My new vice


Taxi to Parking
Feb 6, 2007
Land of Savages
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Last week, after teaching Origami to elementary school kids for a few hours, I had the pleasure of driving up to Cleveland to visit family. During my fuel stop I bought an energy drink, and by the time I hit Cleveland I was sufficiently reenergized to do all the talking, a prerequisite with that branch of the family. While grocery shopping this morning I bought a Red Bull, and upon coming home cleaned the kitchen, pulled out and cleaned behind the fridge, washed the steps leading to my basement, mopped the floor of my office, scrubbed the bathtub, and cleaned both bathrooms. I just came home from Costco with a pallet of these things. Me like. So does Mrs. Steingar.
While grocery shopping this morning I bought a Red Bull, and upon coming home cleaned the kitchen, pulled out and cleaned behind the fridge, washed the steps leading to my basement, mopped the floor of my office, scrubbed the bathtub, and cleaned both bathrooms. I just came home from Costco with a pallet of these things. Me like. So does Mrs. Steingar.

Come to my place and I'll buy you all the Red Bull you want - but I've got a few errands you'll need to do in exchange....
A number of years ago a customer specifically asked for Red Bull so we bought some. I took one of the leftover cans home and it its still in my refrigerator. Does it go bad? :D
Some of the most vile stuff I've ever tasted. Those energy drinks are all caffine and sugar blech. One called 5 hour energy is advertising like crazy here don't know what that ones all about.
Sorry to hear that.

(That stuff tastes disgusting, costs a fortune, is really bad for you, and will almost certainly cause your AME to raise his eyebrows at your next medical.)
Yeah, the stuff does taste really vile (would mix well with vodka) but doesn't hold a patch on coffee, which is the nastiest thing I've ever tasted. It is full of sugar, but I figure 200 calories a week will not in and of itself make me fat, especially since there are no long chain fatty acids.

Fortunately, no genetic predisposition to heart problems, and I don't think I've lost sufficient horizontal control to create any.
Yeah, the stuff does taste really vile (would mix well with vodka)

Hah! That's the last way I had any was during the last Packers-Bears game (NFC championship). I headed on over to the ol' fraternity house and they were doing "Packer shots" for every touchdown. One shot glass full of lime vodka (green) dropped into a mug containing about a cup of Monster (gold) and slammed.

It was actually the most tolerable way I've ever consumed the stuff. Especially after the first couple. ;)
When we landed in Wisconsin for the Cherokee formation flight they gave us "Yaeger bombs" a mixture of Yaeger-meister and energy drink. I thought it a waste of perfectly good Yaeger-meister.
My warning: They are unbelievably addicting. You will get to the point where you can't even operate without drinking multiple ones all day. And kicking them is harder than quitting smoking (at least it was for me).

But they sure do work until you get addicted (was drinking 5 Amp Intense Cherry at my low point).
When we landed in Wisconsin for the Cherokee formation flight they gave us "Yaeger bombs" a mixture of Yaeger-meister and energy drink. I thought it a waste of perfectly good Yaeger-meister.

At least they know how to spell Jägermeister in Wisconsin. ;)

(NSFW, Language)
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Go read the tiny print listing what Red Bull is made of. You really won't want to drink another one.
Kent: I'm starting to think I'm a transplanted Wisconsinite.

Vodka + Redbull fine. You end up a very alert drunk.
Old-Fashioned... fine with me.
Jaegermeister... the only time you'll see anything that tastes like black licorice passing my lips. And it's just fine.

The only benefit to being in Colorado? It only takes two of any of the above to be really messed up if you wander up to a ski area at around 10,000 MSL first. And people wonder why they see folks jumping out of hot tubs into snow banks up there. :)

Down here at 6,000 MSL is where we teach high-altitude drinking to the flat-landers... if you haven't been here for a few months, don't try to keep up, or it's going to hurt a lot more than usual the next morning!

What's real fun, is taking them shooting the next morning. Even with the headphones on, they still kinda wince at every shot. I have no idea why. ;)
Kent: I'm starting to think I'm a transplanted Wisconsinite.

Hey, c'mon over. We'll take ya in, as long as ya cheer for da Pack, eh?

Old-Fashioned... fine with me.

Wow. I didn't think anyone outside Wisconsin even knew what one was. It's kind of like asking people from outside Wisconsin if they know how to play Sheepshead.
It's kind of like asking people from outside Wisconsin if they know how to play Sheepshead.

(Blink, blink... dumbfounded stare... questioning look...)

There's only one problem...

(And what I was actually looking for was the sound of Zorack blinking... but when I saw that, it just had to be used in this thread. LOL!)
(Blink, blink... dumbfounded stare... questioning look...)

Here you go...

Go ahead, try to make sense of it. :crazy:

Now, toss back a few biers and try again. And none o' that wimpy-ass "Curz Light" stuff they call "beer." :nono:

Starting to make more sense now, isn't it? :ihih:

If you're still having a bit of trouble with it, well, you know what to do. :cheers:

Now try again... :goofy:

If you think the rules are bad - The strategy is way worse. I've been playing Sheepshead for over a decade, but I know some guys who can pick on two red jacks and whup my ass. I try not to play them for money. I once was part of a game (on the winning side, thankfully) where we were playing nickels and we beat this poor girl (who was herself a pretty experienced player) so bad she had to pay out $12.00 on one hand (a normal loss on a nickel game will cost you a dime).

Maybe I'll have to do a sheepshead clinic at OSH next year. :D
but I figure 200 calories a week will not in and of itself make me fat

I had a couple of zingers I was going to toss in, but I think I will get scientific instead...

There was a question asked at a conference that went (paraphrased) 'how much extra food does a normal weight person, one who's weight is stable, have to ingest to begin gaining weight?'
The professor did not know so he got a grant to study this... The study was very interesting... Long answer, very short, was just one extra slice of bread per day!

I agree that 200 calories extra per week, is not much especially if it causes extra physical activity... But the resulting rise in blood pressure may shorten your life by more than what the extra slices of bread will...

After all this talk about Red Bull I opened the can in my refrigerator after 5+ years and agree that it its pretty bad tasting, at least to me. I only took a swallow and dumped the rest. But I noticed that it's 110 calories for a can, which is not unexpected, but that would only be two cans to get up to the allotted 200 calories/week. I'll take my extra 200 calories in another form...
My warning: They are unbelievably addicting. You will get to the point where you can't even operate without drinking multiple ones all day. And kicking them is harder than quitting smoking (at least it was for me).

My one and only worry about the whole thing. I've never been addicted to anything else, but there's a first time for everything.
Here you go...

Go ahead, try to make sense of it. :crazy:

Now, toss back a few biers and try again. And none o' that wimpy-ass "Curz Light" stuff they call "beer." :nono:

Starting to make more sense now, isn't it? :ihih:

If you're still having a bit of trouble with it, well, you know what to do. :cheers:

Now try again... :goofy:

If you think the rules are bad - The strategy is way worse. I've been playing Sheepshead for over a decade, but I know some guys who can pick on two red jacks and whup my ass. I try not to play them for money. I once was part of a game (on the winning side, thankfully) where we were playing nickels and we beat this poor girl (who was herself a pretty experienced player) so bad she had to pay out $12.00 on one hand (a normal loss on a nickel game will cost you a dime).

Maybe I'll have to do a sheepshead clinic at OSH next year. :D

Wow, that's nuts. But I'm German heritage, so maybe I should learn.

If you want to practice online, you can play without downloading any software at Yahoo's UK site:
Here it's Euchre, which seems like a regional variant. I've not seen anyone elsewhere indulge in the game. Somewhat more straightforward than that Wisconsin thing.
What about "5-Hour Energy"?
After all this talk about Red Bull I opened the can in my refrigerator after 5+ years and agree that it its pretty bad tasting, at least to me. I only took a swallow and dumped the rest. But I noticed that it's 110 calories for a can, which is not unexpected, but that would only be two cans to get up to the allotted 200 calories/week. I'll take my extra 200 calories in another form...
blueberry cheesecake
After all this talk about Red Bull I opened the can in my refrigerator after 5+ years and agree that it its pretty bad tasting, at least to me. I only took a swallow and dumped the rest. But I noticed that it's 110 calories for a can, which is not unexpected, but that would only be two cans to get up to the allotted 200 calories/week. I'll take my extra 200 calories in another form...

They make a sugar-free version which tastes just as bad but won't contribute as much to weight gain and risking diabetes. ;)

If I felt compelled to drink any of these things I would have always picked Red Bull, just 'cause I'd vote with my dollars for the company that sponsored Air racing... But since they've dropped the races, it's now a moot point.

The really dangerous one is Four Loko. It's attributed to be what a number of college kids who've died of alchohol poisoning were drinking at the time. Very nasty stuff. I've never even seen it for sale (nor tried it or been interested in doing so) and many States have started to ban sales of it.
Redbull still sponsors their air force- mostly skydiving/base/paraglider stunts. I don't find the stuff addicting but I only drink the stuff on occasion when good coffee is unavailable or has stopped working. I guess I should skip Redbull and get a provigil script.:rolleyes2:
An extra 3000 calories equals a pound. So if you're looking at that 1-2 pound/week loss tht's 3K-6K caloric intake to reduce and/or exercise. Somehow, you need to eliminate those calories. If you want that RedB*ll or cheesecake or whatever, you better trade it for the same calories somewhere else.
What about "5-Hour Energy"?

It works great, tastes HORRIBLE (thank god they're small). Basically a shot of filth in your mouth, takes about 10 minutes to kick in, and then there's no "Amped" feeling, no "jittery" feeling, just a mellow energy to help you stay up.

The "no crash later" part is bs. You crash, and you crash hard just like with every energy drink.
Just get some soda and dissolve a nodoz pill in it for the same effect.
But now I stick with coffee ;) Good coffee - life is short.

Amen to that. My wife got me a Saeco superautomatic machine a few years ago that makes a perfect espresso. I buy pure Kona at about $22/lb for it and every morning make an espresso about the size of a soup bowl (8 shots). You'd have to use jumper cables off your car battery to start your day better than that!

Red Bull tastes like some nasty expired cough syrup with a little carbonation and it's expensive as hell. Way more expense than my Kona fix.
Vodka redbull hangovers are the worst. You end up drinking too much because it tastes very good, but you can't sleep because you are so wired. Not fun at all.