My new vice

Neither Michigan nor Ohio are places I would want to live.

There, problem solved. But y'all stay there, I like the fact that I don't have too many neighbors here in Pennsyltucky. :D
But Michigan isn't even that.

Meh. I'm not from either so I have no particular bias, but Ohio is one of the last places I'd ever want to visit or live. (It is higher on the list than the ridiculously-expensive places like NYC, CA, MA, etc, but that's about all.)

Michigan, OTOH, I could do... Just not near Detroit.

Only thing Ohio has that's better than Michigan is the roads. Michigan's roads suck.
We got lotsa airports,

with all too little going on at most of them:mad2:

That's all well and good, but I wouldn't trot it out when comparing with Michigan:

* Michigan has 223 airports, Ohio has 158.
* Michigan's population is lower, so Michigan has more airports per capita as well.
Hence my last line. Even the alphabet soups help get airports sold off here
The roads in southeast Ohio are unbelievably fun. I go fast on them on my sportbike.
The roads in southeast Ohio are unbelievably fun. I go fast on them on my sportbike.

That I can not argue against. It's hard to find any real twisties around here.
After setting up our tent at 7:30 am for the Asian Festival and teaching Origami for a couple hours, I went home, cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen, mowed the lawn, put together the weedwacker, cut down the grass and stuff missed by the mower, went back to the Asian festival and taught Origami until early evening.
A two energy-drink weekend! Saturday, cleaned up the yard from all the leaves and black walnuts, then spend the rest of the day and evening prepping my deck for paint. Nothing like spending all day chipping paint.

Sunday chip some more paint then paint the deck, two coats.
Neither Michigan nor Ohio are places I would want to live.

There, problem solved. But y'all stay there, I like the fact that I don't have too many neighbors here in Pennsyltucky. :D

Plus you can have guns!

Hey, how about you come on down my way? I'll supply all the energy drinks you can hold, plus arrange for weather that's guaranteed to be better than Ohio's, and even throw in a perfectly acceptable dinner. All you have to do is drink that Red Bull-- and wash my windows. And weed the flower beds. And figure out how to work the vacuum cleaner... Hey, have another Red Bull? There's the lawn mower....
A two energy-drink weekend! Saturday, cleaned up the yard from all the leaves and black walnuts, then spend the rest of the day and evening prepping my deck for paint. Nothing like spending all day chipping paint.

Sunday chip some more paint then paint the deck, two coats.
The paint on my deck is starting to look less than stellar, now that you're an expert, perhaps you should come down and knock mine out too? It's not very big:

I'll supply all the energy drinks you need.
yea my porch needs a coat of sealant before winter too...
The paint on my deck is starting to look less than stellar, now that you're an expert, perhaps you should come down and knock mine out too? It's not very big:

I'll supply all the energy drinks you need.

I thought that's what you moved Dani up there for.
Hey, how about you come on down my way? I'll supply all the energy drinks you can hold, plus arrange for weather that's guaranteed to be better than Ohio's, and even throw in a perfectly acceptable dinner. All you have to do is drink that Red Bull-- and wash my windows. And weed the flower beds. And figure out how to work the vacuum cleaner... Hey, have another Red Bull? There's the lawn mower....

Pay my travel costs to fly down there and I might even take you up on it.
Sounds like you should have figured that one out before the trip to Louisiana.
What the hell are you talking about? You think I give a **** if she paints or not? I'd rather her be happy. I don't like painting either - hence why my house is all one color inside.
What the hell are you talking about? You think I give a **** if she paints or not? I'd rather her be happy. I don't like painting either - hence why my house is all one color inside.

Chill out. Be cool. Just a joke.
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Just kidding....:rolleyes:I never expect my guests to wash windows or do other chores... I expect them to ignore the fact that I didn't do them, either.
Just kidding....:rolleyes:I never expect my guests to wash windows or do other chores... I expect them to ignore the fact that I didn't do them, either.

Aww, darn. And here I thought I was going to con someone into paying my fuel bill to fly to North Carolina. Next time...
Think "Next time" long about mid-February-- when it's 65* here, light breeze, sunshine, Quince and Forsythia in full bloom. (I served 20 years of hard time in NE Ohio. Good people, and much to recommend it ---in May and September.)
Couldn't fly VFR to North Caronlina in mid-February, at least not if I wanted to return in a timely fashion. Not tempted, thanks. Besides, who washes windows in February?
Wow. I didn't think anyone outside Wisconsin even knew what one was. It's kind of like asking people from outside Wisconsin if they know how to play Sheepshead.

I know what an old fashioned is. I found out in a log cabin in the snow. My BF's grandma rang the bell (triangle, hanging from the deck) for "cocktail hour" which is exactly 4pm. She muddled some stuff, grabbed bitters (what's that?) and then I tried it.

Couldn't fly VFR to North Caronlina in mid-February, at least not if I wanted to return in a timely fashion. Not tempted, thanks. Besides, who washes windows in February?

Yeah but you could fly vfr in north carolina mid febuary!
A two energy-drink weekend! Saturday, cleaned up the yard from all the leaves and black walnuts, then spend the rest of the day and evening prepping my deck for paint. Nothing like spending all day chipping paint.

Sunday chip some more paint then paint the deck, two coats.

Yeah, that's how it always starts, next thing you know you be robbing the Quicky Mart for RedBull....
Yeah, that's how it always starts, next thing you know you be robbing the Quicky Mart for RedBull....

I was actually fairly concerned about that, to be honest, I can easily see why people get hooked on stimulants. But if you'll notice, this thread started in February. I still only drink one of those things when I have buku work to do around the house, indeed, this was my first two-drink weekend ever. I'm just about out of the things (picked up a case at Costco long ago) and have told Mrs. Steingar she's purchasing the next load, since she sees most of the benefits.
You guys got me in big trouble.... I'm type 2 diabetic, and control it with diet, I test blood sugar every morning and When I am a good guy and lay off the sugar stuff I love like Ice cream, I test in the low 90s, I drank one Red Bull last Friday expecting to have a busy day. I felt half sick all after noon and the next blood test I was 115. WOW I have never tested that high, Saturday morning I still tested 105, Sunday I tested 97. Today I'm back to normal 93.

I can't believe that every post in this thread (okay, so I didn't read EVERY post) is in response to Red Bull and that nobody has asked about the FIRST sentence in Steinie's original post! (I'd put a hair raise emoticon here, but I don't think I can with Tapatalk).
I just discovered that stuff a few months ago, the five hour kind. I was really dragging that morning so I tried a bottle, it worked great. I made the mistake a few weeks later of taking one around five in the afternoon. I played hell getting to sleep that night, and needed another one the next morning to get through my day.

Now I just keep a couple around for when I really need them, which is about every other week or so.

They do work.

Be careful with the redbull. Theyll give you a case of kidney stones. A pain that is said comparable to giving birth.
I can't believe that every post in this thread (okay, so I didn't read EVERY post) is in response to Red Bull and that nobody has asked about the FIRST sentence in Steinie's original post! (I'd put a hair raise emoticon here, but I don't think I can with Tapatalk).

Last week, after teaching Origami to elementary school kids for a few hours, I had the pleasure of driving up to Cleveland to visit family.

This is the first sentence in the original post. Nt certain to what anyone would respond. Actually, I've been drinking Monster, not Red Bull. Monster is far less expensive and has the same quantity of caffeine. The bad news is I'm starting to like the stuff, despite how vile it tastes. Same as coffee, I imagine.