Non-aviation Posts

What should PoA's policy on non-aviation content be?

  • Eliminate all non-aviation posts.

    Votes: 11 8.4%
  • Move all non-aviation posts to a new "Off the Airport" forum.

    Votes: 37 28.2%
  • Continue as is, allowing non-aviation posts in "Hangar Talk."

    Votes: 83 63.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Brian Austin said:
It would still be moderated and subject to the RoC. It would simply be another forum that could be ignored by those not interested in non-aviation posts. That's all.
Then go for it, if y'all want to! :D
Ron Levy said:
There has been some concern and discussion both in front of and behind the scenes about non-aviation content, mostly in this Hangar Talk forum. We on the Management Council would like to know what you think. Please select one of the three choices in this poll as best representing your feelings on the matter.

I'm kind of stuck on the thought that it requires time to moderate. I voted to leave it alone, but if it makes it easier for the moderators to do their job I'd be all for making a separate "off airport" fourm.

Make it easy on yourself, and continue the great job.
Brian Austin said:
It would still be moderated and subject to the RoC. It would simply be another forum that could be ignored by those not interested in non-aviation posts. That's all.
But, like as Frank (IIRC) noted, I don't read the board by forums. I click New Posts and wade down thru by Recent Posts buttons... I rarely pay attention to what forum the message is in. However, I already voted, and this ain't Chicago, so I'll just shut up now! :D
Dart said:
I'm thinking "Oh no! not here too." Dang, and I finally broke down and registered.

Red is now boring, boring, boring!

BTW - My David Clarks are six years old now. They work just fine but, should I up grade to ENR?

Don't spend the money on new ones. Instead, check out the Headsets, Inc. conversion. I have that on my headsets and it works wonderfully. Plus, if the batteries ever die I've still got all the protection offered by the passive set to begin with. Most ANR sets don't offer as good a protection if the batteries die.
NC Pilot said:
I voted to keep it as is. There is some minor trolling IMO, but not too bad and not too agressive. The petty nastiness that was a part of the Red Board is not present here and I thank the moderators for that. I do enjoy the discourse of differing opinions.

BTW, I've heard of people slipping a 172 with full flaps, but the POH prohibits it!!! Should I report them to the FAA?

My bold.

TROLL!!! TROLL!!! :rofl:
I was one of the blue boarders who was gravely concerned that we would see the tone of the soapbox carrying over here, when AOPA closed it. I don't indict all the folks who used the soapbox over there (so please don't take offense if you were a regular poster over there), but there were some offenders (on both sides of the political spectrum) who brought the tone of that forum to dreadful, personally attacking, lows.

With that said, it has remained quite pleasant here, and even the political discussions have been decent, with very limited exceptions. I think the membership here is to be commended for good behavior, and the mods are to be commended as well for their work to keep this place on a civil foundation.

I say leave all as it is, as it appears to be working just fine right now.

Jim G
NC Pilot said:
BTW, I've heard of people slipping a 172 with full flaps, but the POH prohibits it!!! Should I report them to the FAA?
Can you show me where the POH prohibits it?

(Yeah I suspect you were kidding, but JUST in case... ;) )
alaskaflyer said:
Nothing against the moderators I appreciate their service too, but I think they have little to do with the fact that this board is "civilized." I've seen very few examples of them having to do anything at all in this regard, except to rein in some long time posters here who rather unfairly jumped on new members switching from the red board after the fiasco over there. Which is why I find this discussion amusing.
I can appreciate your view - and in fact I think that a moderation team is being MOST effective when it appears to the general forum community at large that they don't seem to really be doing anything. But ultimately I disagree.

If you go back a bit - and look in particular for closed threads - you can see that there have been threads where the moderators have stepped in and either calmed things down or cut them off before they got out of hand. It didn't happen often, and as time progressed, the need to do it has happened less and less.

In every large forum in which I've participated (and thats not a small number of forums or themes), the most successful forums in my opinion have run like this. The moderators get involved very very rarely, and for the most part the community at large keeps the forum running on an even keel.

The thing about online forums - largely due in my opinion to the "screen width distance factor" - is that if left to their own devices without any intervention, they will degrade. One or two negative influences act not only directly, but also as a catalyst. Over time, the effect of one or two strongly negative types of posters corrupts the entire community - driving away some, causing others to sink in their level "just a little bit" in response to something, and then just a little more, and a little more.

The job of the moderators is, in my view, to catch those negative influences and contain them, or redirect them. In my experience, 8 or 9 times out of ten, someone with the potential to be extremely destructive to a community turns out, with a gentle nudge by a moderator at the right time, turns out to become one of the communities biggest advocates. Its almost an experiment in behavior modification... (yeah, I'm going thru training a puppy right now so its on my mind a lot).

Once the community gets running in the right direction, the mods need to do less and less because the community itself fosters the environment that it thrives upon.

The moderator's job is to act as a brake or steering mechanism - kicking in only as needed to keep the community on track. Overcontrolling a forum is like overcontrolling an airplane: you get a really unpleasant ride. Having no controls on a forum means that eventually, that forum will dive and crash. Gentle pressure is really all that's needed, 99 percent of the time. :)
SCCutler said:
Having met a good number of y'all, I have yet to meet any jerks.

Me either, but there was this one j-a that screwed me out of $20 last year. :rofl:
gkainz said:
But, like as Frank (IIRC) noted, I don't read the board by forums. I click New Posts and wade down thru by Recent Posts buttons...

I think that was the downfall of the red board. With the board growing so huge the complaints grew concurrently. My unscientific opinion is that most complainers were folks who used that method. I always, from day 'one' would read by forum. I would read hanger talk and I was wondering and mechanics bench regularly. When I was a student I would do left seat right seat regularly, after awhile you grow tired of "Flaps up or flaps down?" A quick check for interesting titles in other forums and I was done.

Hanger talk was enormously popular. This was because pilots are not two dimensional flannel board cut outs. Please remeber that some of those percieved nasty exchanges were between folks who had bantered back and forth for over ten years!!! I guess if you were new you would think these folks were ready to saddle up for a rumble.

Now there is no community at the red board. I can read the FAR's and AIM on my own without having to waste valuable web porn surfing time. :goofy: :hairraise:

gkainz said:
I rarely pay attention to what forum the message is in. However, I already voted, and this ain't Chicago, so I'll just shut up now! :D

Vote early, vote often. Set up a trust and vote when you're dead.
very good point Dart. That's how I always read the boards (this one and that one) and I agree, you wouldn't even see the soapbox threads if you only clicked by forum. I wonder if there was a way to separate the SB threads from the "new threads" link, and how much that would have avoided some of the problems over there.
I voted for the status quo. Personally speaking, I feel that this forum is a great representation of my favorite FBO - Esposito's Flying Service at AQW - in that the banter gets a little hot, but it is just that - banter, and at the end of the day we would go outside and play horseshoes.

I've met a number of the POA (and AOPA) folks and I have never met one bad apple. In fact, I would probably invite most of you over for dinner!




woodstock said:
very good point Dart. That's how I always read the boards (this one and that one) and I agree, you wouldn't even see the soapbox threads if you only clicked by forum. I wonder if there was a way to separate the SB threads from the "new threads" link, and how much that would have avoided some of the problems over there.

Not at all. There are some people are are utterly unable to tolerate the fact that they cannot control others. Even those who click on "new posts" had the option not to click on specific threads. They could have, but it eats at that type of person that someone may be enjoying something without permission.
Well, Joe, you are right to a point - nobody is forcing anyone to read any particular thread. I was thinking of an analogy to illustrate the problem along the lines of sitting in a theater watching a movie and having someone sitting in the theater making all kinds of noise and expecting them to be quiet being sort of the same thing as expecting decent behavior in a forum, but it doesn't really hold up.

But there is the question of the level of behavior a forum wants to allow. If a forum is presented by a professional organization as a mature and professional place to discuss topic, and a new visitor enters the forum and finds flame wars (even in the off topic forum) it does create a particular impression which I suspect that organization would want to avoid. Maybe the better analogy is walking into the grocery store that has a nice, clean, shiny store front, only to find that, of the 8 available aisles, *one* of them is full of rotting food. You can say, "Well just shop in the other 7 aisles" - but that doesn't take the bad smell out of the air or the bad taste from your mouth...

That said, I think they made a mistake in killing the soapbox. Off-topic discussions turn a glorified FAQ into a community. Its their call and I won't criticise them for it, but it isn't the decision I would have perferred to see them make, even though it means more activity for us here.
The reason for the suggested separate forum is that a number of folks have said they don't even want to see the non-aviation topics, but do want all the aviation content, and the "ignore forum" function won't help if Hangar Talk is mixed aviation/non-aviation. Thus, the idea of the separate non-aviation forum.

As for the effect of moderation, I think it's clear that folks know that on PoA, RoC violation will result in immediate action. As a result, folks hardly put even one toe over the line here, so there aren't many violations and not a lot moderation is required. On the "other site" there was (for a long time) either no action or much delayed action, and folks figured they could do whatever they pleased -- and did. As a result, when management attempted to stem the tide, it was like trying to build a levee while the tsunami washed over it.
Greebo said:
Maybe the better analogy is walking into the grocery store that has a nice, clean, shiny store front, only to find that, of the 8 available aisles, *one* of them is full of rotting food. You can say, "Well just shop in the other 7 aisles" - but that doesn't take the bad smell out of the air or the bad taste from your mouth...

Good analogy Greebo, except that I don't completely agree. I believe for some it was more like that one aisle containing...oh, say Chinese food that they didn't like, and just wanted the aisle full of good ol' regular food that they do like. It wasn't that the food was rotten so much as they didn't like the taste. But, what's done is done. I'll not mention anything about the other board here again. I like it here-even with fewer political discussions:eek:- and I want to stay.:)
Ron Levy said:
The reason for the suggested separate forum is that a number of folks have said they don't even want to see the non-aviation topics, but do want all the aviation content, and the "ignore forum" function won't help if Hangar Talk is mixed aviation/non-aviation. Thus, the idea of the separate non-aviation forum.

There is an "ignore forum" function?? Ignore users I've seen but not ignore forums. If so, that would definitely make a difference and much better use for having the off airport forum for a filtering option.
fgcason said:
There is an "ignore forum" function?? Ignore users I've seen but not ignore forums. If so, that would definitely make a difference and much better use for having the off airport forum for a filtering option.
Not yet, no.

If we ever create a forum specifically for non-aviation related topics - even if its a sub-forum for politics only or something like that, then we'll install that modification to allow users to opt out of a forum on the new posts search.

It won't ignore the forum completely - just opt out of new posts.
But, what's done is done. I'll not mention anything about the other board here again. I like it here-even with fewer political discussions:eek:- and I want to stay.:)[/quote]

Agreed. Actually, I registered to protest a stupid "Most wars are the result of religion" post but, ehhh some other time.

I'm just happy to be able to actually converse with other pilots without fear of having my hands slapped with a ruler. I did not come for "past life regression therapy" Ron asked, I answer.

FWIW over the years I've found Ron to be a very tolerant individual. I believe him when he says he put up the poll to comply with his new role as a moderator rather than a personal desire to control.
astanley said:
I voted for the status quo. Personally speaking, I feel that this forum is a great representation of my favorite FBO - Esposito's Flying Service at AQW - in that the banter gets a little hot, but it is just that - banter, and at the end of the day we would go outside and play horseshoes.

I've met a number of the POA (and AOPA) folks and I have never met one bad apple. In fact, I would probably invite most of you over for dinner!





Is that animal carcass and alcoholic intoxicants? OMG....oh wait, I am on the way...LOL
Dart said:
Sorry, food arrive and distracted me. Ill delete the duplicate.

And thanks for the "welcome".
Dang, that means I had to delete my ultra-witty reply.
Greebo said:
Is that tofu?

That better not be tofu.

Cause if thats tofu, you are SO banned!

It is no tofu per say, it is a marianated, BBq'd soy curd product :rofl:

I like tofu but I do not ever think I would want BBQ'd tofu.
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BTW the food thread has been a little stale,

But it is still there.

Sorry about the thread jack, but we can talk baout these things here because it is more of a community and not limited to one topic. That is a good thing and should not be messed with. I think the poll clearly states what the majority of users desire.
Frank Browne said:
Yer not from around here are ya?

Not too from where you live now actually.

I learned to like it after travelling alot to Asia. IT beats the roadkill you sometimes get in developing countries. Done right it can be darn tasty too.
smigaldi said:
It is no tofu per say, it is a marianated, BBq'd soy curd product :rofl:
Hey, I watch Good Eats - I know tofu when I see it!


/me points at the ROC which clearly doesn't mention not posting TOFU pictures.

You're just lucky we haven't finished voting on that ROC point, mister, or you would be SO OUTTA HERE!!!
actually tofu isn't bad. I've been to vegetarian restaurants where it really does taste kinda like chicken. at least if you coat it really well.
Greebo said:
Not yet, no.

If we ever create a forum specifically for non-aviation related topics - even if its a sub-forum for politics only or something like that, then we'll install that modification to allow users to opt out of a forum on the new posts search.

It won't ignore the forum completely - just opt out of new posts.

Ah ok. I didn't think I was completely asleep at the switch since there were discussions about this not being an immediate option a while back.

Hmmm...still thinking. The comment that Lance made yesterday on this subject keeps popping back in my mind regularly:
I think the choice I was really looking for was "Leave it as is for as long as the political threads don't dominate HT and if that starts to happen create a separate forum for politics vs non-aviation/non-political subjects (like motorcycles, boats, kids, sports etc).
The quantity of off aviation topic posts currently isn't excessive or particularly annoying. OTOH putting them in a single bucket now for later reference has it's merits as well. -- Just thinking through the keyboard...
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woodstock said:
actually tofu isn't bad. I've been to vegetarian restaurants where it really does taste kinda like chicken. at least if you coat it really well.

Well I don't want to be banned or anything :P but betwen you an me I prefer tofu to meat, but then I used to be vegitarian too. However, a good BBq pork sandwich is still pretty good, but I cannot stand beef :vomit:
woodstock said:
actually tofu isn't bad. I've been to vegetarian restaurants where it really does taste kinda like chicken. at least if you coat it really well.

I like tofu too ...if there's enough frosting on it.
smigaldi said:
Well I don't want to be banned or anything :P but betwen you an me I prefer tofu to meat, but then I used to be vegitarian too. However, a good BBq pork sandwich is still pretty good, but I cannot stand beef :vomit:

How does it compare to, say, cat?:D
smigaldi said:
Well I don't want to be banned or anything :P but betwen you an me I prefer tofu to meat, but then I used to be vegitarian too. However, a good BBq pork sandwich is still pretty good, but I cannot stand beef :vomit:

Oh man, you just reminded me of an old episode of the Tonight Show. John Denver was the guest host one night and had conversation about vegitatians with a guest. I don't remember who the guest was, but they asked JD if he was a vegitarian. His reply was..."well I'm trying. But it's hard to turn down a good taco" This was right after he had been busted for hash possession. It was the funniest darn thing at the time. Laughed MAO! Or...maybe I only thought it was funny. ;);)
Joe Williams said:
How does it compare to, say, cat?:D
I have never, ever seen cat served anywhere. In Korea there are the mythical dog resturants but I have never seen them although a minority of Koreans still will eat dog, it is mostly frowned upon now.

Probably the stangest stuff I have eaten was a soup that had catapilers in it, they tasted like pencil erasers. Then there is the ubiquetous sea slug, jelly fish, snake, and shark fin products thorughout china, but I'll take a good bowl of noodles over that stuff.

I did get even with some friends in China after they made me eat a bunch of strange stuff the night before. I took them to a new resturant in Beijing and made them all eat rotten milk pie or as we would call it cheese pizza. :rofl:

For meat I will occasionaly eat the 'forbidden' pork or perhaps lamb. I did just have some goat in India and it was ok, sorta like lamb. I'll take fish over meat any day.
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smigaldi said:
. I did just have some goat in India and it was ok,

A guy here at work brought in some BBQ goat once. It was wonderful! Not as strong as beef, but much tastier the turkey or chicken.:yes:
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