to get in before that all went down. So it was somewhat of a one-off situation.
Some of the comments in this thread remind me of the people I see circling the parking lot for a close parking space at the gym. Show up whatever day best suits your own schedule. I wouldn’t skip out on any of the show early in the week just to get a better parking space on Thursday or Friday. By then a lot of the interesting planes are leaving, the good forums are wrapping up, and the first night air show is already over. Whatever day you show up you will have an awesome time but don’t let the convenience of getting there keep you away from the best of it.
Some of the comments in this thread remind me of the people I see circling the parking lot for a close parking space at the gym. Show up whatever day best suits your own schedule. I wouldn’t skip out on any of the show early in the week just to get a better parking space on Thursday or Friday.
Need a balance. I decided to come in on Monday even though it’s not as quiet as maybe Thursday. But I’m also avoiding Sunday to fly in, as the high amount of traffic is a valid concern, even though I won’t get the best tie down spot.