My new vice

Be careful with the redbull. Theyll give you a case of kidney stones. A pain that is said comparable to giving birth.

Why would Red Bull cause kidney stones? Is there that much calcium? I do live in fear of the things, and drink copious quantities of fluids to forestall their arrival.
This is the first sentence in the original post. Nt certain to what anyone would respond. Actually, I've been drinking Monster, not Red Bull. Monster is far less expensive and has the same quantity of caffeine. The bad news is I'm starting to like the stuff, despite how vile it tastes. Same as coffee, I imagine.

I just have this image in my head of someone teaching Origami to elementary school children after having a Monster or Red Bull. Then my mind ran to "perhaps it was teaching Origami to elementary school kids that caused the NEED for the energy drink.". Then I thought, what if all the KIDS drank a Monster before practicing Origami.

Just seemed like such a fertile comedic garden to plow!!
I just have this image in my head of someone teaching Origami to elementary school children after having a Monster or Red Bull. Then my mind ran to "perhaps it was teaching Origami to elementary school kids that caused the NEED for the energy drink.". Then I thought, what if all the KIDS drank a Monster before practicing Origami.

Just seemed like such a fertile comedic garden to plow!!

The Monster came after, not before teaching the kids. The idea is that I am quite theatrical teaching, and get tired after. Add a 3 hour drive, and even more tired I get. Add an energy drink into the drive, and I arrive at my brother's house ready to deal with the kids.
Wow. I didn't think anyone outside Wisconsin even knew what one was. It's kind of like asking people from outside Wisconsin if they know how to play Sheepshead.

Sheepshead! Being born and raised in Wisconsin, we played that game incessantly from age 8 on up. Haven't thought of it in many years, as no one in Iowa or Texas has ever heard of it...

Mmmmm....and Old Fashions. Brandy, or better yet, Southern Comfort old-fashioned, sweet. Deadly/tasty...
I was actually fairly concerned about that, to be honest, I can easily see why people get hooked on stimulants. But if you'll notice, this thread started in February. I still only drink one of those things when I have buku work to do around the house, indeed, this was my first two-drink weekend ever. I'm just about out of the things (picked up a case at Costco long ago) and have told Mrs. Steingar she's purchasing the next load, since she sees most of the benefits.

Sure, it starts slowly, but the downward slide begins....

You guys got me in big trouble.... I'm type 2 diabetic, and control it with diet, I test blood sugar every morning and When I am a good guy and lay off the sugar stuff I love like Ice cream, I test in the low 90s, I drank one Red Bull last Friday expecting to have a busy day. I felt half sick all after noon and the next blood test I was 115. WOW I have never tested that high, Saturday morning I still tested 105, Sunday I tested 97. Today I'm back to normal 93.


None of these drinks are particularly good for a healthy person, a person with an already stressed system should not be using them.
Why would Red Bull cause kidney stones? Is there that much calcium? I do live in fear of the things, and drink copious quantities of fluids to forestall their arrival.

It's not just about calcium alone, but also the bodies ability to absorb it.
A number of years ago a customer specifically asked for Red Bull so we bought some. I took one of the leftover cans home and it its still in my refrigerator. Does it go bad? :D
No, it does not go bad. It starts out bad. It may get worse, I don't know.
I know this will be an unpopular post, and I love coffee as much as anyone, but if you really want energy, kick all of the caffeine. In about 2 weeks, maybe 3, you will have the same energy level that you now have when you are caffeinated, your mood will be more consistent and your thinking more clear. One of the best and simplest things I have ever done.
I don't drink my coffee for the caffeine. Well, not after the first cup in teh morning anyway. I drink my coffee because I freakin' love my coffee. It helps to have a machine that will make really really good coffee.
It's not just about calcium alone, but also the bodies ability to absorb it.

How does an energy drink increase the ability to absorb calcium ions? The caffeine itself is a vasoconstrictor. Their isn't that much else to it, other than stuff found in other beverages. I am just not seeing a mechanism.
The Monster came after, not before teaching the kids. The idea is that I am quite theatrical teaching, and get tired after. Add a 3 hour drive, and even more tired I get. Add an energy drink into the drive, and I arrive at my brother's house ready to deal with the kids.

Yes, yes. I understood the original order. It's just that my brain read a matrix of Steingar-school children-origami-energy drink and quickly ran through all permutations thereof, some of which were hilarious.

Although originally I DID think that the "other house" might be in-laws. In which case I would say, "Give me a Red Bull and Vodka. Hold the Red Bull."
I bought a Four-Loco the day the FDA banned them. I decided to drink it at the holiday party taking place at my house. I opened it up shortly before everyone arrived, about 1:00 pm. I was in motion constantly from about 7:00 in the morning until the last of my guests left, about 9:00 that night. I imagine I was several sheets to the wind (24 oz. of 14% alchohol!), though I did manage all the cooking I had set out to do, and no one, not even Mrs. Steingar, complained. It was at that point that I decided these energy drinks could indeed be a good thing.

I really miss Four Loco.
Why would Red Bull cause kidney stones? Is there that much calcium? I do live in fear of the things, and drink copious quantities of fluids to forestall their arrival.

My understanding is that the vitamin B6 is the culprit. Too much of it over a long period of time can cause stones. The thing is that in the right dosage it actually helps prevent them. Suffice it to say, redbull does not have the right dosage.
I think that if youre drinking a lot of water to go with it thats the key. Hydration is so overlooked. I had a pretty severe dehydration problem which stemmed from too much coffee and exercise without drinking enough water. When I went to an accupuncturist for my allergies she said I was so dehydrated that my kidneys were putting out about 1/3 of what they should. This was affecting my liver which was picking up the slack for the kidneys and affecting my metabolism, energy level, giving me headaches and so forth. I was also at a high risk for stones. The idea of stones made me begin to drinking what I would consider to be too much water for anyone and the difference I feel is like night and day.
My understanding is that the vitamin B6 is the culprit. Too much of it over a long period of time can cause stones. The thing is that in the right dosage it actually helps prevent them. Suffice it to say, redbull does not have the right dosage.

If the energy drink is all you drink, that kidney stones will be the least of your health problems. If you consume more liquids than just the energy drinks, your level of B6 will be whatever it is.

I think that if youre drinking a lot of water to go with it thats the key. Hydration is so overlooked. I had a pretty severe dehydration problem which stemmed from too much coffee and exercise without drinking enough water.

If you drank nothing other than coffee, unless you were drinking inhuman amounts you were not imbibing sufficient liquid. That in and of itself can put one at risk for numerous health problems, among them kidney stones.

When I went to an accupuncturist for my allergies she said I was so dehydrated that my kidneys were putting out about 1/3 of what they should. This was affecting my liver which was picking up the slack for the kidneys and affecting my metabolism, energy level, giving me headaches and so forth. I was also at a high risk for stones. The idea of stones made me begin to drinking what I would consider to be too much water for anyone and the difference I feel is like night and day.

An accupuncturist is unlikely to be able to cure allergies, nor able to document any physiological dysfunction with any accuracy. You should try seeing real doctors some time. Seriously.

You can drink too much water, but it isn't easy. You can easily drink too little.
You guys got me in big trouble.... I'm type 2 diabetic, and control it with diet, I test blood sugar every morning and When I am a good guy and lay off the sugar stuff I love like Ice cream, I test in the low 90s, I drank one Red Bull last Friday expecting to have a busy day. I felt half sick all after noon and the next blood test I was 115. WOW I have never tested that high, Saturday morning I still tested 105, Sunday I tested 97. Today I'm back to normal 93.


They have a sugar free version I thought?
I suppose I should update this, I did switch to the 5-hour energy thingies after having one at Adam's do in Philly. Vile little things, but little. One a week or less, to do big-time chores. Not quite as jittery as the Monster, though I miss the Monster.
Neither Michigan nor Ohio are places I would want to live.

There, problem solved. But y'all stay there, I like the fact that I don't have too many neighbors here in Pennsyltucky. :D

LOL. Don't you live in Ohio now?
Ive resorted to red bull on a few occassions when i got up early before a test to do last minute studying. If nothing else the taste alone wakes me up. It does work though