My new vice

Wow, that's nuts. But I'm German heritage, so maybe I should learn.

If you want to practice online, you can play without downloading any software at Yahoo's UK site:

Yup - It's on the US Yahoo Games site too. It's really funny, often people will say "So where's everyone from?" And the answers will be Wautoma, Chippewa Falls, Milwaukee, De Pere, and "I live in Arizona, but I grew up in Stevens Point." :rofl: It really is a Wisconsin thing!

Here it's Euchre, which seems like a regional variant. I've not seen anyone elsewhere indulge in the game. Somewhat more straightforward than that Wisconsin thing.

Actually, Euchre is played in Wisconsin too. In fact, I would guess that a lot more Wisconsinites play Euchre than Sheepshead.
Vodka redbull hangovers are the worst. You end up drinking too much because it tastes very good, but you can't sleep because you are so wired. Not fun at all.

Additionally, you can do more stupid stuff because you've lost your inhibition AND you have lots of energy.

Reference: Tony and Leah's wedding.
The really dangerous one is Four Loko. It's attributed to be what a number of college kids who've died of alchohol poisoning were drinking at the time. Very nasty stuff. I've never even seen it for sale (nor tried it or been interested in doing so) and many States have started to ban sales of it.

The drink was banned nationally by the FDA, in a move I thought was nanny-state foolishness. Idiot kids die of all sorts of things, doesn't mean they should be banned. Using that logic we'd have not motorized transportation, alcoholic beverages, or bodies of open water.

The day the FDA banner it I bought a bottle of Four Loco. It was truly vile, but you stop noticing in a big hurry. I really did think it an idiot move by the FDA. The stuff had caffeine and alcohol, two of the basic food groups.
Never tried four loco but the banning of it is asinine, what's next Irish Coffee?
The drink was banned nationally by the FDA, in a move I thought was nanny-state foolishness. Idiot kids die of all sorts of things, doesn't mean they should be banned. Using that logic we'd have not motorized transportation, alcoholic beverages, or bodies of open water.

The day the FDA banner it I bought a bottle of Four Loco. It was truly vile, but you stop noticing in a big hurry. I really did think it an idiot move by the FDA. The stuff had caffeine and alcohol, two of the basic food groups.
Additionally, you can do more stupid stuff because you've lost your inhibition AND you have lots of energy.

Reference: Tony and Leah's wedding.

Well, that's awfully rude. Even if he was drinking red bull and vodka I'm sure it is a match made in heaven.

Well, that's awfully rude. Even if he was drinking red bull and vodka I'm sure it is a match made in heaven.


Hmm. You know, I suppose that inside joke really only makes sense to those who were there.
Well for one you missed us conning the hotel staff into letting us into the private locked gift room so we could eat your wedding cake.
that cake was really good, but we still had plenty of left overs
I know this will be an unpopular post, and I love coffee as much as anyone, but if you really want energy, kick all of the caffeine. In about 2 weeks, maybe 3, you will have the same energy level that you now have when you are caffeinated, your mood will be more consistent and your thinking more clear. One of the best and simplest things I have ever done.

Now, feel free to ignore me!


You're right, but that won't stop me.

I stopped drinking coffee for a while, and that (along with consistent exercise) really was good.

I fell off of the wagon, though.
when i was in college i quit all caffeine intake during the semester. then during finals week if i needed a boost one dr. pepper would keep me awake for hours...
I've quit coffee/caffeine before... but the aroma, warmth and taste on a cold winter morning always brings me back. I'll probally quit in the spring agian. Makes the taste of good coffee in the fall just so much better.
i prefer hot cocoa when its cold out

i only have coffee once a week max, when(if) i make it down to breakfast with the CAF Geezers on saturday morning.
i prefer hot cocoa when its cold out

I like hot cocoa but it's too creamy and sweet really early in the morning and I miss the flavor of coffee too much with green tea. :dunno: Only thing I seem to like as much as coffee is hot spice dark unpasturized apple cidar in the fall. We all have out weeknesses.
eww, hot apple cider. i much prefer it cold
Just got done cleaning and polishing every bit of wood in my kitchen, which is quite a lot, since in addition to the usual cabinets and such, we have two capacious pantries the reach from the floor to the ceiling. Didn't get Red Bull though, I don't need to pay extra to fund that guy's toy collection. He did fund an Origami show, though...
Didn't get Red Bull though, I don't need to pay extra to fund that guy's toy collection.

If I was going to drink energy drinks, I would buy Red Bull just BECAUSE of the toy collection! I want to fund more! (Of course, the Red Bull Air Races brought GA to a LOT of people, and that helicopter is just coooooool, and... and...)

I must admit I'm chuckling at their ads these days, though. "Red Bull gives you wings!" ??? Well, it obviously gives SOMEBODY wings! :D
Red Bull + Grey Goose = lowered inhibitions + the energy to do something with it. Bad juju.
Another yesterday. Cleaned the house, did the grocery shoping and made rigatoni (from scratch) and brownies (from a mix). Made dinner as well. That was all after devlivering watches to my watchmaker.
And another on Sunday. Went to the grand opening of Menards, bought plants for the yard, planted them, edged all the walkways, tried to install new deadbolt, found parts missing, replaced with other new deadbolt, found manufactured wrong (screws don't fit). Gave up and cooked black beans for dinner. Would have made biscuits, but we were out of butter, eggs, and milk.
You make your biscuits with eggs?
I just do flour, milk, butter, leavening, and some salt.

To touch on other things in this thread.

Vodka + energy drinks = Insta-Vomit Ed. I'm not talking drinking 3, 4, or 10 of them. I was at a bar in Milwaukee after a Brewer's game and had one sip, and I immediately had to go outside and lean against the building, and go through the whole pre-barf belch. Dinner stayed down, but I will never, ever have any of that again. Went back in and started drinking...

Old-Fashioneds. Best. Drink. EVAR! I can put away a dozen of these.

Euchre - it's a requirement to know how to play this to be a citizen of the state of Michigan.

I've actually cut out soda from my diet. Went cold turkey at the end of February. Since then I've only had 1 can of Cherry Coke, and a less than a bottle of Coca Cola. I had a headache for about 3 weeks (probably from caffeine withdrawal) but haven't noticed any increase in energy or weight loss since quitting.
I'd be embarrassed to be from Ohio, too.
We got the wonderful Upper Peninsula, you got......Toledo. I wouldn't say too much on not knowing better.