Non-aviation Posts

What should PoA's policy on non-aviation content be?

  • Eliminate all non-aviation posts.

    Votes: 11 8.4%
  • Move all non-aviation posts to a new "Off the Airport" forum.

    Votes: 37 28.2%
  • Continue as is, allowing non-aviation posts in "Hangar Talk."

    Votes: 83 63.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Apr 8, 2005
There has been some concern and discussion both in front of and behind the scenes about non-aviation content, mostly in this Hangar Talk forum. We on the Management Council would like to know what you think. Please select one of the three choices in this poll as best representing your feelings on the matter.
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Things have gone downhill in the last few weeks, and the Ignore Feature does not prevent annoying posts from appearing in the topic list. Thanks for keeping POA enjoyable.
Let'sgoflying! said:
Things have gone downhill in the last few weeks, and the Ignore Feature does not prevent annoying posts from appearing in the topic list. Thanks for keeping POA enjoyable.
Thanks for the thought, but please vote!
i thought hangar talk was for non aviation posts?
Personally I like the way conversations ebb and flow. Any given interaction here can start as an aviation conversation and evolve into another subject. I voted for keeping things the way they are. I disagree that things have gone down hill. I thought everyone being generally civil. :dunno:
Ron Levy said:
Please select one of the three choices in this poll as best representing your feelings on the matter.


I think things are fine the way they are presently. It is only natural for conversation to drift to other subjects as we all get to know each other further, and we already have well defined avaition only areas. (IE, flight following is a fine place for general aviation related subjects)
while I think things have gone south a little bit, I thought Hangar Talk was a catch-all for everything that didn't fit in the other categories mentioned. I'm mostly indifferent to WHERE the conversations go other than they be kept civil.
The discussions on this site are so civil, I actually really enjoy the non aviation posts. It is nice hearing about pilots' opinions on all sorts of things, and permitting non-aviation allows us to get to know each other better. The soap box on the other forum was filled with name calling, fighting etc. but here the discussions here are open and respectful. If this becomes a problem, than perhaps things should be changed, but until then, I really don't see any problem.
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woodstock said:
while I think things have gone south a little bit,

That is debatable. When the red was down and this place was created, it was quite lively and interesting. When the red came back up, things got quiet here, a little too quiet for my taste. Yes, I still enjoyed everyone, and still enjoyed the strong aviation only atmosphere, but it was slightly boring.

Since the soap was closed, this place has livened up a good deal, and I think it is good to see new faces and new subjects. As long as it stays civil, I think it is healthy for the community.
I haven't noticed things going downhill at all. Its fine the way it is.
Bill Jennings said:
Since the soap was closed, this place has livened up a good deal, and I think it is good to see new faces and new subjects. As long as it stays civil, I think it is healthy for the community.
I agree. The "Imagine" thread is a perfect example. Can you imagine if that had been posted on Red? Here, it was thought-provoking and interesting, without any of the venom I expected to emerge.
Bill Jennings said:
That is debatable. When the red was down and this place was created, it was quite lively and interesting. When the red came back up, things got quiet here, a little too quiet for my taste. Yes, I still enjoyed everyone, and still enjoyed the strong aviation only atmosphere, but it was slightly boring.

Since the soap was closed, this place has livened up a good deal, and I think it is good to see new faces and new subjects. As long as it stays civil, I think it is healthy for the community.
Now the red board is boring, too many of the same subjects. Here has always been a nicer friendly neighborhood and as long as it stay that way there is no reason to change what hanger talk is charged with covering. When someone steps over the line that the PoA managment has drawn then they should be dealt with in an apropriate manner per PoA managment policy.
smigaldi said:
Now the red board is boring, too many of the same subjects.
I've been meaning to ask. What headset should I buy? Should I rent or own? Anyone flown with kids?

Oops. Nevermind. I'm just being a smartalec :rolleyes:
Ken Ibold said:
I've been meaning to ask. What headset should I buy? Should I rent or own? Anyone flown with kids?

Oops. Nevermind. I'm just being a smartalec :rolleyes:
I got a canned headset response you if you like??? :rolleyes:

BTW you forgot to ask about what books to buy for your PPL knowledge test, should you change your CFI, and what is the best plane for a trainer, sigh!! :eek:

smartalec back at you!! :P

But I guess we should not thread hijack into what is wrong over at red. Lets concentrate on the positives here.

The Blue board is more of a community, and should be a place to digress from aviation topics. I am more than just my aviation hobby and as long as we are not trying to insult, degrade, defame, etc. each other, I see nothing wrong with talking about non-aviation stuff. The PoA managment, by virtue of it being their board, gets to decide what is in or out of bounds. We non-management types get to complain to them.
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I enjoy the non-aviation posts as well as the aviation related ones. I've jumped in on many more topics here than I ever would have over there because of the nice civil discussions about a lot of different things.

I was never a fan of the vicious attacks that you could see on the red board. The conversation is very civil here (thank you moderators). I only visit the other board occasionally now because it seems kind of boring.

If you sit in on any hanger talk session at any airport, you're going to hear a wide range of subjects discussed, some of which have nothing to do with flying. Why should that be different here?

As long as it stays civil, my vote is to leave it like it is.
I voted to keep it as is.

I think with the way this board is monitored and moderated the chances
of it slipping into the kind of behavior that dominated the red board
Soapbox is slim. I've seen few instances on here where things haven't
been discussed in a respectful way, even if they do get lively once
in a while.

This place is a high quality pilot community. And just like gathering
at the FBO on weekends to hang out, the talk isn't always on
aviation, nor should it have to be.

I have to say I think things are pretty civil around here. I think it's a credit to the site admins that they actively participate in refereeing things without being too heavy handed.

I also have to add that I have found "ignore" feature to work far better than I would have thought.
If N/A posts go to an "Off Airport" forum, what should go in Hangar Talk? I'm confused...
I generally just lurk on Hanger Talk, but when I have time I enjoy some of the threads. I see no reason to change. And yes the red board has got a bit boring.
Ken Ibold said:
I've been meaning to ask. What headset should I buy? Should I rent or own? Anyone flown with kids?

Oops. Nevermind. I'm just being a smartalec :rolleyes:

They were warned about that. On the board, and on the phone. They are destroying a community that took years to build. That board will wither fairly soon, becoming nothing more than a glorified FAQ. Perhaps that is what they want. I don't really know.

But, on the topic of this thread and poll, the same will happen here if you try to end non-av topics. Face it, as much as we all like flying there's really only so much you can talk about. We've all got other lives, and there is a community here that enjoys sharing them with each other. Without that, you'll just end up with a few folks saying hi to each other now and then. Kinda just depends on what you want, I suppose. I know one posters "repel boarders" comment says much about what some folks want, but I doubt that reflective of the majority.
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Joe Williams said:
But, on the topic of this thread and poll, the same will happen here if you try to end non-av topics. Face it, as much as we all like flying there's really only so much you can talk about. We've all got other lives, and there is a community here that enjoys sharing them with each other. Without that, you'll just end up with a few folks saying hi to each other now and then.
I'm voting to keep it as is. I totally agree with Bill. This place was a little too quiet for a while. Then soapbox got too ugly. I have worried that the ugliness would creep in here, but in my limited and sporadic visits, I haven't noticed that happening. (Good job, moderators.)

I don't participate much in the non-aviation forums, but don't mind them being here; sometimes I do foray in. As Ken said, I enjoyed hearing from others in the Imagine area. If the tone is civil and no personal attacks are made, I like knowing how others feel. Many folks on here have become good friends. Although aviation is our common bond, even out at the airport, I don't cut my good friends off when they get off the aviation topic.


Ken Ibold said:
I've been meaning to ask. What headset should I buy? Should I rent or own? Anyone flown with kids?

Oops. Nevermind. I'm just being a smartalec :rolleyes:

How much does it cost to own a used airplane? Actually I asked the same questions there eight years ago. So I guess we're paying our dues. :D
I like it the way it is, Ron. Now I realize that it takes PoA management resources to monitor Hangar Talk to ensure that it stays civil, but I think it's worth the effort. The moderators, IMO, have done a good job of striking a balance...
Dave Siciliano said:
I don't participate much in the non-aviation forums, but don't mind them being here; sometimes I do foray in. As Ken said, I enjoyed hearing from others in the Imagine area. If the tone is civil and no personal attacks are made, I like knowing how others feel. Many folks on here have become good friends. Although aviation is our common bond, even out at the airport, I don't cut my good friends off when they get off the aviation topic.

Its nice to be able to ask advice from you and others on real estate issues, past military experiences in addtion to flying the Baron. I can't do that on the other board and that's a shame. If they moderated it like POA does, then the issue would be moot. Sad.

Flying is interwoven into the fabric of our lives and can't really be seperated. Its like looking at real estate and the financing seperately. Can't be done.
Anthony said:
How much does it cost to own a used airplane? Actually I asked the same questions there eight years ago. So I guess we're paying our dues. :D

Actually, I don't see anything wrong the the questions being asked over and again. Many times, new people offer different insights with their answers, and the repetitiveness can cement knowledge. The problem is, now there is nothing to break up the same old questions.
Joe Williams said:
Actually, I don't see anything wrong the the questions being asked over and again. Many times, new people offer different insights with their answers, and the repetitiveness can cement knowledge. The problem is, now there is nothing to break up the same old questions.

I totally agree and agree with your previous posts as well. Well said.

Do you and the other moderators view non-aviation posts negatively?
Several people have voted to create a new forum for 'off airport' stuff. I would really like to hear their opinoins on why that is a good idea, so far the comments seem one sided.
I come here for the aviation topics. There are times when the others are interesting and I'll read them.

Maybe it's because half my time is spent with primary students but I find their headset decisions more interesting than making fun of people who disagree with me.

The clear rules of conduct and the effective moderation here make it a non issue for me.

Anthony said:

Do you and the other moderators view non-aviation posts negatively?
Well, its the view of the management council that really matters, but it would be a mistake to assume that the view is uniform. Thats why we have a management council and not "the Greebo show" (despite the fact that I'm the most vocal when it comes to management matters). Each of us has our own different perspectives and opinions about how things should operate. Thats very important in operating a successful forum community.
Greebo said:
Well, its the view of the management council that really matters, but it would be a mistake to assume that the view is uniform. Thats why we have a management council and not "the Greebo show" (despite the fact that I'm the most vocal when it comes to management matters). Each of us has our own different perspectives and opinions about how things should operate. Thats very important in operating a successful forum community.

Chuck, you sound like a politician. :D
Hey!!! No personal insults!!!

Besides, I'm a consultant, not a politician. We have SOME ethics left...
Have any of us stated a side?

I posted a similar poll to this one previously, remember? :)
Although I'm not that active around here, I do read the forums daily. I voted to continue as is, as long as the non-av discussions stay civil as they have. I'm personally not that intrested in my own opinions concerning current events,much less anyone else's. I do feel that for an active, intresting forum, people should be allowed to show their personality, which is a little harder on the red board as of late. Finally, I'd like to thank Greebo and the rest of the management council for bringing an enjoyable forum to our homes.

oops, misvoted. you can consider that first eliminate vote a vote for status quo
My vote is to keep it the way it is. Having the non-aviation topics here provides a bit of spice to the board and makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

In my opinion (which you are free to disagree with), things started going downhill here after the Red Board closed the Soapbox.

At the same time, the number of purely political posts increased here.

That's my opinion. I voted to restrict to aviation topics only. There are plenty of other websites where politics can be discussed.

I would be happy with a "no politics" rule rather than an "aviation-only" rule. I really don't mind helping somebody with their legal issues or recommending the best food processor - I just don't like the "us vs. them" politics that has shown up recently.
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