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    • tsts4
      tsts4 replied to the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH.
      Unfortunately our Osh trip is at its end. We’ll fly out first thing tomorrow morning to Indiana to see friends that we see in our way...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to Ed Haywood's post in the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going? with Like Like.
      Made it!!! Between the 3 aircraft, we had more hair raising situations than we could count. Currently celebrating in the North 40.
    • tsts4
      tsts4 replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
      We’ve rented a travel trailer for Osh for the past 4 years including this year. The first year was from one of the local dealers...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to Hengelo's post in the thread Sovereign Citizen nearly causes midair with Like Like.
      I could watch “sovereign citizens” getting their comeuppance in court 24/7. Endless satisfaction.
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to TCABM's post in the thread Lance air down short of 36 OSH with Like Like.
      Airventure is a different ball of wax; the NOTAM is 32 pages long with nine pages devoted to VFR arrivals alone with waivered arrival...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 replied to the thread RV inline fuel filter.
      99.9% of the US built RV-10s, myself included, run a similar inline fuel filter with no gascolater.
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to Half Fast's post in the thread EAA life membership value? with Haha Haha.
      Osh and SNF have completely opposite purposes. SNF gives northerners an excuse to get away from the winter cold and snow, and Osh gives...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
      I volunteer at both and I’m not aware of anyone that thinks SnF is a second class event. However it is different and smaller by a...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
      Not new you can’t which was my point. A new tricked out RV-10 is cheaper than a new 172. So what you’re saying is you can get a used...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
      Just so everyone’s tracking SnF is not an EAA sponsored event and is roughly a quarter of the size of OSH so it’s not a good comparison...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to ateamer's post in the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going? with Like Like.
      Arrived today after a three day road trip. (Between planes, still looking for the right one.) We’re staying with relatives who live in...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to kyleb's post in the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going? with Like Like.
      …no longer going to Oshkosh. Been here since 10 AM.
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to X3 Skier's post in the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going? with Like Like.
      Arriving Tuesday and staying in the Dorm. I’ll be working in Hangar C at the Seaplane Pilots Association Booth afternoons Wednesday and...
    • tsts4
      tsts4 replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
      Made it and now let the fun begin!
      • IMG_1059.jpeg
    • tsts4
      tsts4 reacted to kyleb's post in the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going? with Like Like.
      Dunno. I'll let you know as soon as I know. And if you leave before he does, I'm sure we can figure something out.
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