One reason to love POA ...

Anyone care to share their numbers in use of this wonderful feature? No names needed ...
I had one person on ignore, but he or she has been posting so little lately, I decided to un-ignore them.
I don't think I've ever ignored anyone on here. I have un-followed more than a few threads, though. Once they get into some sort of cross between a bad version of Groundhog Day and a death spiral I lose interest. Individual people, though? To me the only annoying ones are the people pop on briefly to whine about some self-inflicted mental trauma, or to profess their loyalty to an Instagram model/youtube star. Thinking about it, they may be related...crush on yourself, crush on another guy. I get it, but I don't want to watch it.

Anyway, rambling again. The old time folks on here are sometimes weird, but usually interesting and sometimes I get to lean a new perspective..whether I want to or not. So I like that.

What I *really* wish I had was an ignore button I could actually use at work. My team is awesome, but the people that pester us are as bad as salesmen.
I don't ignore anyone here, but on Facebook I use the "Unfollow" feature a lot. That way we can be friends, but I don't have to see the political or religious rants. I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm betting that it's pretty rare that someone makes a political post and convinces someone to change teams. It's more about getting a pat on the back from your buddies.
I don't ignore anyone here, but on Facebook I use the "Unfollow" feature a lot. That way we can be friends, but I don't have to see the political or religious rants. I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm betting that it's pretty rare that someone makes a political post and convinces someone to change teams. It's more about getting a pat on the back from your buddies.

sometimes it is simply being able to vent
I’ve only put a couple of people on ignore here, and they are gone. Don’t think anyone is on the ignore list now.

Edit: OK, I just checked. There are actually three that I have on ignore that haven’t been banned, and none have been seen for at least 6 years.
sometimes it is simply being able to vent
True. It gets old though. I like my Facebook to be mostly airplanes! Honestly, I would have left FB a long time ago if it wasn't such a great format for sharing photos, events, etc. We have a local Austin Pilots Facebook page and I've met a lot of good people because of their events.
I have 12 on ignore and 5 have ejected. The others, I'll occasionally view their posts, just to double check, and I don't think I've ever taken anyone off the list.
I use it sparingly & mostly for the argumentative & negative folks. Sometimes following along with the bickering is amusing until you realize that some folks really do believe their own delirium ... :eek:
38 on ignore. 5 have had the ejection handle pulled.

Various reasons for each of them. Attend a fly-in and find out who - and why! :D

If you really have 38 on ignore then you are well in the lead ...
Only one. I don't like the feature though as I can still see when @eman1200 posts.
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True. It gets old though. I like my Facebook to be mostly airplanes! Honestly, I would have left FB a long time ago if it wasn't such a great format for sharing photos, events, etc. We have a local Austin Pilots Facebook page and I've met a lot of good people because of their events.
If it weren't for a couple of local news/aviation interest groups or Marketplace, I would have dumped FB a long time ago.
For me, no one is on ignore.

Early on in my POA experience, I innocently posted an article which later had an advertisement that contained malicious code. Several said they put me on ignore in response.
PoA has been a bit of a social experiment for me. It's the only internet forum where I've actually ended up meeting people IRL. And it's funny seeing how people write on here and comparing it with how they are in person.

Sometimes the contrast is stark! And the in-person version is almost always better.

Because it's amazing how much more motivated you are to find common ground in person than you are online :). Not always, but most of the time.

(that said... I have used the ignore button a couple times, but I'd be totally happy to un-ignore and give a fresh start if I met any of those folks IRL)
I’ve never had to use it here, but there are times when the rest of you probably wish I would have. lol but maybe those that would wish that have me on ignore, so problem solved. ;)

I’d rather just skip a post if I’m not in the mood rather than hide it.
I have about a dozen on my list. Several are probably unjustified; I was just in a grumpy mood. But there are 3 or 4 where almost every time I see an argument and view ignored content, one of them is egging it on and usually personalizing it. It's too bad there's not a "confirm ignore" button.

Early in my time on PoA, I jumped into an argument and went straight to internet a-hole mode. I threw what I thought was my finest pilot insult at someone: "you probably wear epaulets because you want to." That got me a week-long ban and I'm sure a few ignores. I've chilled out as a realize how many smart, cool people there are on here.
interesting post .... there are a number of posters who border on stupid but I still skim through their posts.
I had one person on ignore, but he or she has been posting so little lately, I decided to un-ignore them.
I haven't used this feature, but how do you know if someone you ignored made a post? To me, ignore means that henceforth, they don't exist
Edit: Er, assuming you ready this
Anyone care to share their numbers in use of this wonderful feature? No names needed ...
6 But 5 of them have been ejected, and I haven't seen #6 around here in a very long time.