[N/A] What's your blood type and how is your relationship with Mosquitos?

O Positive. Mosquitos don't generally bother me too much, unless I'm just in an area thick with them. My wife gets eaten alive. I do like spicier food, but I doubt I consume enough of it to support a scientific theory.
We have a neighbor with purple marten houses…I can’t remember the last time I saw a mosquito near our house.
Back in the 60's and 70's I donated a couple of gallons over the years as a universal donor. One day I got a letter from the Red Cross telling me I had Hepatitis. Checked with my Doc and he said no way after a test and a second one as well. Sent that to the Red Cross and they said I have Hepatitis and we don't care what anybody else says. I offer to donate whenever they say there's a shortage. Always rejected because of a false positive 50 years ago and countless negative blood tests over the years for one thing or another.
Honestly I think think this is a good policy. It's just not worth the risk. It's not really harming you to not take your blood.
I just don't go outside at night. I dip myself in 100% DEET for the night airshows.

If you give blood they'll tell you. I haven't done it for a couple years, but I still refer to the card when I need to know my blood type. Which is never.
Yep, I try to donate every two months when eligible, but stuff comes up, so I end up at 3-4 times a year, so it's easy to remember. Huge blood shortages folks, go donate if you can, it's easy and feels good.
I have the rarest of all...ABO Negative/Positive for me. Ok, not really, O Pos.

In Alaska the mosquitoes could be horrendous, I mean clouds that darken the sun. But their bites just did not bother me, that is no itch. The flies were more bothersome to me.

Here in NM the density altitude must be too much for them, just hardly ever see a mosquito.

Them there is the blood sucking variety here that takes all you have, wants more and does absolutely nothing for you. They call themselves lawyers...
We had a purple martin house and birds in our backyard when I was a kid. I helped my Dad take it down every year to clean it out. They say the same one's come back every year if you keep the house clean in the early spring?

I have to say that one summer a baby bird fell out of the house and our dog went over to sniff it. Those birds started dive bombing our dog after that. They did it all summer long and the next few years in a row. So I do believe the same family of birds come back every year. We had a pool in the backyard and our guests and friends always commented about the birds dive bombing our dog. He didn't seem to care? lol

On another note years ago I tried a Mosquito Magnet that used little CO2 bottles I think? It was expensive to run and didn't work for us.
Get the bird house instead...

Found a old picture of a mosquito magnet, it used a propane tank also that I forgot about. Does anyone use one? and does it work for you?
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A+ and I tend to get bit less than others
Screw the red cross. All they do is take your blood donation and sell it to whoever needs it. Go straight to a hospital
I used to donate. The last time I went there, though, I had an appointment at a time they set, during a work day. I took an early lunch. After sitting there waiting half an hour they finally called me. Then I spent 20 minutes undergoing an interrogation trying to prove who I was, despite the fact that I had been there several times and had my photo ID.

Then the tech managed to blow the vein badly enough that my phlebotomist wife was livid when I got home. They finally got their bag of blood. As I sat drinking my orange juice, someone noticed I was leaking… there was blood running down my arm and several drops were on the tile floor. Holy crap, you’d think I’d just dropped some nuclear waste. Mask, gloves, face shield, spray, cover it with plastic, duct tape it to the floor, write the time and date with a Sharpie. Not exaggerating here.

That was the last time I donated… screw that. They were obviously terrified that I’m some sort of deranged bio-terrorist, so I’ll save them the stress.
Another data point, I'm A+ get eaten alive most places, wife is O- and usually gets left alone.
But their bites just did not bother me, that is no itch. The flies were more bothersome to me.

Here in NM the density altitude must be too much for them, just hardly ever see a mosquito.
The lack of itching is your bodies immune response. Like an allergy. When mosquitoes bite, your body sends histamine to that area. Some people react differently to histamine. They didn't use to itch, but it's gotten bad recently.

I've seen my fair share of mosquitoes in NM after spending 3 weeks in a tent just after monsoon season.
A+ and I get bit plenty. I'd say kind of average though, not really more than most other folks around me. When I'm getting bitten by mosquitos most other folks around are too. I do tend to whelt up and itch more than a lot of folks though. One of my daughters is even worse about that. Don't know her blood type so I have some research to do.

What I have noticed though is that gnats...aka "no-see-ums" drive me insane! Ditto that same daughter

I remember when I was a teen, my dad & I would be out working together, right next to each other, and I'd be going insane from the gnats, but he'd be not bothered even just a little. Happened all the time! Don't think they were going near him. He's also A+ I do believe...
I've seen my fair share of mosquitoes in NM after spending 3 weeks in a tent just after monsoon season.
If I remember correctly you spend time in NE New Mexico where they also have things called trees...and please keep the skeeters in your side of NM... :lol:
A+ and I don't get bit.

Well maybe I do, but growing up in the Everglades I guess I've developed a tolerance to their spit. And yeah, I also eat very spicy food. I'll occasionally put eggs on my hot sauce.
A+ but it's more about diet, than blood type.

If you don't feel like changing your diet or taking a DEET bath like Jim, Bounce dryer sheets stuffed in a hat or sleeves keeps them and other bities at bay.

Avon skin so soft works and makes me smell less manly ... :biggrin:
If I remember correctly you spend time in NE New Mexico where they also have things called trees...and please keep the skeeters in your side of NM... :lol:
Just east of Abiquiu. Yes lots of trees on the north slopes. First time out there I hunted unit 10. Stayed in Grants, but was hunting the Cibola National Forest. I do recall trees.
Back in the 60's and 70's I donated a couple of gallons over the years as a universal donor. One day I got a letter from the Red Cross telling me I had Hepatitis. Checked with my Doc and he said no way after a test and a second one as well. Sent that to the Red Cross and they said I have Hepatitis and we don't care what anybody else says. I offer to donate whenever they say there's a shortage. Always rejected because of a false positive 50 years ago and countless negative blood tests over the years for one thing or another.
I was a religious donor because I'm O-, universal donor. I was so popular that I would get calls as soon as my eligibility returned (8 weeks after previous donation) begging me to donate again. Then one day I was rejected because I had spent more than a cumulative total of 3 months in the UK. They were worried about mad cow (=Jakob Kreuzfeld disease in humans). I immediately sought information on such cases and found one highly questionable case. I kept monitoring over the years, and there was only ever that one highly questionable case. Then recently the Red Cross dropped that exclusion, so I'm going to be back to donating again, but I thought it was kind of sad that they lost out on what probably would have been 3-4 gallons of O- blood by now.

The really ironic thing is that I ate British beef exactly once and well before mad cow became a thing. I hated it. If you're raised on western US beef, as I was, British beef tastes awful. I fell in love with Asian Indian food, which is abundant in the UK and wonderful and never ate British beef again (Indians don't eat beef).
But their bites, er saws & hypodermics really, don’t bother me, probably skin too thick lol
Zeldman few mosquitoes due to aridity, vs altitude.
No one is going to give you blood based on your saying what type you are, they will test you first.
I think there are enough data here to indicate that blood type and mosquito attractiveness are unrelated.
I have O+. When I lived in KS, my older brother got a lot more bites than I did. He ate a lot of bananas, I didn't.

Skeeters didn't bother me much in So CA, nor Silicon Valley, but it's pretty dry there and essentially no standing water.

I'm in CO now, near the front range, and it's really dry here, probably half the CA humidity, and 1/4 KS's. So very few mosquitoes, and I eat a lot of bananas now.
How do people remember their blood type? I got surgery 10 years ago and knew it then but now, not so much. I’m positive I have blood. That’s about it. Also, I drink beer and mosquitos love me.
It’s on their “dog tags”.
Screw the red cross. All they do is take your blood donation and sell it to whoever needs it. Go straight to a hospital
There are a lot of hospitals that do not have blood donor centers. Most hospital transfusion services buy donor units from the American Red Cross. Please continue to donate, especially platelets.
5 gallon donor here....I do power red every chance I can get. And he sceeters do bite me in addition to that.... ;)
A+ as well. Get eaten alive. Most noticeably if I've had a beer or two at the right time of night outside. I'm also probably mildly allergic, as they turn into unsightly welts for the first 24-48 hrs. Oh well. And I eat a ton of spicy food, doesn't seem to matter to them.
A+ and mosquitoes don't like me. But I think it's more about diet than blood type, something like the smell of your skin. That's why alcohol makes them more likely to bite, as your body sweats out the alcohol, it changes how you smell.